Rye Miles #13621 Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 http://www.whdh.com/story/28795439/tim-mcgraw-to-hold-benefit-concert-against-gun-violence-in-ct
Marshal Chance Morgun Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 Didn't he "joy-ride" with a police horse a few years ago?
Nasty Newt # 7365 Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 Notice he waited until he had 17 bazillion in the bank before he showed his colors.
Rancho Roy Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 Hope he is sober and doesn't vomit on the stage like he reportedly did a Mohegan Sun Casino.........What a sorry man....
Grizzly Dave Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 Hope he is sober and doesn't vomit on the stage like he reportedly did a Mohegan Sun Casino.........What a sorry man.... Given the purpose of the concert, drink up Tim.
Blackwater 53393 Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 He ain't cowboy! He ain't country! And he ain't no singer!! If it wasn't for his sound engineer, he'd sound like a braying jackass!! They say he has gotten a little better, but................... Now he shows his true colors and joins Natalie Maynes like the nancy boy he truly is!! My opinion, of course!!
Dusty Balz, SASS#46599 Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 [/url]">http://http://s184.photobucket.com/user/dustygunfighter/media/metrosexual_zpspeg2antm.jpg.html'>
guitar_slinger Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 Can't say as I've ever heard one of his records. No idea who this clown is. Some kind of singer from the posts, I reckon.
Blastmaster Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 His concert is to benefit against gun violence. Got it. Senseless mass killings by guns/airplanes/bombs is not good. Nothing said about his benefit is to: severely restricting/eliminate certain/all firearms.... not good severely restrict /eliminate certain/all ammo.....not good severely restrict/eliminate/infringe upon lawful citizens rights to own/possess firearms or their ability to protect themselves ......not good. If you guys are impying the above, then I think there is not enough evidence to say one way or the other that is his motive. We already have more than sufficient laws on the books to handle all the criminal/mental cases that have caused these tragedies and not necessarily gun related. Perhaps his benefits will go toward enforcing the already existing laws, not add more. Perhaps not.. But we don’t know with the blip from the news clip. Just a thought. Edit: what is 'Sandy Hooks Promise'? In part. Out of this tragedy a group was formed that made a promise to honor the lives lost and turn it into a moment of transformation,” said Mr McGraw. “Sandy Hook Promise teaches that we can do something to protect our children from gun violence. I want to be a part of that promise — as a father and as a friend.” This cause is close to the performer’s heart, as the fiddle player in his touring band, Dean Brown, is a longtime friend to Mark Barden, a musician and father of Daniel Barden, one of the children killed on 12/14. “I look forward to being a part of a night of hope and promise and music that will help continue the great work that Sandy Hook Promise is doing,” said Mr Brown. “We are humbled that Tim would do this for us,” said Mr Barden. “Dean and his wife, Cindy, helped my wife and me through our darkest hour, and helped buoy our spirits. It meant more than words could ever say.” Sandy Hook Promise (www.sandyhookpromise.org), based in Newtown, is led by family members who lost loved ones in the tragic mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, and parents from the community. Its purpose is to protect children from gun violence by providing and empowering parents and communities with mental wellness and gun safety programs that help identify, intervene, and stop at-risk individuals from hurting themselves or others.
Utah Bob #35998 Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 I like McGraw'smusic. He is, by most accounts, a hard worker and good family man. I'm not ready to put him in the same padded room with Feinstein, Boxer, Bloomberg, et al. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/style-blog/wp/2015/04/16/tim-mcgraw-gets-backlash-from-gun-rights-advocates-for-headlining-sandy-hook-promise-concert/
SOUTH-PACIFIC,SASS #59402 Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 i don't care for him ever since his group took the deputies horse and nothing was done. then him and his wife pulled the hand cuff crap on stage for the end of thier act
Blackwater 53393 Posted April 18, 2015 Posted April 18, 2015 His concert is to benefit against gun violence. Got it. Senseless mass killings by guns/airplanes/bombs is not good. Nothing said about his benefit is to: severely restricting/eliminate certain/all firearms.... not good severely restrict /eliminate certain/all ammo.....not good severely restrict/eliminate/infringe upon lawful citizens rights to own/possess firearms or their ability to protect themselves ......not good. If you guys are impying the above, then I think there is not enough evidence to say one way or the other that is his motive. We already have more than sufficient laws on the books to handle all the criminal/mental cases that have caused these tragedies and not necessarily gun related. Perhaps his benefits will go toward enforcing the already existing laws, not add more. Perhaps not.. But we don’t know with the blip from the news clip. Just a thought. Edit: what is 'Sandy Hooks Promise'? In part. Out of this tragedy a group was formed that made a promise to honor the lives lost and turn it into a moment of transformation,” said Mr McGraw. “Sandy Hook Promise teaches that we can do something to protect our children from gun violence. I want to be a part of that promise — as a father and as a friend.” This cause is close to the performer’s heart, as the fiddle player in his touring band, Dean Brown, is a longtime friend to Mark Barden, a musician and father of Daniel Barden, one of the children killed on 12/14. “I look forward to being a part of a night of hope and promise and music that will help continue the great work that Sandy Hook Promise is doing,” said Mr Brown. “We are humbled that Tim would do this for us,” said Mr Barden. “Dean and his wife, Cindy, helped my wife and me through our darkest hour, and helped buoy our spirits. It meant more than words could ever say.” Sandy Hook Promise (www.sandyhookpromise.org), based in Newtown, is led by family members who lost loved ones in the tragic mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, and parents from the community. Its purpose is to protect children from gun violence by providing and empowering parents and communities with mental wellness and gun safety programs that help identify, intervene, and stop at-risk individuals from hurting themselves or others. Perhaps you should explore past the cover page statement and look at the actions and statements of those who lead this bunch and the contributors who purposely remain behind the scenes.
Charlie Harley, #14153 Posted April 19, 2015 Posted April 19, 2015 Here is Tim McGraw's side of the story: http://time.com/3827407/tim-mcgraw-defends-sandy-hook-benefit-concert/ When I look at the total package that he is, I still think he's one of the better mega-stars from the entertainment world. His music is clean and sings of values that are similar to mine. He's still married to the mother of his children. Do I agree with the Sandy Hook group? No. But if I stopped associating with everyone with whom I had a disagreement, my world would grow quiet quickly.
Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 Posted May 6, 2015 Posted May 6, 2015 More on this: http://bearingarms.com/anti-gun-group-supported-tim-mcgraw-pushes-ban-outlaw-fans-favorite-rifle/
Tom Bullweed Posted May 6, 2015 Posted May 6, 2015 Entertainers only make money and are public figures when the public supports them. This fellow hasnnone of my money since I never thought enough of his 'talent' to buy a CD or go to one of his concerts. If he is anything more than a blue collar worker with no one carrying what he thinks, it is not because of anything that I sent his way. He does have a beautiful wife, but I doubt that we would get along if she thinks like him.
Widder, SASS #59054 Posted May 6, 2015 Posted May 6, 2015 I had read where this Sandy Hook group will benefit from this concert. I had read that the Sandy Hook group is VERY anti-gun, etc. I had read where NONE of the victims families of Sandy Hook will benefit from this concert...... monetarily speaking. Now, whether all this is true or not, I have no idea. But, I have yet to read anything that refutes my previous readings concerning this benefit concert. If someone would like to shed more light on it, please do so. ..........Widder
Rye Miles #13621 Posted May 7, 2015 Author Posted May 7, 2015 Given the crowd that listens to country music you would think that someone like McGraw would shy away from anything to do with "gun violence". Why doesn't he join the NRA's Country artists like they show in American Rifleman. I never thought he had much talent, his music is boring to listen to ( for me anyway) and his wife, while being "HOT" is a no talent also. I guess the music buying public and me don't agree on what's good and what sucks! Rye
DocWard Posted May 7, 2015 Posted May 7, 2015 I have to admit, I am not a fan of Tim McGraw's music. There is a limited amount of country music that I enjoy, and his ain't it. As for Faith Hill, she has done some music I can have on in the background, but I am not really a fan of hers either. Say what you will about Janice Joplin and "Piece of My Heart," but Faith Hill managed to take a song that was soulful and powerful and turn it into something bland and vapid. As for the concert and his motives, I cannot say what the man's motives are. His intentions may be good, and it could be something that he agreed to without consideration of the bigger picture with the group. However, in researching Sandy Hook Promise, I am of the opinion that there are enough red flags to be alarmed. While their website is relatively benign, anytime I read a group promoting "common sense gun laws," I worry. In reviewing it, it appears they are definitely for limitations on magazine capacity, among other things. It also appears the group supported legislation passed in Connecticut and Oregon, again, cause for concern. Will this stop me from listening to Tim McGraw, or buying his music? Nope, as I mentioned above, I wouldn't anyway. For those who have listened in the past, I suggest they do their best to make an informed decision.
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