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Magnificent Seven 2024

Captain Bill Burt

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Posted (edited)

South Carolina results

Shooter M7 Category SC RP SC Time
Groundhog Cowboy 1 172.08
Fast Eddie* Elder Statesman 2 180.16
Captain Bill Burt/S Senior 3 203.26
Leadfoot Luke/49 Cowboy/AAC 4 211.94
Brazos Belle/LSS Ladies Senior 5 213.56
Shelleen/S Senior 6 224.44
Tin Can Sailor/S Senior 7 227.19
Randy Saint Eagle/ESD Duelist 8 228.41
Tyrel Cody*/FCG FC 9 236.85
Hey Sugar/LS Lady Senior 10 246.25
Preacherman/ESGF GF 11 247.56
Crooked Bullet/FCG Frontier Cartridge 12 248.95
Trail Bandit/CB Cattle Barron 13 260.85
Badlands Bob/SGF GF 14 276.03
Krazy Kajun/FC FC/AAC 15 278.17
Lucky Lead Pepper/D Duelist 16 286.17
Christian Mortician/49 Cowboy 17 307.76
Scarlett/LFCG AACG/LGF 18 322.39
Carolina Yankee/SS Senior 19 344.38
Gunnby*/LG LGF/AACG 20 347.34
Jimmie Gunnfighter/FCG FCGF/AAC 21 351.35
English Tom/S Senior 22 558.69
Edited by Captain Bill Burt
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  • 2 weeks later...

If anyone has any pictures of our participants in  Florida or South Carolina let me know; would be cool to add some to the site. Would be nice to have some at Kentucky as well if anyone wants to take a few and pass them along.



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Posted (edited)

Kentucky Results (I'll add 'Clean' designators when I have them.

Shooter M7 Category KY RP KY Time
Copperhead Joe/BW Senior 1 227.02
Doc Roy L. Pain*/ Duelist 2 227.56
Preacherman/SSGF GF 3 244.82
Badlands Bob SGF GF/AAC 4 255.79
Crawdaddy/ES Senior 5 273.32
Tin Can Sailor/S Senior 6 288.76
Cat a Tonic/LW Cowgirl 7 295.44
Pecos Pete/CB Cattle Baron 8 322.51
Tennessee Tombstone/O Outlaw 9 326.25
Uncle Ethan/SSGF GF 10 338.43
Edited by Captain Bill Burt
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Posted (edited)

Alabama results

Shooter M7 Category AL RP AL Time
Midwest Hale/CG* Cowgirl 1 159.33
Arcadia Outlaw/49 Cowboy 2 169.61
Cottonmouth Cole/S* Senior 3 178.17
Copperhead Joe/BW Senior 4 188.19
Doc Roy L. Pain/ESD* Duelist 5 189.09
Hanso Lowe/Cowboy Cowboy 6 190.88
Captain Bill Burt/S* Senior 7 192.42
Randy Saint Eagle/ESD Duelist 8 193.04
Shelleen/S* Senior 9 194.23
Tin Can Sailor/S* Senior 10 197.85
Purly/CB Cattle Baron 11 199.8
Brazos Belle/LS Ladies Senior 12 200.9
Dodge City Dixie LSS 13 202.61
Badlands Bob/SGF GF 14 206.84
Tuco Forsyth* FC 15 211.9
Preacherman/ESGF GF 16 213.48
Reno Mustang/ESGF GF 17 214.05
Krazy Kajun/SFC* FC/AAC 18 224.5
Crooked Bullet/SFCG Frontier Cartridge 19 227.99
English Tom/S Senior 20 231.97
Ophelia Payne/GD* Ladies Senior 21 233.82
Cat a Tonic/LW Cowgirl 22 234.51
Max Payne/CB Cattle Baron 23 239.06
Lucky Lead Pepper/D Duelist 24 247.31
Tennessee Tombstone/O* Outlaw 25 249.98
Tyrel Cody/FCG FC 26 257.55
Justified/FC Frontier Cartridge 27 261.63
Uncle Ethan/SGF GF 28 276.84
Lawman Mark/SFCD* Frontier Cartridge 29 305.83
Midnight Rider/FCD Frontier Cartridge 30 311.33
Gunnby/LGF LGF/AACG 31 313.18
Mister Badly/SSO Outlaw 32 327.2
Jimmie Gunnfighter/FC* FCGF/AAC 33 336.78
Carolina Yankee/SS* Senior 34 352.04
Smart Asterisk/ESO Outlaw 35 400.63
Crawdaddy Senior 36 423.57
Cahawba Kid/FCD* FC 37 462.41
CLEAN *      
Edited by Captain Bill Burt
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Posted (edited)
Shooter M7 Category Matches Counted RP
Groundhog Cowboy 2 2
Fast Eddie Elder Statesman 1 2
Cotton Mouth Cole Senior 1 3
Arcadia Outlaw Cowboy 2 4
Midwest Hale Cowgirl 2 5
Copperhead Joe Senior 2 5
Santa Fe River Stan Cowboy 1 5
Hanso Lowe Cowboy 1 6
Roy L. Pain Duelist 2 7
Wabash Valley Slim Cowboy 1 7
Captain Bill Burt Senior 2 10
Purly Cattle Barron 1 11
Dodge City Dixie Lady Senior 1 13
Leadfoot Luke Gunfighter/AAC 2 13
Tuco Forsyth Cowboy 1 15
Randy Saint Eagle Duelist 2 16
Reno Mustang GF 1 17
Christian Mortician Cowboy 2 20
Shelleen Senior 3 23
Tin Can Sailor Senior 3 23
Preacherman GF 3 25
Hey Sugar Lady Senior 2 25
Justified FC 1 27
Cat A. Tonic Cowgirl 2 29
Brazos Belle Ladies Senior 3 30
Midnight Rider FC 1 30
Badlands Bob GF 3 32
Mister Badly Outlaw 1 32
TN Tombstone Outlaw 2 34
Tyrel Cody FC 2 35
Trail Bandit Cattle Barron 2 35
Max Payne Cattle Baron 2 37
Scarlett AACG/LGF 2 36
Cahawba Kid FC 1 37
Ophelia Payne Ladies Senior 2 38
Uncle Ethan GF 2 38
Lucky Lead Pepper Duelist 2 40
Crooked Bullet Frontier Cartridge 3 41
Crawdaddy Elder Statesman 2 41
English Tom Senior 2 42
Pecos Pete Cattle Baron 2 45
Lawman Mark FC 2 48
Krazy Kajun FC/AAC 3 49
Gunnby LGF/AACG 2 51
Jimmie Gunnfighter FC/AAC 2 54
Smart * Outlaw 2 58
Carolina Yankee Senior 3 74
Delta Glen Cowboy 0  
Yohan Senior 0  
Whiskey Creek Johnson Outlaw 0  
Koda Joe Gunfighter 0  
Edited by Captain Bill Burt
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Please be aware everyone that those standings aren't final or even necessarily comparable since some folks have already shot four matches and I included the best three, and some have shot either only one, only two or only three.  Things will become clearer as more matches are shot, but it will be hard to 'predict' standings given you'll be getting the best three matches and we won't know what those are for everyone until TN State is in the books.


I'm tabulating as we go so I don't have a monumental task Saturday afternoon after the TN state match.  I'll just add TN State results, check shooter's best three are the ones included, sort and post.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Georgia Results

Shooter M7 Category GA RP GA Time
Santa Fe River Stan 49 Cowboy 1 174.88
Christian Mortician 49 Cowboy 2 182.84
Groundhog WR Cowboy 3 191.65
Wabash Valley Slim 49 Cowboy 4 199.47
Fast Eddie ES Elder Statesman 5 204.57
Delta Glen S. Cowboy 6 205.91
Copperhead Joe BW Senior 7 217.89
Purly CB Cattle Barron 8 231.32
Shelleen S Senior 9 231.95
Captain Bill Burt Senior 10 235.15
Dodge City Dixie LSS Lady Senior 11 252.82
Crooked Bullet FCGF Frontier Cartridge 12 255.34
Tin Can Sailor S Senior 13 255.53
English Tom S Senior 14 255.62
Badlands Bob SGF GF 15 257.3
Trail Bandit PAT Cattle Barron 16 259.06
Preacherman SGF GF 17 259.3
Brazos Belle LS Ladies Senior 18 260.24
Reno Mustang SGF GF 19 262.36
Max Payne CBAR Cattle Baron 20 273.28
Koda Joe GF Gunfighter 21 286.15
Yohan S Senior 22 290.81
Cat A. Tonic LW Cowgirl 23 293.25
Tuco Forsyth FC Cowboy 24 294.07
Ophelia Payne GD Ladies Senior 25 314.31
Gunnby LGF LGF 26 321.57
Krazy Kajun FCGF FC/AAC 27 323.41
Uncle Ethan SGF GF 28 336.18
Pecos Pete CBAR Cattle Baron 29 366.97
Carolina Yankee SS Senior 30 402.95
Smart * ESO Outlaw 31 419.31
Scarlett LFCGF AACG/LGF 32 443.77
Jimmie Gunnfighter F FC/AAC 33 526.48
Cahawba Kid FCD FC 34 579.61
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Posted (edited)
Shooter M7 Category Matches Counted RP
Groundhog Cowboy 1st 3 5
Copperhead Joe Senior 1st 3 12
Captain Bill Burt Senior 2nd 3 20
Christian Mortician Cowboy 2nd 3 22
Shelleen Senior T3rd 3 23
Tin Can Sailor Senior T3rd 3 23
Preacherman GF 1st 3 25
Brazos Belle Ladies Senior 1st 3 30
Badlands Bob

GF 2nd


3 32
Crooked Bullet Frontier Cartridge  1st 3 34
Krazy Kajun FC/AAC 2nd 3 49
Cat A. Tonic Cowgirl 1st 3 52
English Tom Senior 5th 3 56
Max Payne Cattle Baron 1st 3 57
Uncle Ethan GF 3rd 3 66
Scarlett AACG/LGF 1st 3 68
Carolina Yankee Senior 6th 3 70
Pecos Pete Cattle Baron 2nd 3 74
Gunnby LGF 2nd 3 77
Jimmie Gunnfighter FC/AAC 3rd 3 87
Smart * Outlaw 1st 3 89
Arcadia Outlaw Cowboy 2 4
Midwest Hale Cowgirl 2 5
Santa Fe River Stan Cowboy 2 6
Fast Eddie Elder Statesman 2 7
Doc Roy L. Pain Duelist 2 7
Wabash Valley Slim Cowboy 2 11
Delta Glen Cowboy 2 12
Leadfoot Luke Gunfighter/AAC 2 13
Randy Saint Eagle Duelist 2 16
Purly Cattle Barron 2 19
Dodge City Dixie Lady Senior 2 24
Hey Sugar Lady Senior 2 25
TN Tombstone Outlaw 2 34
Tyrel Cody FC 2 35
Trail Bandit Cattle Barron 2 35
Reno Mustang GF 2 36
Ophelia Payne Ladies Senior 2 38
Tuco Forsyth Cowboy 2 39
Lucky Lead Pepper Duelist 2 40
Crawdaddy Elder Statesman 2 41
Lawman Mark FC 2 48
Cahawba Kid FC 2 71
Cotton Mouth Cole Senior 1 3
Hanso Lowe Cowboy 1 6
Koda Joe Gunfighter 1 21
Yohan Senior 1 22
Justified FC 1 27
Midnight Rider FC 1 30
Mister Badly Outlaw 1 32


I've sorted these by matches completed, then by total rank points.  Those who have completed three or more matches are in the first tier, those with two matches are in the second tier and those with 1 match are in the third tier.  I'm hoping those with 1 match completed are signed up for both Mississippi State and Tennessee State!

Edited by Captain Bill Burt
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I know at least 4 of us with only 1 completed are signed up for both Miss. and Tn.

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Mississippi results


Shooter M7 Category MS RP
Cotton Mouth Cole S Senior 1
Brazos Belle Ladies Senior 2
Hanso Lowe Cowboy 3
Krazy Kajun BPFC FC/AAC 4
Justified BPFC FC 5
Preacherman GF GF 6
Tyrel Cody BFCG FC 7
Badlands Bob GF 8
Yohan S Senior 9
Midnight Rider FC 10
Smart * Outlaw 11
Cahawba Kid BFCD FCG 12
Crooked Bullet BFCG Frontier Cartridge 13
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Posted (edited)

Shooter M7 Category Matches Counted RP
Groundhog Cowboy 1st 3 5
Copperhead Joe Senior 1st 3 12
Brazos Belle Ladies Senior 1st 3 19
Captain Bill Burt Senior 2nd 3 20
Preacherman GF 1st 2 clean 3 20
Christian Mortician Cowboy 2nd 3 22
Shelleen Senior 3rd 3 23
Tin Can Sailor Senior 4th 3 23
Badlands Bob GF 2nd 2 clean 3 26
Crooked Bullet FC 1st 3 34
Krazy Kajun

FC 2nd 2 clean

3 35
Tyrel Cody FC 3rd 1 clean 3 42
Cat A. Tonic Cowgirl 1st 3 52
English Tom Senior 5th 3 56
Max Payne Cattle Baron 1st 3 57
Ophelia Payne Ladies Senior 2nd 3 64
Smart * Outlaw 1st 3 65
Uncle Ethan GF 3rd 3 66
Scarlett LGF 1st 3 68
Carolina Yankee Senior 5th 3 70
Pecos Pete Cattle Baron 2nd 3 74
Gunnby LGF 2nd 3 77
Cahawba Kid FC 4th 3 83
Jimmie Gunnfighter FC/AAC 5th/1st 3 87
Cotton Mouth Cole Senior 1 clean 2 4
Arcadia Outlaw Cowboy 2 4
Midwest Hale Cowgirl 2 5
Santa Fe River Stan Cowboy 2 6
Fast Eddie Elder Statesman 2 7
Doc Roy L. Pain Duelist 2 clean 2 7
Hanso Lowe Cowboy 2 9
Wabash Valley Slim Cowboy 2 11
Delta Glen Cowboy 2 12
Leadfoot Luke Gunfighter/AAC 2 13
Randy Saint Eagle Duelist 2 16
Purly Cattle Barron 2 19
Dodge City Dixie Lady Senior 2 24
Hey Sugar Lady Senior 2 25
Yohan Senior 2 31
Justified FC 2 32
TN Tombstone Outlaw 2 34
Trail Bandit Cattle Barron 2 35
Reno Mustang GF 2 36
Tuco Forsyth Cowboy 2 clean 2 39
Lucky Lead Pepper Duelist 2 40
Midnight Rider FC 2 40
Crawdaddy Elder Statesman 2 41
Lawman Mark FC 2 48
Edited by Captain Bill Burt
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Posted (edited)

Another Magnificent 7 is in the books.  That's bittersweet because it means spring is over and with it all the wonderful matches we are fortunate to have between March and June. 


This time we went into the final leg at Tennessee State with three people in contention to win the Men's overall.  Cottonmouth Cole, Groundhog and Arcadia Outlaw all had a shot at winning it all.  Arcadia had an excellent match and pushed us into a rank point tie with 5 rank points for him and Groundhog with 5 rank points.  Total time is the tie breaker.  Because Tennessee State is a 12 stage match and all the others are 10 stages, I 'evened out' the times by taking Arcadia's total time for TN and dividing it by 12.  That gave me his average stage time for the match.  I multiplied that by 10 and recorded that as his ten stage total time for TN State.  Here are the winners:

Shooter M7 Category Matches Counted RP Total Time
Arcadia Outlaw Overall Champ 3 5 514.60
Groundhog Cowboy 1st place 3 5 535.76
Midwest Hale Ladies Overall 3 7  
Copperhead Joe Senior 1st place 3 8  
Cotton Mouth Cole Senior 2nd place 3 11  
Fast Eddie Elder Statesman 1st place 3 11  
Doc Roy L. Pain Duelist 1st place 3 12  
Captain Bill Burt Senior 3rd 3 16  
Brazos Belle Ladies Senior 1st place 3 19  
Preacherman Gunfighter 1st place 3 20  
Hanso Lowe Cowboy 2nd 3 22  
Christian Mortician Cowboy 3rd 3 22  
Leadfoot Luke All Around Cowboy 1st Place 3 23  
Shelleen Senior 4th 3 23  
Tin Can Sailor Senior 5th 3 23  
Randy Saint Eagle Duelist 2nd 3 24  
Badlands Bob Gunfighter 2nd 3 26  
Purly Cattle Barron 1st place 3 28  
Crooked Bullet Frontier Cartridge 1st place 3 34  
Krazy Kajun FC 2nd 3 35  
Tyrel Cody FC 3rd 3 36  
Dodge City Dixie Lady Senior 2nd 3 36  
Hey Sugar Lady Senior 3rd 3 42  
Cat A. Tonic Cowgirl 1st Place 3 50  
Reno Mustang Gunfighter 3rd 3 52  
Yohan Senior 6th 3 55  
Max Payne Cattle Baron 2nd 3 56  
English Tom Senior 7th 3 56  
Justified Frontier Cartridge 4th 3 57  
Lucky Lead Pepper Duelist 3rd 3 58  
Ophelia Payne Ladies Senior 4th 3 63  
Smart * Outlaw 1st Place 3 65  
Uncle Ethan Gunfighter 4th 3 66  
Crawdaddy Elder Statesman 2nd 3 67  
Pecos Pete Cattle Baron 3rd 3 67  
Scarlett Lady Gunfighter 1st 3 68  
TN Tombstone Outlaw 2nd 3 69  
Carolina Yankee Senior 8th 3 70  
Midnight Rider Frontier Cartridge 5th 2 71  
Gunnby Lady Gunfighter 2nd 3 77  
Lawman Mark Frontier Cartridge 6th 3 80  
Cahawba Kid Frontier Cartridge 7th 3 83  
Jimmie Gunnfighter AAC 2nd 3 87  


Mister Badly, Reno Mustang, Max Payne, Jimmie Gunfighter, Uncle Ethan, Leadfoot Luke and Hey Sugar all won a thousand bullets each from Outlaw Bullets.


Tin Can Sailor won the Paige Custom Knives screw knife.


Arcadia Outlaw won the Ryder Shotshell resizer from Bullets by Scarlett.

Everyone was present to pick up their prizes except @Mister Badly I'll get those bullets to you Mister!  If you weren't present to get your match pin I'll either Cowboy Express it to you or mail you one.


FYI, I had trouble tracking clean matches.  Several states don't report clean shooters, so the only one I know of was @doc roy l. pain.  Doc I'll mail you your clean match pin.  Anyone else who shot three of these matches clean please contact me and I'll get your clean match pin to you.


Thank you to our State Sponsors, Florida, South Carolina, Kentucky, Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and Tennessee.  Thank you to our Main Match sponsors, SASS, Outlaw Bullets, Paige Custom Knives, Buffalo's Wild West and Bullets by Scarlett.


I plan to run this again next year.  I'm hoping to add one more main match sponsor and I plan to keep the cost at $20 per shooter.  The All Around Cowboy category WILL be back!



Edited by Captain Bill Burt
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Thanks again Capt. BB!


Wow Frontier Cartridge couldn’t be any closer; congrats to Crooked Bullet (beat me by .06)and all the other winners.

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I will get all the scores up on the web site in the next couple weeks and try to do a better job updating that next year as well. (And a better job getting some pics/videos to put on there). For sure will grab Pilgrim Joe’s pics from TN State to put there.



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2 hours ago, Captain Bill Burt said:


FYI, I had trouble tracking clean matches.  Several states don't report clean shooters, so the only one I know of was @doc roy l. pain.  Doc I'll mail you your clean match pin.  Anyone else who shot three of these matches clean please contact me and I'll get your clean match pin to you.

I believe Preacherman shot 3 clean 

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Hey Bill, I was clean on the four matches I did not shoot. Only way I am going to get clean matches.

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Congratulations to Arcadia Outlaw for winning The Magnificent Seven Championship! Big thanks to Captain Bill Burt for adding this very interesting challenge to our state match season! Congratulations to all the Mag7 participants, it is amazing how close everything was all the categories and the overall! I am excited to do it again next year! I hope to see everyone at Ambush the Southeastern Regional! Have a great Cowboy summer everyone!

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Posted (edited)

Thanks Captain BB. You can probably give them to an Oak Ridge shooter at a Cleveland match. Or Black Gold. I was loaded up for Wartrace when I woke up Friday morning with what I thought might be an issue that would get worse based on recent history. It didn't. I'm fine and I passed on a Tennessee State Category Championship opportunity.  C'est la vie!

Edited by Mister Badly
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I will send them via Oak Ridge if he is at the Cleveland match in July.  We'll miss the June match as Shootin Sharyn and I will be celebrating our 25th anniversary in Maui that week.

4 minutes ago, Mister Badly said:

Thanks Captain BB. You can probably give them to an Oak Ridge shooter at a Cleveland match. Or Black Gold. I was loaded up for Wartrace when I woke up Friday morning with what I thought might be an issue that would get worse based on recent history. It didn't. I'm fine and I passed on a Tennessee State Category Championship opportunity.  C'est la vie!


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8 hours ago, Tyrel Cody said:

I will get all the scores up on the web site in the next couple weeks and try to do a better job updating that next year as well. (And a better job getting some pics/videos to put on there). For sure will grab Pilgrim Joe’s pics from TN State to put there.



Thank you Capt. For making mine and Brazos Belle's trip one for the memory book.

And to you Tyrel, I hope our trails will cross again.

Crooked Bullet & Brazos Belle 

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Thank you Capt Bill Burt for putting this together.  It's a great idea that certainly got some shooters to try shooting at new places around the South East.  I know I was one of them.  Sorry I couldn't be at the Tennessee match for the awards.


Congratulations to Preacherman for whooping me in the Gunfighter category.  Pretty good shooting for somebody that sleeps in a tent. 

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On 4/24/2024 at 8:49 AM, Tyrel Cody said:

If anyone has any pictures of our participants in  Florida or South Carolina let me know; would be cool to add some to the site. Would be nice to have some at Kentucky as well if anyone wants to take a few and pass them along.



My personal FB page and business page are public and you can “steal” any pictures. I’ll try to remember to send them to you. 



13 hours ago, Arcadia Outlaw, SASS 71385 said:

Thanks Captain for doing the Mag 7 , I did not think I was in the running until Cottonmouth Cole told me Thursday! !


Thanks again for coming up with a fun concept with the matches in the SE Region.


Great Buckles !


Thank you Scarlett for donating the shot shell sizer ! 

My pleasure! Congratulations!!! 



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Thanks Bob! I hope that this finds you and your bride well. We missed you and I hope to see you soon. Oh, maybe you should try a tent!

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