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is the joke on us or the Aussies?

Texas Maverick

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36 minutes ago, Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 said:

It most certainly is important to read the label ...... that's nearly 2 years past it's "use by" date ..... 🙃

The due date is actually 11/22/24, so it's still good. Alot of countries date things by year, month and day.

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1 hour ago, Wyatt Earp SASS#1628L said:

The due date is actually 11/22/24, so it's still good. Alot of countries date things by year, month and day.

 I'll be danged, we may be upside down but we ain't backward  [  well most of us :D ]

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4 hours ago, Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 said:

It most certainly is important to read the label ...... that's nearly 2 years past it's "use by" date ..... 🙃


Adds flavour*



* Yes, OTTO, that's the correct way to spell it!!

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8 hours ago, Wyatt Earp SASS#1628L said:

The due date is actually 11/22/24, so it's still good. A lot of countries date things by year, month and day.

MOST countries date things by year month day and periods between the numbers is what MOST countries do also.

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3 hours ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

MOST countries date things by year month day and periods between the numbers is what MOST countries do also.

Just like with the metric system, most countries are wrong. :lol:

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In this country, we write dates month/day/year.


In every other country that I am aware of, they write dates day/month/year.


I have never heard of anybody writing a date year/month/day.


And, since that is being sold in Australia, and Wallaby Jack lives in Australia, doesn't it stand a reason that he would know how they write the dates down there?

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4 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

You just HAD to say , din' you?  Well, DIN'T you?

Yup! I said it!

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