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15 hours ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

Rumors and Rumblings is that some Cowboys out west will be riding the trail and wearing out

horses headin towards TN next summer.   It won't be a place for the faint of heart or rude behavior... :D

I heard that it is more of a lynch mob. That they want to string up ol' Widder for entertaining folks too much and sharing all the secrets of fast guns and shooting.:D 

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1 minute ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

Where's Red Knee when you need him the mostest?





Kneeling some where...


PS: Has anyone ever really seen Texas Black Jack shoot?



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56 minutes ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

Where's Red Knee when you need him the mostest?





Behind the scenes, I must confess, the lynch mob has been recruiting me to join.......

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19 hours ago, Phantom, SASS #54973 said:

I've always wondered...why are his knees red...




10 or so years ago Widder asked that very question.....


Naildriver once suggested that I got my alias from being a Pentecostal preacher.......


I told both Widder and Naildriver the same....


Truth is, I've made a living crawling around on my hands and knees in public restrooms.....


Widder got really quiet after my reply, Naildriver threw the bullsh** flag.....


Neither a prostitute nor a preacher....but a self-employed commercial tile setter for 23 years.....hence Red Knee.

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Well I gotta say I'm not fast but, just gotta love using that old 97. Still load that up the old Evil Roy way one in & one under.

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19 hours ago, Hells Comin said:

Well we'll see, I'm sure it would be a great time. I'm having a total knee replacement a few days after EOT, I'd love to shoot with you. 

Thanks for the invite. 


   Hells Comin 


I've got a completely unrelated, hypothetical question. What would you say if someone offered you candy bars in exchange to use your special 97 skills against an old man that doesn't deserve it?

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The alias 'Red Knee' is also a very appropriate name because of his Native American heritage.


The first time I ever saw him run a 97 was down in Louisiana at a 'Hell Fire' match.

With his left hand supporting his 97 and sitting on his left shoulder with his right hand loading

technique, I was amazed.......... and still am.


He pulls 4 with his right hand and runs 4 thru it like it was preloaded.

Very unique, skillful, and fast.   Did I say fast?


He's become a good friend over the years and traveled to TN a couple times and I went to 

Oklahoma once.

Now that I've seemingly 'taken up the rocker',  he's put another 'bounty' on my head

and recruited probably the best there is to collect the bounty.

I guess if I have to stand on one leg to face the onslaught, I'll do it with no fear.

I'm game!




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13 minutes ago, Chicken George* said:


I've got a completely unrelated, hypothetical question. What would you say if someone offered you candy bars in exchange to use your special 97 skills against an old man that doesn't deserve it?


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So now we are seeing a competition between chocolate and nanner split bribery?

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On 11/26/2023 at 2:44 PM, Phantom, SASS #54973 said:

Here's one...wish he was still shooting. Badlands Bud


He was on my WR posse (the year he won with 15 total Rank Points...and wasn't clean). Stage had two KD's that launched flyers. He shot it KD,KD,Flyer,Flyer.

Sure miss having fun with that guy...he was ALWAYS fun to shoot with.

 I know there are others, but...


When we filmed "Duel In The Sun",  for "Shooting Gallery,"  the episode that pitted 3 top 3-Gun shooters against 3 top Cowboy Action shooters, Bud did exactly that.  On camera.  Even more impressively, he had to go back to his belt, while the birds were still in the air.  He still nailed them, both.  Look it up.


I had the pleasure of timing Red Knee for a whole bunch of runs, one year at the speed side matches at EoT, New Mexico.  Wow. 


And, I have to compete against that freak of nature that is Hell's Comin.'  Sigh.


I just shot with Single Barrel, last weekend.  Simply unbelievable.



A very fumble-fingered FJT


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 I have seen most of these Cowboys run their 97's and they re way fast. However the fastest Ive seen was a young man from back east one year at the Tri State match. He busted a flier with the third shot from a 97 after he missed the first two.


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10 hours ago, Texas Jack Black said:

 Anyone have a video of old Red Knee working his shotgun?


Sorry, but there are no videos of Red Knee shooting the 97, because Red Knee is simply a figment of Widders imagination.......Widder tells tall tales of yesteryear of how he whooped up on the speed demon 97 shooter Red Knee with one awe inspiring 97 run after another.......Red Knee is but one of many imaginary friends that exist only in Widder's world.  Just laugh and play along with him when he tells his tales.

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1 hour ago, Red Knee said:


Sorry, but there are no videos of Red Knee shooting the 97, because Red Knee is simply a figment of Widders imagination.......Widder tells tall tales of yesteryear of how he whooped up on the speed demon 97 shooter Red Knee with one awe inspiring 97 run after another.......Red Knee is but one of many imaginary friends that exist only in Widder's world.  Just laugh and play along with him when he tells his tales.

 I knew he was OLD but not this bad. He needs a few more NANNA SPLITS. Then off to the old folks home .

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Me ‘n’ ol Widder must be chewin’ the same peyote buttons,  ‘cause I ‘member meetin’ thet Red Knee feller a while back at Wartrace!


I’s a nursin’ this durned bad foot an’ couldn’t shoot, but I was minding Matt Hamilton’s dry goods store and I seen Widder ‘n’ this other feller carryin’ on and got interduced to who I was tolt were Red Knee!


Seemed like a right proper feller, but I couldn’t figger out why he’d let hisowndangself be seen in the company of a ol’ reprobate like Widder!!


Reckon if this Red Knee cowpoke is a figgermint of Widder’s imaginatin’, I must be havin’ the same highloosinatin’s!!

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21 hours ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

Howdy Kid Rich.

One of the secrets of becoming fast is bacause of all the 'make ups' that become part of the game..... :lol:


Hope you are doing well.




I'm gettin there Widder, it's been nearly 3 months since back surgery and am gettin better. I've been able to return to shootin and have started PT. After several years of dealin with back issues I'm happy to say that I'm finally seein results.

 Hope you and yours are doin great also.



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4 hours ago, Kid Rich said:

I'm gettin there Widder, it's been nearly 3 months since back surgery and am gettin better. I've been able to return to shootin and have started PT. After several years of dealin with back issues I'm happy to say that I'm finally seein results.

 Hope you and yours are doin great also.



  Stay with your rehab  I am dealing with two new hips and three back surgeries and now a fusion .I also am in rehab mode Just started doing a bit of dry firing but holding the rifle or shotgun is  a bit of a challenge.  

Best Wishes

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On 12/1/2023 at 4:35 PM, Red Knee said:


Sorry, but there are no videos of Red Knee shooting the 97, because Red Knee is simply a figment of Widders imagination.......Widder tells tall tales of yesteryear of how he whooped up on the speed demon 97 shooter Red Knee with one awe inspiring 97 run after another.......Red Knee is but one of many imaginary friends that exist only in Widder's world.  Just laugh and play along with him when he tells his tales.


Actually, someone needs to tell Chicken George that Widder is a fictional character in SASS that Red Knee

created and really doesn't exist.   Just think about it..... WHO in their right mind would want an alias of



Widder is just an imaginary person that was created as a Red Knee 'wannabe'.

Have you ever seen Red Knee and Widder at the same time?   NO

Are their any pictures of Red Knee and Widder together?   NO

And, why does this character 'Widder' always embellish the skills of Red Knee?   BECAUSE that's

what 'Widder' was created to do...... brag about his creator.   The character of Widder was

created by Red Knee.


Just ask TN Williams.   He knows all about it.




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2 hours ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

And, why does this character 'Widder' always embellish the skills of Red Knee?

I wondered about that. It's all starting to make sense. Except imaginary Widder expects us to believe TN Williams who also happens to be the only witness to Widder's 3.82 and 2.30 shotgun times (faster than anyone's heard of). TN Williams has got to be in on it too or perhaps he is the one who orchestrated the whole thing. 

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You get the BIG Picture, CG............ TN Williams is all part of Red Knee's plan.

Everybody that knows TW also knows he greatly exaggerates and sometimes outright tells tall tales.


TW is a world champ duelist and world class story teller.   If ya hear TW tell it, he can cut a rope

at 20 paces with a small pistol.   Put a cape on him and he'll tell you he can fly off his 4' high front

porch..... :lol:





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2 minutes ago, Eyesa Horg said:

I'm thinkin too many banner splits involved here.:P

I'm startin' to wonder if it ain't banana daiquiris! ^_^

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23 hours ago, Chicken George* said:

I wondered about that. It's all starting to make sense. Except imaginary Widder expects us to believe TN Williams who also happens to be the only witness to Widder's 3.82 and 2.30 shotgun times (faster than anyone's heard of). TN Williams has got to be in on it too or perhaps he is the one who orchestrated the whole thing. 

There was a 5 shot run in 3.3? where he fumbled his 6th shell. I still make fun of him for that.


But, I didn't tell you about his most fasterest time. I was running the timer myself. I just got through making him real mad by eating the last chocolate chip cookie. The sky was an overcast purplish and pink color and there was heat lightning off in the distance. Three ravens were sitting in an old dead oak tree out behind the dilapidated barn where we was shootin. Widder stepped up to the line and said shooter ready! I gave him a beep and at the same time there was a loud boom, kinda like a jet makes when it breaks the sound barrier. I though we got struck by that heat lightning because Widder's shotgun belt was smoking. I looked a little closer and 6 shells were missing and all the knockdowns were down! I didn't know what happened. Widder said in his best Johnny Wayne voice, "well, look at the timer pard". I looked at it, and you're not going to believe this, but Widder knocked down those 6 knockdowns in negative 1.37! He went so fast, it broke the space/time continuum and he went back in time. He told me it happens pretty regularly and he his actually 112 years old! Last I seen he was still trying to beat negative 1.37 but between you and me, I think he's too slow to get it done.

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6 hours ago, Tennessee williams said:

There was a 5 shot run in 3.3? where he fumbled his 6th shell. I still make fun of him for that.


But, I didn't tell you about his most fasterest time. I was running the timer myself. I just got through making him real mad by eating the last chocolate chip cookie. The sky was an overcast purplish and pink color and there was heat lightning off in the distance. Three ravens were sitting in an old dead oak tree out behind the dilapidated barn where we was shootin. Widder stepped up to the line and said shooter ready! I gave him a beep and at the same time there was a loud boom, kinda like a jet makes when it breaks the sound barrier. I though we got struck by that heat lightning because Widder's shotgun belt was smoking. I looked a little closer and 6 shells were missing and all the knockdowns were down! I didn't know what happened. Widder said in his best Johnny Wayne voice, "well, look at the timer pard". I looked at it, and you're not going to believe this, but Widder knocked down those 6 knockdowns in negative 1.37! He went so fast, it broke the space/time continuum and he went back in time. He told me it happens pretty regularly and he his actually 112 years old! Last I seen he was still trying to beat negative 1.37 but between you and me, I think he's too slow to get it done.

Wow! Of all the ridiculous tall tales

I've heard, this is by far the most far fetched. You must think I was born yesterday, if you expect me to believe that Widder fumbled a shell. 

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I've fumbled many.  I've even managed to throw some in backwards.

I can chuck a shell over the top further than Ernest T. Bass can heave a rock.


But one thing I can't do............ tell a bigger whopper than ole TW.   He can spin the

biggest yarn in TN.   Even his friends, both of them, know about his tall tales.




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8 hours ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

I've fumbled many.  I've even managed to throw some in backwards.

I can chuck a shell over the top further than Ernest T. Bass can heave a rock.


But one thing I can't do............ tell a bigger whopper than ole TW.   He can spin the

biggest yarn in TN.   Even his friends, both of them, know about his tall tales.




Ol’ TW’s kinfolk’ll tell ya’s the samedang thing!!


He’s a perfeshunle fabricator!! :o:lol:

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I can tell ya sumthin about ole TW that very few folks know nor have ever noticed....

If he's outdoors and starts tellin ya a story,  his shadow will disappear on a sunny day.

Now that's  the mark of a purrfeshanel 'fabricator'.   But mostly here in TN, we just call em

'forked tongue.   :lol:

 When he enters a 'story tellin contest', all the other folks drop out. 




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Widder and Tennessee Williams are both highly educated!!  The both have BSA degrees!!


If anyone should ask, BSA stands for Bull S*** Artist!! :lol:

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31 minutes ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

Widder and Tennessee Williams are both highly educated!!  The both have BSA degrees!!


If anyone should ask, BSA stands for Bull S*** Artist!! :lol:


Well, all I can truthfully say is..... if TW were to have the number 97 tattooed to his jaw, he would be the

fastest 97 shooter of all time.




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