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Thank You From Winter Range

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Winter Range 2016, the Silver Jubilee, is in the books. Thank you to everyone that attended. The Winter Range Board, the Rangers and our many volunteers spend all year round working with one goal in mind -- make sure Winter Range is an enjoyable event for our shooters. Tonight we sent out an email to all registered shooters with an electronic comment form. Last year we received over 400 comments. We read EACH and every comment. Please fill in the form and give us your comments. We learn from these comments with the goal of making each new Winter Range better than the one before it. As most of you know virtually everything on the range has to be assembled in the days before Winter Range and then quickly removed to make room for other matches. Aside from the record number of shooters (821) we set a new range record. During the awards ceremony the Rangers had many of the props disassembled before the ceremony was over. We were astounded today when because of their hard work the entire range was emptied by 1:30 pm (Monday)!!!


Here is a shot of stages one through four during the match.




Here is the same bay at 1:30 pm today.





We are already working on Winter Range 2017 and hope to see you all again!!! Next year's dates, February 19 though the 26, 2017.

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Larsen it was an excellent match sent my coo ent form in already. I'll try to make it next year.

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What a fantastic time! All of your team's incredible hard work did not go un-noticed. The stages, the vendors, the food, the entertainment.... All of it was a wonderful experience that makes me look forward to next year. Only 358 days to go! Thank you so much to everybody who had a hand in putting this match together.

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...The Winter Range Board, the Rangers and our many volunteers spend all year round working with one goal in mind -- make sure Winter Range is an enjoyable event for our shooters...


The work you guys do is always apparent for all attendees, but y'all have always taken pains to take care of the vendor needs as well, and it is appreciated!

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I too would like to thank each and every shooter, vendor, sponsor and conventioneer that attended WR 2016! We wouldn't do it if you didn't come, and we hope we put on a great match for you. You all honored us by attending, with many of you coming a very long way indeed. Thank you.....


As always we are committed to making it better and better each year, so in that regard I encourage those of you who attended to fill out our online survey.....we value any and all constructive feedback from our shooters!


We look forward to seeing you all next year!

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Thanks to all who worked so hard to put on a tremendous match. It was the challenge all of us need to continue to improve our skills. I appreciate all of you that made it possible for us to continue to achieve a better performance and spend a week with great people from all over the world and become one big family. The efforts of all involved was very well note. I plan on being there again next year and having Cowtown open for all those who come in early to practice as much as they feel needed. Cowtown Fire & Ice will be a pre-register match the weekend prior to Winter Range Feb 17, 2017 for; wild bunch practice and Cowboy Saturday & Sunday Feb 18 & 19, 2017. It is matches like this one that has kept the sport of Cowboy Action shooting a growing sport. Keep up the good work. Barbwire

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Posted Yesterday, 01:27 PM

Dingo, the Boys and I are still headed East. I agree with Cheyenne, this is indeed a championship match. This was our fourth time to Winter Range and we have enjoyed ourselves more each time. This year was special because of the Silver Jubilee. The range bags are awesome, we won a camera, they had spectacular fireworks, a free shooter appreciation dinner, and the wonderful fly by with the warbirds. All this was before the main match started. The stages were well written, the target placement was varied and the props are great. Posse 22 was a wonderful posse to shoot with, we made a lot of Southern, Ca. new friends.

Hats off to everyone that helps put on this match. This match is a true shooters match that is very well run and stays on scheduale with everything in the book. I am amazed that with 828 shooters we only waited on one stage for less than five minutes. We are already looking forward to next year.

Thanks again from your pards from NC.

Sixgun and Dingo

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FYI - This amazing bunch we call the Arizona Territorial Rangers gave 502 man days just based on their sign in sheets, which they don't always get around to doing, as calculated by one of our Rangers Hopalong Harry who just can't stop. These hours were spent setting up, working during the match, then tearing it all down and putting the toys away. They do it all to give back to our sport and to our shooting friends meaning you!


This is an amazing bunch that I am humbled to be associated with. May I grow up to be like them!

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Zack, thank you, Larson thank you, Rangers thank you, truly the best of the best. If I live so long see you next year.


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Next year get the temps in the high 60s to low 70s high 80s was bit too hot for me. Plus would it be possible to position long gun racks at the loading table like EOT has?

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  • 2 weeks later...

If everyone on the posse is doing a job...pulling target, spotting, scoring, sweeping...(7-8 folks), and 5-6 loading...

Others getting prepared or taking over for someones duty so they can prepare, then there is no need for the rack.

I feel if you can't hold 'em, then there are too many at the loading table already! 😜

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I like the racks so I cal stage my long guns there when I arrive on the stage and don't have to worry about it when I get the chance to shoot. Plus if they have the racks at EOT I might not need the rugged cart as a way to position my long guns on the stage. I've not been able to carry my guns to the loading table and stand the time it takes to load wait then shoot the match at WR I moved my stool from the unloading table where I worked to the loading table to sit while I loaded and wait then go to the line shoot and then someone moved my stool back to the unloading table where I cleared my guns and continue d to watch the table if needed. It work great.


Sue we had a discussion before about shooting in pain and until you are there you will not understand. But CAS is one of the best activities I do. It's the most mobile event that I undertake. I pay for that movement during the day and that evening.

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Yes there is a lost and found box and Sunshine Kay has it. Go here and send her an email and she will look and see what we have.



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We received 571 comment forms on Winter Range 2016. We read each and every one so thanks to all that responded.

That's what? About a 70% return rate on your response forms? Sounds very good to me!


Everyone involved in giving of yourselves and by default, your families' contributions too, are to be congratulated on what sounds like the best WR yet. That's a lot of work!

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Are these online reports from the online survey or paper responses sent to you? If online then I'm covered if not I'll have to email my responses.

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Just a thought, next year could you extend the final date of the survey by a couple of weeks as not everyone heads straight home after the last match but stays to enjoy the state of Arizona.

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Just a thought, next year could you extend the final date of the survey by a couple of weeks as not everyone heads straight home after the last match but stays to enjoy the state of Arizona.

Aren't most folks that are gone that long have email access of some form Survey came via email.

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Winter Range 2016 was one of the best matches I have ever attended in 20 years. That is why the BOD of the Midwest Regional (GUNSMOKE) has patterned their Regional after Winter Range.


My hat is off to all Rangers that obviously have worked their butts off preparing a year in advance then building up the whole town, only to have to completely tear it down again on the last day.




The build up and tear down of GUNSMOKE is the only thing we don't have to do each year, as all the stages and the whole town of Cedar Valley is now a permanent Cowboy Action facility.


If the weatherman can be trusted to repeat the weather we all enjoyed at Winter Range this year for Winter Range 2017 - sign me up now !


"Coyote Cap"

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I most likely will never have the funds to go to a big match like WR or EOT but if I very had the funds for one big shoot it would have to be WB.Sure looks like a great match.

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Can't add much to the praise already offered but I always try to make sure I shake a Ranger's hand or thank a board member when I'm ambulating' around the range. One great crew and one fine match.


Four Bucks

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Can't add much to the praise already offered but I always try to make sure I shake a Ranger's hand or thank a board member when I'm ambulating' around the range. One great crew and one fine match.


Four Bucks

Plus oh, a couple of thousand or so. What a fantastic match is was with so many rich memories to walk away with.



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