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Some shi dung for brains here would be crying about the need for more government intervention and taxes to solve the problem.

Declaring a no limit, open season would never be considered.


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1 minute ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

Wild boar are in more than 40 US states now and, as I understand it, unlimited game, it can only get worse when the two invasive species link up.

We had some get loose from a game farm where I live in mid Michigan. They were starting to expand their territory and the DNR came out and said to shoot them on sight. We don’t have any sightings anymore and my friends that used to trap them gave up a couple years ago. But from what I can see it sure seems like they will be everywhere eventually. We might not be complaining about it if the economy keeps going the way it has been 

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IIRC, Texas has a no limit, no permit, all year round open season on wild pigs and it's still a problem, they re-produce faster than you can kill them, they are smart, fast over short distances and have very good senses.  The was a gun writer who had a blog and he posted about hunting pigs in TX.  He said they would set up a trap, with bait and 2 or 3 shooters.  He said that they would get one or two shots off before the wild pigs ran off.



Link: https://www.fredericksburgstandard.com/2023/11/15/report-texas-worst-feral-hog-problem-u-s/

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Don't mess with armadillos.  They can be infected with leprosy and transmission to humans has been documented.




Also, be cautious around prairie dogs.  Prairie dog infection with with Bubonic Plague is common.  Transmission to humans is less common because the prairie dogs die rapidly, but hunters should be aware of the risk before handling their trophies.




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4 minutes ago, Chantry said:

IIRC, Texas has a no limit, no permit, all year round open season on wild pigs and it's still a problem, they re-produce faster than you can kill them, they are smart, fast over short distances and have very good senses.  The was a gun writer who had a blog and he posted about hunting pigs in TX.  He said they would set up a trap, with bait and 2 or 3 shooters.  He said that they would get one or two shots off before the wild pigs ran off.



Link: https://www.fredericksburgstandard.com/2023/11/15/report-texas-worst-feral-hog-problem-u-s/

The guys I knew who hunted them had allot of fun but the trappers were far more successful.

One guy I know would leave the door open on a pen for weeks baiting them in until they were comfortable then close the spring loaded door. He would get 5 or 10 at a time. He said if you left the door closed in the beginning you would get one, maybe two before the rest of them figured out going in the pen was not a good idea. 
 Everyone seems to want them, until they have them . 

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Years ago we made a visit to Mary's folks a few miles south.  They had a field of about 20 acres of wheat.  But the ground now looked roughly tilled. I asked how they could till the field in such wet weather?  Bud's (the neighbor's) hogs had gotten out and into that field and rooted up every inch.  Bud was very casual with his farm practices. 

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If you have them you will see tracks , i don’t know about down south but up here they would build what everyone called nest . Leaves, twigs debris built into a nest on the ground. Especially when the sows would have little ones . If you kill one or more out of a group the whole group will generally abandon the area. We had reports of them being miles away within 24 hours of a couple in the group being killed. 

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28 minutes ago, Warden Callaway said:

Well we got these critters as well.


Confirmed Mountain Lion Reports | Missouri Department of Conservation

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In WV we have Wild Pig seasons. No tag but they have seasons unless on private property with written permission. 

In CA you needed Tags and I think there was a season. Well, all the ranches that allowed hunters to hunt in their lands all of a sudden saw dollar signs and wanted $250 to hunt their land for a specific number of days. Then the price went up. 

I didn’t bother with pigs except for 2 seasons and I didn’t pay. I hunted public lands and had no luck. 
A few years back ranchers were whining that pigs were tearing up their land and fencing but they still charged to hunt. No one showed.

I said and still say Scroo’m


I have no interest in pig hunting here. At least not yet. 

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2 hours ago, Wallaby Damned said:

Yeah but they don’t taste very good. 


If you want to see and, most noticeably, hear a pissed off woman...listen to the wife of a guy that boils an accidentally shot armadillo because "I eat what I shoot".


Don't want to see, hear or smell the result again.:ph34r:

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Looks like we really need more recipes for wild pork!

We had a couple of isolated reports of feral hogs, here in Ontario, Canada, but much like the initial reports of Cougars, etc. that was Poo-Poo'd until a couple were shot.


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On 11/23/2023 at 11:48 AM, Pat Riot said:

In WV we have Wild Pig seasons. No tag but they have seasons unless on private property with written permission. 

In CA you needed Tags and I think there was a season. Well, all the ranches that allowed hunters to hunt in their lands all of a sudden saw dollar signs and wanted $250 to hunt their land for a specific number of days. Then the price went up. 

I didn’t bother with pigs except for 2 seasons and I didn’t pay. I hunted public lands and had no luck. 
A few years back ranchers were whining that pigs were tearing up their land and fencing but they still charged to hunt. No one showed.

I said and still say Scroo’m


I have no interest in pig hunting here. At least not yet. 

That is the problem here in Texas now. The ranchers and farmers want to charge the hunters or some even don't allow hunting but then whine when the pigs start destroying their property. Some are even complaining to the Fish & Game Dept telling them it is their fault and to get rid of them. They haven't gotten it through their thick skulls they need to let hunters in if they want to get rid of the pigs and quit charging an outrageous hunting fee to hunt their property.



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2 hours ago, Lawdog Dago Dom said:

Last I heard, Missouri's Department of Conservation still says there is no evidence of mountain lions reproducing in the state, in spite of all these sightings.  I guess these transients take a vow of abstinence when they cross the state line.

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1 minute ago, J-BAR #18287 said:

Last I heard, Missouri's Department of Conservation still says there is no evidence of mountain lions reproducing in the state, in spite of all these sightings.  I guess these transients take a vow of abstinence when they cross the state line.

The Mi DNR denied it for years until the evidence was so overwhelming they had to admit it 

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2 minutes ago, J-BAR #18287 said:

Last I heard, Missouri's Department of Conservation still says there is no evidence of mountain lions reproducing in the state, in spite of all these sightings.  I guess these transients take a vow of abstinence when they cross the state line.

They are here in Polk County, just not confirmed by the MDC. Last spring during a heavy rain, our neighbor was checking his cattle. He saw a newborn calf had drowned and was laying next to a tree. A day later when the rain stopped he went out to retrieve the calf. It was not where he say it, but 65-70 yards to the west. With no drag marks on the ground. Not much else can pick up a 70 pound calf and move it like that.

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Go in the lobby of the Runge Center - Department of Conservation in Jefferson City,  Missouri and on prominent display is a stuffed mountain lion hit and killed by car only about 5 miles from us in the same valley.  Local sheriff department and reporters got there before the conservation agents. Pretty hard to cover up.


Local folklore tells stories of mountain lion encounters all along.  Mary and I stopped and watched one run across a snow packed pasture.  

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39 minutes ago, J-BAR #18287 said:

Last I heard, Missouri's Department of Conservation still says there is no evidence of mountain lions reproducing in the state, in spite of all these sightings.  I guess these transients take a vow of abstinence when they cross the state line.


They tried that, the mountain lions just pushed it off the table and denied the whole thing.

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2 hours ago, J-BAR #18287 said:

Last I heard, Missouri's Department of Conservation still says there is no evidence of mountain lions reproducing in the state, in spite of all these sightings.  I guess these transients take a vow of abstinence when they cross the state line.

They go to Arkansas to mate with their cousins.

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as to the hogs . I have seen some real messed up fields . in the Lee Creek basin , I own land in that area 


 had several bears , but some got poached , 


 found tracks , that seem to be way too big to be a bobcat on the pond bank figure a 120+ lb cat 


  I have not seen much that says , the hogs have made it into Benton CO , but a ranger told me if ya see one put it down 




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On 11/23/2023 at 10:40 AM, Lawdog Dago Dom said:


Big cats have been in Missouri for over 50 years.  Know people that I trust that have seen them. When reported to the Mo Dept of Conservation they swore the people were hallucinating. 

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On 11/23/2023 at 8:52 AM, Cold Lake Kid, SASS # 51474 said:

Some shi dung for brains here would be crying about the need for more government intervention and taxes to solve the problem.

Declaring a no limit, open season would never be considered.


aint that the truth , ask the government to do for us .....what would kennedy say ? and i was not a real big fan of democrats even then [but i liked his can do attitude] let some of the hungry put meat on their table and feed their kids , 

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On 11/23/2023 at 4:38 PM, Warden Callaway said:

The Missouri Department of Conservation said the mountain lion killed near us had stayed out of Montana. Yeah,  I believe that. 


Montana must have put out No Trespassing signs and Missouri has educated cats. I always get a kick out of the State of Florida spending millions to install "animal crossings" on the Interstate complete with signs that say "Animal Crossing". I guess we must have some smart panthers, bears, deer, hogs and pythons down here.

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