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Taurus Pump rifle? THANKS....I'll Pass

Rootin Tootin

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What can be done to slick up a Taurus pump rifle in 38 spec........Is it worth it??? If so who?? I have a local shooter trying to sell a Taurus pump to me for 450...I need to know if it's worth it and what can be done with it to improve operation.........




Remember Taurus wouldn't honor the "lifetime" warranty on the Thunderbolt, nor would they repair them.


As I recall Lassiter is shooting one or did last year I didn't see him shoot this year at EOT but in my opinion if you can take what he's done to his and repeat it it will be worth the money I was going to send him mine but it's a 45lc and they're notorious for blow back which it has. So Lassiter recommended not wasting money on it. So I didn't. I've a iac 87 from him that I love to shoot. He also worked on my 45 lc 73 that I've not had a problem with. I guess if I was going to have a new set of Rugers done they would go to him also since Wes retired. So I guess what I'm saying contact Lassiter and see if he thinks he can do anything to your thunderbolt rifle. If he says yes and your willing to put that much into it then send it to him. The only other source of pump rifle smithing was out fl. The guy that did all the awa lightnings I heard he also did the Taurus with some mods to the Taurus but that's been several years ago.


Plan on putting more into it to make it run that you will pay for it.


Like a lot more.


Is it worth it???? Not to me.


I have one that Lassiter set up. It runs great with no problems. I still run my Marlin because I am a little bit faster with it. The total cost by the time he was finished with it was around the cost of a stock 1873 new.

It that is the way you want to go, do not even try to shoot it in a match until you contact him and get it worked on.


If you really want a Lightining rifle, go with either an AWA or a late production Colt.


I have one of the former in .45 Colt. It is as it came from the factory, and is my favorite, and fastest, Cowboy gun. This is the one I use at other than monthly matches. It always gets a few curious looks when it works with no problems. I have even loaned it to others for use at their first ever Cowboy shoot, and it has never failed them either.


While I am not an expert, I have read here information by others who know a lot more about the history of the gun than I do that originals made after 1900 had pretty much worked out the bugs of the design that had plagued it when it first came out. Others put that date even earlier, but I can't remember how much earlier. Considering that the gun got its start in 1884, I don't think it would have lasted 20 years if it was a total nightmare.


The Taurus, exactly because they never fixed the problems, died out in just a handful of years.


When I was deciding that I wanted one of these rifles, I had the good fortune to see a Taurus, an Italian made one (I think it was made by Beretta) and the AWA. The Taurus action felt like rubbing two pieces of sandpaper together. The Beretta was "smoother" but very clunky. The AWA was smooth and just "felt right" as I worked the action. I bought the AWA and have never regretted it.


I do not have any experience with the ones made by other manufacturers. I have read here that the USFA's were good, but seem to be rarer than hens teeth. The ones made by Pedersoli also have a good reputation here on the Wire.


If you go with an original, you need to know that the .32-20 was 'modified' from the .38-40 and .44-40 by adding dummy screws that sort of keep the cartridge on the carrier. In any cha bering, the case floats and is not held on the carrier like a Win 1892 or Marlin. There are better designs.

Cool looking and feeling guns, but my experience is use rifles with levers and shotguns with pumps.


Me I prefer levers for both rifles and shotguns. I hate pump guns but I didn't come to that conclusion easy I have two Winchester take down 97s and a thunderbolt from Taurus. They messed up the design of the gun IMO by adding the safety's required to import them. I disabled the hammer safety out of despriration sines it kept hang up the action, this was even done on a handpicked model after they could get the original one I had bought to work.


Lassiter did my Tarus Lightning and it runs smooth as silk. Blowback on 200 gr bullets not on 250 gr bullets loaded a little heavy. Works great and a lot of fun to shoot.


Run away, run away. i had one still under warranty a few years ago, Taurus replaced it with the gun of my choice. I chose a DT1911 and smiled all the way home.


Is he still selling it? Barrel length?


jrswanson1........pm sent regarding pump Taurus...........RT


Run fast and dont look back :-)


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