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I was "that guy" this morning


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I'm sitting at the red light, I hear this horn blowing. Beep beep. I look around, don't see anything to be blowing a horn at.




I glanced up at the red light. It's green.




A block on the other side of the intersection I get in the left turn lane and that pickup truck behind me must have been doing 90 when he went by.


Sorry about that.

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Back in the day, my late uncle would respond by cutting his ignition and then restarting the engine. He'd say to me about the horn blower, "You can't drive my car with your horn!"

With a bunch of road rage people floating around, that could get you killed! :o

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I'll give a person maybe 5 to 7 seconds then tap the horn.  They might have taken the stop as a chance to wipe their glasses, adjust a side mirror, blow their nose, etc.   


The few extra seconds doesn't cost me anything.   If I'm cutting my timing that close where a few seconds will make a difference I didn't plan well enough.

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Folks behind the 1st vehicle have to go places also and some might be in a hurry.

Maybe even an emergency.


Mash on the gas and get going.   Move out of the way.

Somebody might be having a bathroom emergency.  Some maybe heading to school to pick up a child that could

be standing alone waiting for Mom or Dad.


And understand this........ ONE of the reasons Mom and Dad are late is because too many folks won't

'GO' when the light turns green and it causes a ripple effect.


A few years back, I started having some serious chest pains while driving to my doctors appt.

When I arrived, I barely made it in the office.  It turned out to be a bad blockage which prompted

a stenting.


Get out of folks way cause you just don't know what might be actually happening with them.






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When I had The Big One, my bride rushed me up to Kaiser Emergency.
The Adjustment Bureau™ timed all the lights perfectly, so she could haul ass up the main drag to the ER.
She got me into the ER faster than the 911 crew could respond and get to our house.

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1 hour ago, bgavin said:

When I had The Big One, my bride rushed me up to Kaiser Emergency.
The Adjustment Bureau™ timed all the lights perfectly, so she could haul ass up the main drag to the ER.
She got me into the ER faster than the 911 crew could respond and get to our house.

It sounds like you were worth alive the dead....Glad she could drive fast and safe.....


Texas Lizard

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5 hours ago, Subdeacon Joe said:

I'll give a person maybe 5 to 7 seconds then tap the horn.  They might have taken the stop as a chance to wipe their glasses, adjust a side mirror, blow their nose, etc.   


The few extra seconds doesn't cost me anything.   If I'm cutting my timing that close where a few seconds will make a difference I didn't plan well enough.

3 seconds is my limit, then the horn goes off but I don’t lay on it I just beep it once!

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1 minute ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

3 seconds is my limit, then the horn goes off but I don’t lay on it I just beep it once!


That's about my limit also for most people. If someone is on their damn cell phone, talk or texting, my patience level diminishes very quickly. 


Hang up and drive or pull over and talk/text...not both at the same time.



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One related thing:


In former times, when parking places were tight, either on the street or in a parking lot, when you saw a driver get into his or her car, you could wait briefly while they pulled out, then take the place.


Now, no way. People treat their parked cars like their kitchen or living room; pull out the smart phone and catch up on their social media or whatever. Who cares that somebody may need the space.


I finally learned to quit waiting. Another lousy feature about contemporarly life-- and it's the old at least as much as the young.

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Talking on the phone at a light really irritates to no end. But, with all the road rage………Im disabled……….Ive learned patience..


BTW I wont answer my phone while driving, I wait til an opportunity to pull in some where to check the phone which I place in the center console when I first get in the truck. I also hate all these young people that use the Handicap space and I end up having to walk a half a block to get into the store I was headed to.

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52 minutes ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

3 seconds is my limit, then the horn goes off but I don’t lay on it I just beep it once!


46 minutes ago, Cypress Sun said:


That's about my limit also for most people. If someone is on their damn cell phone, talk or texting, my patience level diminishes very quickly. 


Hang up and drive or pull over and talk/text...not both at the same time.




I've seen enough people blowing through a 4 or 5 second red that I don't begrudge a few extra seconds.  


I've also sat at a green myself because I wasn't sure if the guy in the cross traffic with his right turn signal on was going to actually turn or go straight through the red.

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11 hours ago, Subdeacon Joe said:



I've seen enough people blowing through a 4 or 5 second red that I don't begrudge a few extra seconds.  


I've also sat at a green myself because I wasn't sure if the guy in the cross traffic with his right turn signal on was going to actually turn or go straight through the red.

Yep. I do that for cross-traffic. A friend of mine when I was in Automotive Tech school was on his way to class one afternoon. He was sitting at a stop sign waiting to turn right. A couple in an approaching car to his left had their right turn signal on and were slowing down. My friend deciding that it was clear began his right hand turn into the main drag. He was then struck on the left side of his truck by the couple that had slowed and signal a right hand turn. Well, they had changed their mind and decided to proceed forward. He was charged with the accident and lost in court.

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Running red lights is the local pastime here.
After the light turns green, one has to wait it out a bit until safe to proceed.
When my Navy daughter was in Guam, she said she had to wait 10+ seconds or more for the red light runners before venturing to go on a Green light.


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I never trust an approaching turn signal these days! Amazing how many don't turn or turn the other way. Then there's the one's you follow and they suddenly turn into a parking lot at snail speed, then hit the signal. Then just as you get to speed up again, a bicycle cuts you off. Where the hell did he come from!

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53 minutes ago, bgavin said:

Running red lights is the local pastime here.
After the light turns green, one has to wait it out a bit until safe to proceed.


Here there is a 2 or 3 second delay between one light turning red and the cross traffic, or whatever the next in the sequence, turning green.  And then prudence (that domineering witch) says that you should wait 3 to 5 seconds.

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Try driving thru the Dartmouth campus in Hanover, NH! The entitled can't take they're face off the phone! They walk out between cars, cross the road wherever they feel like and the legal crossing spots with the button and lights mean nothing. You have to drive like an Owl.

Then after they graduate, Lyden expects me to pay for they're education or party years.

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9 minutes ago, Eyesa Horg said:

Try driving thru the Dartmouth campus in Hanover, NH! The entitled can't take they're face off the phone! They walk out between cars, cross the road wherever they feel like and the legal crossing spots with the button and lights mean nothing. You have to drive like an Owl.

Then after they graduate, Lyden expects me to pay for they're education or party years.


Then after parents pay for years of college (or the taxpayer) we have 'Failure to Launch' and they keep living with mom and dad....embarrassing.


I have lived maybe 5 places.  When you move to Mayberry let's call it, people ask 'how do you like Mayberry'.  I say I measure a place by two things:


1) Sit still when the red light turns green and see how long it takes someone to beep.  In NJ it is quicker than good rifle split times, here in Mayberry after a full cycle they get out, knock on your window and ask if you are OK.


2) Go to a Walmart and see how many people put away their carts (buggies to some).  In NJ, maybe 60%.  If one isn't put away in Mayberry look at the car and the plate is likely from NJ.


One of my boys almost got me in trouble at a Walmart once.  Someone didn't put away their cart, he said too loudly 'they must be from NJ.  They heard but likely didn't understand.  He was right.

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Reno, NV has a nice thing going with their traffic lights.
The protected (green) left turn arrow lasts a bit, then turns to flashing yellow for the duration of that direction's green light.

This is a wonderful idea, because it allows drivers to make a left turn... when it is save (flashing yellow arrow).
Part of the reason we have so many red light runners in my area is because the dipstick that programs the lights allows 3 cars to pass, then turns red.

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Oh that was you ! 

My boss pissed at me this morning for being late again .

I said it was some jackass setting at a light and not moving lol.

But now I see it was just Alpo ! 

And the Jackass was the one who was late in the first place .

Thanks Pard for the early weekend lol .


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