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Thanks pards.... What a bloody awesome posse of pards you all are. 

Just had a brain MRI (they said they could find my brain..... So that's good news :)) 


This what I was diagnosed I have the ocular symptoms, had it for around 3 years now and get a 6 hour IV/IG infusion once a month and everything has been pretty normal and life is 99.999% (had 38 of them so far) except this time... Doc is hoping this resets me and I go back into remission I did speak with  SASS pard on here a few years ago that also has MG but unfortunately I've forgotten his name and lost his PM's - 


Myasthenia Gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disease that causes muscle weakness:
What it is
MG is a chronic disease that occurs when the body's immune system attacks the communication system between nerves and muscles. This results in the muscles becoming weak and easily tired.
Symptoms include:
Droopy eyelids
Double vision
Weakness in the neck and jaws
Difficulty chewing, swallowing, and holding up the head
Shortness of breath
The exact cause of MG is unknown, but it's linked to issues with the thymus gland, which is part of the immune system. Many people with MG have a thymus gland that's larger than normal.
There's no cure for MG, but treatments can help manage symptoms. Treatments include:
Lifestyle changes
Anti-acetylcholinesterase agents
Intravenous IV/IG immunoglobulin monthly by infusion
Surgical thymectomy
MG can affect people of any age, race, or gender, but it's more common in young women and men over 50. Most people with MG are able to manage their symptoms and lead active lives

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Thoughts and Prayers that you get this under control and into remission mate. Seems it's always something these days. But good they were able to find your brain! You'll need it to remember all the big words they throw at ya. Sending hugs, but you'll have to collect them from Jen!

E & E

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Well hope you get it all figured out quick and feel better. Now if you happen to have Netflix and are bored can you translate the series "Territory" for me worked with a couple aussie units in Iraq never could figured some of their words/ accents out LOL

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Continuing to pray for you here.

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Sent you a PM.  My wife is a retired nurse and says that the medical system in Australia is the best in the world for treating neurological conditions, so I am confident that you are getting the best care available.  


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We heard back from Bear's Proctologist and he said he's perfect! 😉

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My maternal grandmother had MG and diabetes. In those days they had very little to treat the MG, and didn't differentiate between Type I & II diabetes. She was in her 50's when she passed from a heart attack. :(  There are so many things that modern medicine can do to keep people alive and in a decent lifestyle. Something to be thankful for for sure! 

Best wishes for your reset!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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On 11/24/2024 at 10:22 PM, Buckshot Bear said:

... I did speak with  SASS pard on here a few years ago that also has MG but unfortunately I've forgotten his name and lost his PM's - 

Did a search. See your PM.

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On 11/23/2024 at 4:46 PM, Earl Brasse, SASS #3562 said:

Get better quick.

While nice for a hospital, the decor  is always a bit on the spartan side and not as in "Gladiator" either.

The last time Ispent any time at all (9 days) in the hospital I griped about the food and a bed that kept moving around.  One of the nurses told me that "This a hospital, not a hotel".


She's the same one tho told me I couldn't have a real candle on my birthday plate because of all the oxygen in the room, and had been an Apache pilot before becoming an RN.


I love my nurses and techs at the VA.  I seldom see a real doctor but all that I have seen (Save one six years ago that did my damndest to get fired.) are great, too.


The VA in Phoenix is another story altogether.

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Thanks one and all.....what a great bunch of pards.

HOME!!!! So good to walk in side, the dogs turned themselves inside out when they saw me :) 

Got some days/weeks to get through until the meds really kick in and kick the MG back away to its hidey hole....but I'm home!

The neurologist is great and if anything deteriorates he'll pop me back in but pretty positive that now is just a waitin' game and things are on the improve slowly.

Feeling nauseous and car sick from the trip home, so it'll be good to get over that tomorrow.

Jenorado and myself can't thank you all enough, you have all been so uplifting and its been really appreciated 🥰 

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You'll sleep good tonight!


Glad the docs got it figured out and my best wishes for a speedy recovery and treatment.

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Wonderful news mate!! Ellie and I are so pleased to hear your home and that there's somewhat of a plan. I bet those doggies turned themselves inside out!:D. The wife and dog are what makes home,home. Hope ya feel a bit more like yourself tomorrow.

Eyesa & Ellie

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You’re still on my prayer list.🙏🙏🙏

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Good news, Sho ‘nuff!!


Keep gettin’ better!!

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Great news but still gonna keep praying for you!

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