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Thank you veterans

Rye Miles #13621

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1 hour ago, Cypress Sun said:


What Rye said goes for me also and I want to add...Thank You for the security and freedom that all of you all given me and all Americans by your service.



Well said!!  Thanks to those who have stood watch and to those who wrote that blank check!!


We should all be eternally grateful!!

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I went to Jen's 7 Avenue cafe for breakfast (I make better biscuits and gravy than they do but theirs is good and I don't have to got through the hoops to make it and then clean up) and found that a lady had paid for my meal.  She was sitting alone at a table and I went over to thank her.


"Sit  down a minute Gunny."


I sat.  She was a Marine married a Marine and had two daughters (One named Maurine Cora) and a son in the Corps.  She just wanted to talk and showed me a dozen or so pictures.


One daughter is 1st Lieutenant stationed in Iwakuni, Japan...a place I am very familiar with.


The other daughter is a Staff Sergeant working in the receiving station at Parris Island.


Her son is a "Hat" (DI) also at P.I.


Her husband is still alive but bed ridden, so she took a "selfie" of us together to show him. 


WhenI left I stopped to pay my tab and told the waitress to let me pay for the lady's meal as well and pass the difference along to someone else.


As I left a young couple was coming in with two little kids and  got a pair of smiles from them.


It's only 0700 and already it's a great day.



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42 minutes ago, PowderRiverCowboy said:

Like I said in the Meme thread ,  I did my job that I joined to do

 I dont do the free meal crap , or much of the "Veteran stuff" 

I totally agree. Ive never bothered to ask for discounts or free anything unless it comes from fellow soldiers. When I first retired out of Fort Carson I felt was okay to enjoy a few privileges, as the government kept eroding benefits of soldiers. However after about 4 months of rude behavior from others and nasty comments I realized there is a large segment of the population that takes these kind acts as an insult to them.I live just fine. Plus the senior discount is usually the same as the Veteran discount (LOL)

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Lest we forget.

I was pulled from my field, from my work, from my play,

Ne'er again to see England, in lands far away,

Through death and destruction, through blood sweat and tears,

I carried my master, along with my peers,

So I ask you to remember a while,

Along with the soldiers, in smart rank and file,

Remember our beauty, the strength of our kind,

As we galloped through danger, without care to mind,

For we were the horses thrust into war,

And we gave up our lives for your peace evermore.

The War Horse, 1914 - 1918



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Remembrance Day - Lest we Forget ❤️


By Neil Andrew 


I spoke to you in whispers 
As shells made the ground beneath us quake 
We both trembled in that crater 
A toxic muddy bloody lake 
I spoke to you and pulled your ears 
To try and quell your fearful eye 
As bullets whizzed through the raindrops 
And we watched the men around us die 
I spoke to you in stable tones 
A quiet tranquil voice 
At least I volunteered to fight 
You didn't get to make the choice 
I spoke to you of old times 
Perhaps you went before the plough 
And pulled the haycart from the meadow 
Far from where we're dying now 
I spoke to you of grooming 
Of when the ploughman made you shine 
Not the shrapnel wounds and bleeding flanks 
Mane filled with mud and wire and grime 
I spoke to you of courage 
As gas filled the Flanders air 
Watched you struggle in the mud 
Harness acting like a snare 
I spoke to you of peaceful fields 
Grazing beneath a setting sun 
Time to rest your torn and tired body 
Your working day is done 
I spoke to you of promises 
If from this maelstrom I survive 
By pen and prose and poetry 
I'll keep your sacrifice alive 
I spoke to you of legacy 
For when this hellish time is through 
All those who hauled or charged or carried 
Will be regarded heroes too 
I spoke to you in dulcet tones 
Your eye told me you understood 
As I squeezed my trigger to bring you peace 
The only way I could 
And I spoke to you in whispers......




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On 11/11/2023 at 9:32 AM, PowderRiverCowboy said:

Like I said in the Meme thread ,  I did my job that I joined to do

 I dont do the free meal crap , or much of the "Veteran stuff" 

Nor do I. 

I did go to the gun show yesterday and I wore my ship’s hat. I stopped at 3 different tables and gave money in support of our veterans. 1 was a VFW table, one was Disabled American Vets, I can’t remember who had the third table. The lady told me but I forgot. 
I bought a magazine for one of my guns and a couple turkey hunting books and went home. 

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Dear Forty Rod, I know you and you know me, and we have breakfast with our Cowboy group every Thur. morning at Zeke's in Prescott.  But, I'll bet this was one of the MOST heart warming breakfast's you have had in a long time.

God bless you pard for your service.  See you this Thur.

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