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Good, Bad, Ugly

Forty  Rod SASS 3935

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Never saw it before.  No reason, no excuse, just never did.


Checked it our of the library and watched it this morning.


Eh!  It was alright, lot of excellent special effects, some patently impossible things happening, a couple of Gatling guns (One had a magazine that I don't think was used until after the war but I can't find either of my reference books), and a lot of it was simply boring.  


Of course this is just my opinion but I'm usually right.  :o

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It's most notable as the third of what is considered the seminal trilogy of the Spaghetti Western genre.  


None of them are really all that great, but they're all fun to watch and all have some really good moments.

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16 hours ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

But the music was pretty cool!!

I never really thought about this music and how they put it all together. Very well done but what was the deal with the hanging man? He must have hit the wrong note and got strung up. LOL



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GBU is a good movie - but like most of the Italian westerns would have benefited from a tighter edit.

There are MANY moments in the trilogy that were designed to heighten tension - but when the next step is inevitable; they only serve to take me "out" of the movie by making me wonder, when are they going to get to the point?


Also, a number of side plots exist to solely bloat runtime; Tuco and Blondie conscripted into the Army for the bridge scene is one of the most glaring - that entire sequence could go missing and would not affect anything materially.


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I’ve watched parts of this movie for years, but never watched it from start to finish until earlier this year!


 It’s really great entertainment and fun to watch, but historically, don’t bother!!


I’m glad that I finally got around to watching it in its entirety.

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Why does it matter if it’s historically accurate? It’s just a movie and in my opinion, a good one. 

I have several “favorite” scenes, but the best one is Tuco in the the tub. 

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I have probably seen it 100 times if I seen it once .

Threw out the years as I have got older I get more out of it every time I watch it .

I Love the Tuco caricature Eli Wallace created .

What a iconic move !

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20 hours ago, Sacramento Johnson #6873 said:

Best scene in the movie; the cemetery scene with Eli Wallach running past the grave markers with that magnificent Morricone vocalise music!

I honestly never knew it was a vocalization. I guess I just thought it was some type of instrument that made the sound. I now look at this scene with the music with a different perspective. They were great. 



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