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B Western Recognition

Blue Eyed Drifter

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Don't ya think it's funny that some B-Western shooters can't laugh at themselves...you'd think that being able to laugh at yourself would be a prerequiste for being in the B-Western category...I mean...what do they do when they get near a mirror?



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5 hours ago, Tennessee williams said:

Why you yellar bellied varmint. If'n I could swim, I'd come out there and give you the what for!


That's funny, I don't care who you are.:P


1st.  My belly, while impressive in size is not yellar - else I would be at risk of having it confused with a Volkswagen Beetle or possibly the sun. :huh:


2nd.  Perhaps I am geographically challenged but to the best of my recollection; there are not any great bodies of water between Tennesee and Nevada that force you to swim. 


And lastly I have some questions.

3rd.  What exactly is this "the what for" you speak of? 


Cuz I recall having "what the heck is that bump?"  And they had to burn that off.



And a few years ago - I had a little "Why does it burn when I pee?"  I had to get shots for that.



Once I found a "friend" with "W T F is wrong with you?" and had to get a restraining order.

:wub: (crazy can be so much fun)


So unless "What for" is some sort of Dairy Queen treat - like maybe a supersize Blizzard - I might not want it.


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41 minutes ago, Creeker, SASS #43022 said:


1st.  My belly, while impressive in size is not yellar - else I would be at risk of having it confused with a Volkswagen Beetle or possibly the sun. :huh:


2nd.  Perhaps I am geographically challenged but to the best of my recollection; there are not any great bodies of water between Tennesee and Nevada that force you to swim. 


And lastly I have some questions.

3rd.  What exactly is this "the what for" you speak of? 


Cuz I recall having "what the heck is that bump?"  And they had to burn that off.



And a few years ago - I had a little "Why does it burn when I pee?"  I had to get shots for that.



Once I found a "friend" with "W T F is wrong with you?" and had to get a restraining order.

:wub: (crazy can be so much fun)


So unless "What for" is some sort of Dairy Queen treat - like maybe a supersize Blizzard - I might not want it.


CREEKer, I have no doubt you will eventually get the swimming reference.

   In the south or atleast the southeast, when you give someone the "what for", or "read to them from the book" it usually means you either whoop up on them or are real hard on them even though they may not know what for. 

   The swimming reference reminds me of a joke.

   There's a blond girl out in the middle of a street sitting in a rowboat paddling away. Another blond walk up the sidewalk and sees her and gets mad. She says, "it's blonds like you that give us a bad name. And if I could swim I'd come out there and whoop your a$$!


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I saw this post on the day it was added and thought I would give it some time to move forward.

I noticed that the comments were not from B-Western shooters.

Now we all know that good guys wear white and is the hero in the movie, and bad guys wear black, and the good guy gets the girl and rides off into the sunset with her at the end of the movie.

Maybe a website called SASS Heroes of the Big Screen and pictures of SASS members that shoot B-Western with their shooting outfits.


IL state 4.JPG

Sparta August 14 2021.JPG

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On 10/15/2023 at 6:53 PM, Blue Eyed Drifter said:

Gunfighters can become Jedi !   And Classic Cowboy / Cowgirl can become Shootist of the year.  Isn't it about time B Western shooter have some type of award honors as well?     

Some how we have gotten Way Off Topic on this Thread.   Thank you All for the Input!!!   (Some of it was Helpful and Some of it was Not)   I will Reach Out too Widder,  and who knows maybe next year, we will have a few more Saturday Morning Hero's 

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1 hour ago, Blue Eyed Drifter said:

Some how we have gotten Way Off Topic on this Thread.   

That happens all the time around here, nothing new. :P

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4 hours ago, Blue Eyed Drifter said:

 I will Reach Out too Widder,  and who knows maybe next year, we will have a few more Saturday Morning Hero's 

Wish you the best in developing something to promote and recognize B-Western Shooters.  Someone did come up with a plan to recognize Duelist as Pistoleros and came up with a Pin we could purchase.  Not as grand as the Jedi Gunfighters or the Classic Shooters Award.  I shoot Classic most of the time but always a Duelist style category.

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1 hour ago, Pickpocket Kate said:

Why all the  BS toward B Western? Some of us like that category! 

What "BS" are you talking about???


No BS here...just the facts.


Also, look at the handbook. I believe it says...somewhere in there...that B-Western shooters must have thick skin cuz when they wear what they wear...well...you know.



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29 minutes ago, SHOOTIN FOX said:

The BS of calling people “fairies” or “queens”  that has nothing to so with the OP.

Nobody call anyone "Fairies" or "Queens". We called the "Prairie Pharies" an "Queens of the...something or other".


Now lighten up Francis.



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Hate to see this thread end on a sarcastic note when the initial question was one in good faith. I have a couple of suggestions with a Hollywood slant to it. Maybe - what some B Western stars went on to - "A listers" - Or something from the Blazing saddles tune - "Shining Star" award.  Just a thought. 

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On 10/17/2023 at 11:09 PM, Creeker, SASS #43022 said:

We are grown men pretending to be cowboys with made up names.

We have 80 year olds referring to themselves as "Kid".

We have 350 pounders referring to themselves as "Slim"

We own dogs named after guns, lawmen, criminals and old west towns.

We drive around with our aliases on vanity plates.


We walk around in more frills, chaps and leather than a Sturgis biker bar or LGBTQ pride parade.


It is immaterial what category we shoot - if we are to the point where we can't poke fun at the absurdity of the above; we are taking all of this a little too seriously.


On 10/19/2023 at 8:01 PM, SHOOTIN FOX said:

The BS of calling people “fairies” or “queens”  that has nothing to so with the OP.

Here’s a short, but true, story. One of the tutors who works for my company was assigned to work with a kid who is autistic. After several weeks the tutor was feeling good about the assignment. He felt he had established a strong bond with the kid and was proud of the progress they were making. At the end of a session he assigned some homework and said ‘see you next week.’ The kid replied ‘see you next week a$$hole.’


Of course the tutor was stunned. He called me for advice and I was stumped. The next time they met the kid said ‘hi d1ckhead. How you doing?’


The tutor contacted me, I had one of our reps make some discreet inquiries with the parents. Turns out the kid absolutely loved the tutor. In school the kid often heard other boys calling their friends names, so he figured that was how you communicated affection. Of course, being autistic his delivery left a lot to be desired.


Personally I admire a man willing to dress a little ‘flamboyantly.’ But I’ll stick to jeans and a Hensley shirt thank you very much.

On 10/19/2023 at 8:31 PM, Phantom, SASS #54973 said:

Nobody call anyone "Fairies" or "Queens". We called the "Prairie Pharies" an "Queens of the...something or other".


Now lighten up Francis.



Lighten up indeed. I tend to be polite to, or ignore, people I don’t like, at least at first.


My friends? Relentless trolling, particularly that dreaded nanner pudding eating duelist.

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