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About Fretless

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  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Gunpowder Creek Regulators, Oak Ridge Outlaws

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  • Location
    Hampton, TN
  • Interests
    Old Time Banjo, quad line sport kites, Roller Derby Officiating

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  1. I like Scarlett's way, but just for entertainment, as a gunfighter starting with my left hand I would shoot: 34353 32313
  2. I think you just invented a new team side match.
  3. When I was brand new to gunfighter I asked @Widder, SASS #59054 and @Jackalope if they had any advice. They both unflinchingly said the same thing. "Don't double cock. Don't listen to @Krazy Kajun"
  4. If you do forget, you may not know until the next cleaning. It works fine without that spring.
  5. My apologies. I clearly read too much into your comments on this thread. Glad to hear you're with us on this.
  6. As it turns out, we don't need to suck it up, while we try to drag folks who share your apparent obsession with inefficiency into the computer technology era. (An era started by people who were young in the 1960s). I don't own any checks. I use online banking. If your club wants a check from me, you still get it in the mail....but from my bank. When a club wants me to print and mail an application, I fill it out on a computer, and attach it to an email. The email basically says that the application is attached and watch your mailbox for the check coming from my bank in a week or so. Most of the clubs who are asking for paper applications in the mail have somebody entering all that information into a computer. Mine can be copied and pasted.....faster and more accurate than transcribing. By the way, for context, I'll turn 55 in May.
  7. I just now googled "insurance for shooting sports" and it looks like there are many options. Interestingly, the NRA isn't on the first page. I did not look beyond that. https://www.google.com/search?q=insurance+for+shooting+sports&oq=insurance+for+shooting+sports&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIKCAEQABiABBiiBNIBCTEzMDA0ajBqN6gCALACAA&client=ms-android-verizon-us-rvc3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#ip=1&ss=
  8. I believe most people refer to the loops; as in a single, or double, Loop belt. (Or in my case a combination of single loops and double loops that I think makes my grab 4 easier). Only single and double are SASS legal. Loops that hold more than 2 shotshells are not allowed. Yes, posting a WTB (want to buy) in the classifieds section of this forum would be a good way to find something.
  9. That might be because your post didn't actually ask about anything. It just expected the reader to know what you were referring to. Also, I'm not sure if people call what you are looking for a "double up belt". That's not a phase I've ever heard before. Some people wear two belts; their gun belt and a shotshell belt (or shotgun belt). Others prefer an all in one belt that holds the holsters as well as loops for shot shells. "All in one" is the phrase I've heard. Then there is the option for a "slide", which is a piece with shotshell and/or cartridge loops that attaches (slides unto) your existing belt. Any leather worker who makes gun belts will be able to make any of those options.
  10. Yes. You most certainly can. From the Reload Choices document: "It is also acceptable for a shooter to replace defective (bad primer?) rounds in a cartridge revolver in order to successfully complete a stage. Even if a revolver has a “squib” (effectively putting that firearm out of commission), the shooter MAY reload the functioning revolver to finish the shooting string after making the malfunctioning firearm safe."
  11. I can't help but ask... Why didn't you reload the second pistol to save the clean stage?
  12. Geez. You want him to do everything for you?
  13. Example: 4 targets. Stage calls for a 10 round Nevada sweep starting on either end, double tapping the outside targets. Our shooter forgets the double taps, and just shoots a single tap Nevada sweep. Under the current rules that shooter would earn a P on the second shot, and probably not know until they were finished that they had done anything wrong. With unlimited Ps that shooter would earn 8 procedural penalties, because only their 1st and 8th shots were on the correct targets. Let's not venture down that road
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