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Got Scammed

Mr Malco

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Got scammed by a Company caller Reloads World. I ordered 4lbs. of Clay Dot and 2 boxes of primers for $305.. They say they shipped the order by a company called United Shipping Line PLC. It was supposed to arrive today I paid $35 for shipping, I get an email from the shipping co. that they want $147. to complete the shipping. Too late I checked on both United ShippingPLC and Reloads World and according to google they are both scam outfits. Or course I paid PayPal Friends, so I am out the money. I should have known when the said that they had the powder in stock, since nobody else has it.

Anyway stay away from Reloads World.

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Run, don't walk away from any outfit wanting to be paid via PayPal Friends.  Use all known favored Naval expletives to describe their character and ethics.  

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Many of the reputable vendors now have at least some powders on hand.  Having powder in stock is not a crime and not a sign they are a scammer, on it's own. 


Do not use any vendor that requires a "no-refund/no-recourse" payment method (Zelle, PP F&F, etc), nor cyber coin (unless you are a true expert with it),  nor gift or pre-paid payment cards.  If you ask here, we're glad to help you vet the company.


"If it sounds too good to be true, it's a miss."


good luck, GJ

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Along with the other suggestions above, look for a physical business address and do an internet search on that address. Many times that alone will tell the story. A vacant lot, beat up/no name metal building, private residence or a completely different business/name will sometimes show up. All of that indicates a level of intentional deceit.


You're not going to find powders, primers, firearms or ammo at pre-plague prices. If it sound too good to be true...it is.

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Another thing to watch out for is a business name 'similar' to another legitimate business name.


For example, my business is Widdermajik........... Not Widdermagic, or Widder LLC, or Widderstoooopid, etc.....


So be cautious.    And about the best advice given above might be about how that company requires

payment.   If they won't take a legitimate credit card, be VERY CAUTIOUS.


Sorry to hear about your SCAM situation but we all appreciate your sharing that info with us.




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1 hour ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

Another thing to watch out for is a business name 'similar' to another legitimate business name.


For example, my business is Widdermajik........... Not Widdermagic, or Widder LLC, or Widderstoooopid, etc.....


So be cautious.    And about the best advice given above might be about how that company requires

payment.   If they won't take a legitimate credit card, be VERY CAUTIOUS.


Sorry to hear about your SCAM situation but we all appreciate your sharing that info with us.




Those business you supplied do not match what TW told me. Ole TW had some “fowl” names for your business! :lol:



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I was almost scammed earlier this year on powder. As soon as I got to the payment method on the order, and saw they did not take credit cards, that was a big red flag. Like OLG says if they don't take credit cards DON'T place an order.

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10 hours ago, Mr Malco said:

Got scammed by a Company caller Reloads World. I ordered 4lbs. of Clay Dot and 2 boxes of primers for $305.. They say they shipped the order by a company called United Shipping Line PLC. It was supposed to arrive today I paid $35 for shipping, I get an email from the shipping co. that they want $147. to complete the shipping. Too late I checked on both United ShippingPLC and Reloads World and according to google they are both scam outfits. Or course I paid PayPal Friends, so I am out the money. I should have known when the said that they had the powder in stock, since nobody else has it.

Anyway stay away from Reloads World.

Not to rub it in but this alone should have given you pause to ordering from them.



5 lb can for $350. 



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