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.44-40 Smokeless

Rye Miles #13621

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:lol: Cool I get to buy all new guns??? :lol:


I have a Marlin 1894S 44WCF that's used to smokeless if you're interested. ;)


I wonder if my wife will buy the I have shot smokeless need another gun for BP or vice versa argument??? Try anything once I guess!

Makes sense to me! Tell her you can't mix smokeless and BP guns and hope she doesn't use google! :lol:


I just bought Goex Pinnical at powderInc.com 24 pounds for 310.00 delivered .

That just cut your cost in half.

And you can use regular bullets :-)

So now you have no excuse !


I just bought Goex Pinnical at powderInc.com 24 pounds for 310.00 delivered .

That just cut your cost in half.

And you can use regular bullets :-)

So now you have no excuse !

25 lbs. of KIK 2f costs about 325.00 how does your deal cut my cost in half? Smokeless powder is about 20-25 bucks a lb. and you only need maybe 3 lbs. to get through a whole year of CAS. Plus Pinnacle is a substitute BP, not the real thing…no thanks on that stuff! If I shoot black I shoot real black!


^_^ Rye


"My pard Rye has 'early winter doldrum syndrome' already. Happens to the best of us!!"


He'll be back shooting nothing but real black when Springtime rolls around.




"My pard Rye has 'early winter doldrum syndrome' already. Happens to the best of us!!"


He'll be back shooting nothing but real black when Springtime rolls around.



Hmm….we'll see………... :ph34r:


That's what I shot for years, still have them too. no down side seeings how yu already have them,, get some cheaper boolits and some powder and yur set....


Just one point when shooting .44-40 with smokeless and especially with .429-.430" bullets: Size the case with the regular sizer die. Expand and flare the case mouths using a .44 Magnum expander plug. This will create a "wasp waist" behind the bullet base, which will keep the bullets from backing into the case. Also, ROLL crimp firmly into the crimp groove or a lube groove, but not so much as to collapse the case or bulge the case away from the side of the bullet. As for powder, I prefer Hodgdon's Universal or Unique, but if you reduce your loads, you need to go to a faster powder, or Trail Boss, but with TB, stay with the manual's middle loads. Do NOT use fillers, especially in your pistols.


Rye has been shooting 44-40s for years with BP, he has the basics down real well!!


I use a Lee factory crimp die and I tried some smokeless rounds in my rifle and they shoot fine. No smoke though!! :P Hmmm…..The other positive is I'll actually be able to see the targets! Look out…………Here I come!! :lol:


I've tried APP and don't care for it, if I can't have the boom and flames then I may as well shoot smokeless. :)

WHICH is WHY I shoot REAL BP !!!!! Yeah it's more dedication, compassion BUT; I just gota have the BOOM and FLAMES !!!! Bad thing is that my Glocks, AR15's , etc. don't care for it for SOME reason ! :P

RYE keep shooting the REAL stuff ! Anybody can shoot smokeless and that's their choice; but you'll have to agree that it takes comittment and dedication to shoot REAL BP !

Besides THAT"S the way it REALLY was back in the OLD WEST !



WHICH is WHY I shoot REAL BP !!!!! Yeah it's more dedication, compassion BUT; I just gota have the BOOM and FLAMES !!!! Bad thing is that my Glocks, AR15's , etc. don't care for it for SOME reason ! :P

RYE keep shooting the REAL stuff ! Anybody can shoot smokeless and that's their choice; but you'll have to agree that it takes comittment and dedication to shoot REAL BP !

Besides THAT"S the way it REALLY was back in the OLD WEST !


MDM, good point about the commitment and dedication to the real stuff. My commitment and dedication is being slowly overtaken by cost and time involved in loading, cleaning etc. Smokeless is just so darn easy, it's tempting me. If BP is the Dark Side what is smokeless?? The Light?? :o


Hey Rye, Yes ,I started shooting smokless in my 38-40's in the beginning, easy to load, bought my bullets, no messy brass to clean, things were ok.....BUT I wanted something different ; sorta felt like I was cheating ; still having fun shooting but there was something missing....

So I tried shooting the subs, caking (humid here in Florida) was a problem with the APP , 777 was ok (too much recoil) so I went with real BP.

A real pain getting bullets, lube, etc. and at first cleaning. NOT easy !

So I went whole hog, I cast my own bullets( BIG LUBE) , load on my Dillon 550 (wipe out the powder measure with anti-static sheets) and use only baby wipes to clean my guns. I do have a LOT of fun and the satifaction that I'm shooting the way that the cartridge was designed to shoot. Happy, Happy, Happy !

Now I want to include 44-40's, 32-20's !!!!

Anyway I don't think that I'll ever shoot smokeless in my 38-40's . I still have 2 or 3 new boxs of Black Hills on the shelve.

Good luck on shooting the smokeless though , I totally understand about the time ! MDM


I use a Lee factory crimp die and I tried some smokeless rounds in my rifle and they shoot fine. No smoke though!! :P Hmmm…..The other positive is I'll actually be able to see the targets! Look out…………Here I come!! :lol:

It may SEEM like they're working, but ..... :wacko::blink::(




I shoot 44-40 in my 66.......99% of the time it gets fed 2f Goex.......BUT I have loaded and shot smokeless (barf). The only issue I had was the bullet collapsing into the case once in a while. That was never a problem with BP as the case was full and the bullet could not fall into the case. I just had to do a minor adjustment on the seating die so when it was crimped it was right in the crimp groove. I use the Lee factory crimp die and took it apart to clean out any wax build up. Before I place the finished bullet in the box I push it against my bench just to double check......Shooting 44-40 with smokeless is sort of like eating boiled chicken.....bland.


Have fun




I shoot 44-40 in my 66.......99% of the time it gets fed 2f Goex.......BUT I have loaded and shot smokeless (barf). The only issue I had was the bullet collapsing into the case once in a while. That was never a problem with BP as the case was full and the bullet could not fall into the case. I just had to do a minor adjustment on the seating die so when it was crimped it was right in the crimp groove. I use the Lee factory crimp die and took it apart to clean out any wax build up. Before I place the finished bullet in the box I push it against my bench just to double check......Shooting 44-40 with smokeless is sort of like eating boiled chicken.....bland.


Have fun



The bullet collapsing into the case can happen on any caliber! I personally don't see any difference with .44-40 shooting smokeless than any other round except as others have said there's no blowback in the rifle as there sometimes is with other calibers. You're comment about shooting smokeless in .44-40 is like eating boiled chicken would apply then to all smokeless. I don't think 95% (or more) of the CAS shooters would agree with you on that.


It is kinda of funny though. :D





I was not trying to get on a soap box when I referred to smokless as being bland..........Was just speaking for myself. But to be honest I did shoot smokeless this past weekend and was because I had lots of that ammo loaded (my wifes) and I was being lazy. The joke was on me and there must have been 5 on the posse shooting BP.I did have a good time........BUT!






I was not trying to get on a soap box when I referred to smokless as being bland..........Was just speaking for myself. But to be honest I did shoot smokeless this past weekend and was because I had lots of that ammo loaded (my wifes) and I was being lazy. The joke was on me and there must have been 5 on the posse shooting BP.I did have a good time........BUT!




Don't get me wrong I LOVE black powder, I'm just getting a little burned out (no pun intended) on the whole process. Smokeless is so much easier to load, clean and it's way cheaper too. I shot smokeless for the first 10 years and had lots of fun. I went to BP about 6 years ago and actually had a little more fun! The time has come however to look at "Not fighting with my hobby" as a pard of mine once said. Profound words.


Rye ;)


I'll shoot smokeless with ya, Rye!


I'll shoot smokeless with ya, Rye!




It ain't supposed to be easy. From the handbook:


"It is expected the blackpowder competitor shall contend with smoke obscured targets."


By the way, guess who wrote that?



Nobody gets extra points for shooting Black Powder, except the satisfaction that comes with it.



There are more important things than shooting fast.

Driftwood, I didn't see any guesses, so I'll guess that it was Tex.





I'd shoot smokeless with you too, but none of my gunz are chambered in smokeless :P


Glad you said you'd humor me from time to time :D






I'd shoot smokeless with you too, but none of my gunz are chambered in smokeless :P


Glad you said you'd humor me from time to time :D



I couldn't stand the "ba#$ busting if I didn't! :P


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