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Something From A Twilight Zone Episode....

Calamity Kris

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Uno and I ran some errands earlier today.  When we returned to the house, the stereo was blaring.  The interesting facts are:


1) The house was completely locked up as well as the alarm set.

2) We had watched a movie the night before but I made sure all the electronics were turned off before going to bed.

3) The remotes for the audio system and DVD player were closed in a drawer, so no errant paws could step on them or knock them onto the floor.

4) The TV remote was laying on it's side, plugged into a power strip charging.  (The music was a TV streaming channel.  However, the TV was off when I checked it.)

5) I set up all the AV equipment and have not set any timers of any kind.  (I checked to be sure.)

6) The AV equipment are behind closed glass doors, which were closed when we arrived.


Any thoughts?


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The power probably went out and came back on quickly with a surge (1 or 2 seconds max out). Sometimes that does strange things to electronics (and appliances) such as turn them on without anyone manually operating them. Most of the time, the power isn't out long enough to have to reset clocks or other programming so you never notice that the power was out.

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16 minutes ago, Calamity Kris said:

Uno and I ran some errands earlier today.  When we returned to the house, the stereo was blaring.  The interesting facts are:


1) The house was completely locked up as well as the alarm set.

2) We had watched a movie the night before but I made sure all the electronics were turned off before going to bed.

3) The remotes for the audio system and DVD player were closed in a drawer, so no errant paws could step on them or knock them onto the floor.

4) The TV remote was laying on it's side, plugged into a power strip charging.  (The music was a TV streaming channel.  However, the TV was off when I checked it.)

5) I set up all the AV equipment and have not set any timers of any kind.  (I checked to be sure.)

6) The AV equipment are behind closed glass doors, which were closed when we arrived.


Any thoughts?


Ghosts or aliens from outer space.  The other kind would have done other stuff.  When our power goes down, the generator kicks in in 15 seconds.  I still have to reset all the clocks.

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8 minutes ago, Cypress Sun said:

The power probably went out and came back on quickly with a surge (1 or 2 seconds max out). Sometimes that does strange things to electronics (and appliances) such as turn them on without anyone manually operating them. Most of the time, the power isn't out long enough to have to reset clocks or other programming so you never notice that the power was out.


My thoughts exactly.  A quick power flicker playing Merry Hobbs with equipment.   


Really weird and unsettling when it happens in the middle of the night....be clubbed awake to the television on a random channel and at full volume.   

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15 minutes ago, Subdeacon Joe said:


My thoughts exactly.  A quick power flicker playing Merry Hobbs with equipment.   


Really weird and unsettling when it happens in the middle of the night....be clubbed awake to the television on a random channel and at full volume.   


It happens about once every two or three years with the tv/sound bar in the master bedroom. For that reason, I keep them unplugged. I try not to think about that happening to the cooktop/oven. The cooktop is a dial type control but oven is touch control which I don't trust.

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33 minutes ago, Cypress Sun said:

The power probably went out and came back on quickly with a surge (1 or 2 seconds max out). Sometimes that does strange things to electronics (and appliances) such as turn them on without anyone manually operating them. Most of the time, the power isn't out long enough to have to reset clocks or other programming so you never notice that the power was out.


Interesting thought.  All the electronics in the house (outside of appliances) are on APU surge protectors so any surges would be mitigated or eliminated.  We don't have an automatic back up generator.  Also, we have a china cabinet where the lights come on with the slightest flicker.  They were not on. 

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I know you said your system was off, but could it be a neighbor maybe accessing your system via Bluetooth by accident?

One of my coworkers would lose control of his sound bar because the lady next door was playing with her new phone. She turned it way up because she couldn’t hear music coming from her TV sound system. 
They figured out what was going on when the lady knocked on their door to see if my coworker could help her with her new phone. 

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we have turned our lives over to AI and it is taking ove incrementally , testing and updating with each episode hoping not to be discovered till its got complete control .......................or you missed something the dogs found - mine does all sorts of things when the wife [with the smart car or me in my dumb one leaves him alone for a few moments when making a stop , he is not AI but he has the uncanny ability to trip everything in only a few moments time 

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I have a possible solution.  Uno received a notice that the mesh system needed a firmware update.  He did it remotely through his phone app while we were out.  We're guessing the mesh system sent a signal to the receiver as a test once the update completed.  Both the TV and receiver are web enabled so we can stream music and movies.    


6 hours ago, J-BAR #18287 said:

Do you have Alexa?


NO.  Will not either.


5 hours ago, watab kid said:

or you missed something the dogs found - mine does all sorts of things when the wife [with the smart car or me in my dumb one leaves him alone for a few moments when making a stop , he is not AI but he has the uncanny ability to trip everything in only a few moments time 


The dog is too lazy to be mischievous.   The cats, however...............  I wouldn't put anything past my little one.  She's too smart and curious for her own good.

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Went out to the attached garage this morning, to find the door open. No, we had not left it open because we went right by it last evening when we took the dogs for a walk!  Don't think anybody around us has a garage door opener that might be on the same freq as ours. (Play theme from "The Twilight Zone"!)

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MY TV started turning itself on at strange times.


First time it happened was about five months ago when I found myself buck nekkid in the hallway with a 1911 and flashlight looking for the guy whose voice had awakened most of me.


I may have to break down and get a new TV and new and better DVD player.  These are older than about 1/3 of the people I know

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