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Student Gets SCHOOLED After Calling Constitution Racist!

Sedalia Dave

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Someone just got their scholar nose bloodied!!

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im of the humble opinion there are those that have been schooled too much and educated too little , spouting things of that level of stupidity confirms a true lack of understanding of basic history , we cannot fix stupid , we can hope to have those that are really educated people take charge in the future , but more and more what i am seeing and hearing is disheartening of that potential , 


still i hold out hope  

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7 hours ago, watab kid said:

im of the humble opinion there are those that have been schooled too much and educated too little , spouting things of that level of stupidity confirms a true lack of understanding of basic history , we cannot fix stupid , we can hope to have those that are really educated people take charge in the future , but more and more what i am seeing and hearing is disheartening of that potential , 


still i hold out hope  

Maybe brainwashed is a better word!

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Charlie Kirk is great at this. :D


When a "student" of "academia" has to hold their precious phone in their hand to review their rebuttal or question, they can easily be dismissed as a parroting idiot. Original thoughts, anyone?


I figure these idiots, even after shown the error of their "thinking" simply resort to labeling people like Kirk, Shapiro, even Candace Owens, etc, as racists, misogynists, whatever and go right back to their idiot ideologies claiming the guest speaker was being mean to them.


"Tis such fun to watch though! :D



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What exactly does that mean? Schooled?


Back when I went to school, school was a noun. You went to school to get educated. You did not get school.


Horse trainers did School a horse, but that verb does not appear to fit in this instance.


Regardless of what school means:


The girl got up and made a statement. Whether her statement is correct or not is irrelevant - she made a statement. The guy asked her a question. She answered his question, then he made a statement. His statement contradicted her statement. She offered no proof of her statement, but he offered no proof of his statement. But when he made his statement everyone applauded and they were all excited because he schooled her.


Girl: the Glock is the greatest automatic pistol in the history of the world


Guy: no it isn't


Yay, yay, yay! Boy he schooled her!!

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39 minutes ago, Alpo said:

What exactly does that mean? Schooled?


Back when I went to school, school was a noun. You went to school to get educated. You did not get school.


Horse trainers did School a horse, but that verb does not appear to fit in this instance.


Call it linguistic drift, linguistic evolution, or modern slang. It doesn't matter so much what you call it, it is the equivalent of what in my younger years would have been called "taking her to school." Meaning, he "educated" her. Often this would occur to the schoolee's embarrassment. It could mean intellectually, or physically, such as when a better basketball player shows up a rival.


39 minutes ago, Alpo said:


The girl got up and made a statement. Whether her statement is correct or not is irrelevant - she made a statement. The guy asked her a question. She answered his question, then he made a statement. His statement contradicted her statement. She offered no proof of her statement, but he offered no proof of his statement. But when he made his statement everyone applauded and they were all excited because he schooled her.


Girl: the Glock is the greatest automatic pistol in the history of the world


Guy: no it isn't


Yay, yay, yay! Boy he schooled her!!


In the above clip, she came to the mic woefully unprepared, having not checked the document for such quotes as she alleged. I'm guessing she wrote what she wanted to say in Notes on her phone, instead of having it for some sort of information. Otherwise, she would have been able to check and have more direct quotes (and know she was wrong).


While he was correct in calling her argument fallacious, I agree he didn't do a very good job of rebutting it, instead playing to the crowd. It would have been simple to say "check the Constitution, where it only mentions 'Indian tribes' and 'Indians not taxed.' It otherwise doesn't mention race at all, not even in the Three-Fifths Compromise." He could have gone on to say that the Constitution does bar religious tests to hold office, meaning a person can hold office regardless of their religious preference.

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31 minutes ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

Realize that these videos are made solely to get content for YouTube. It’s all acting, bad acting.




Now, imagine that this was created as a lesson for an eighth grade civics class on the constitution.


it does sound scripted.

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2 hours ago, Alpo said:

What exactly does that mean? Schooled?


Back when I went to school, school was a noun. You went to school to get educated. You did not get school.


Horse trainers did School a horse, but that verb does not appear to fit in this instance.


Regardless of what school means:


The girl got up and made a statement. Whether her statement is correct or not is irrelevant - she made a statement. The guy asked her a question. She answered his question, then he made a statement. His statement contradicted her statement. She offered no proof of her statement, but he offered no proof of his statement. But when he made his statement everyone applauded and they were all excited because he schooled her.


Girl: the Glock is the greatest automatic pistol in the history of the world


Guy: no it isn't


Yay, yay, yay! Boy he schooled her!!

You’ve heard of “schooling a horse”? 

Well, in the video, he schooled a JACKASS!


Simple as that!!


She made a statement and when asked for any documentation, she couldn’t provide any. She stammered and stuttered, but couldn’t give a single example.


He then made a cogent reply and offered the script of the Constitution as his reference.


I suppose that he COULD HAVE read the entire document to her and the audience, but that reference alone was more than sufficient.


Scripted or not, it’s a good lesson on several levels.



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11 hours ago, watab kid said:

we can hope to have those that are really educated people take charge in the future ,


still i hold out hope  

While I hope that you are correct, unfortunately the uneducated will continue to vote for more people like themselves. The uneducated will continue to get their "information" in 30 second sound bites from the Left Wing Media, (but I repeat myself). In doing so, they will base their opinions and votes on them, not even realizing that there is another side of the story to consider.

The best that we can do is hope that more of us than them show up to vote, and that ALL the votes get counted. 

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14 hours ago, watab kid said:

im of the humble opinion there are those that have been schooled too much and educated too little , spouting things of that level of stupidity confirms a true lack of understanding of basic history , we cannot fix stupid , we can hope to have those that are really educated people take charge in the future , but more and more what i am seeing and hearing is disheartening of that potential , 


still i hold out hope  

My dad, a college professor, agreed and referred to many as "educated beyond their intelligence".


I learned early on that many people have an "advanced degree" simply because they or their family could afford it.....and there are way to hell and gone too many degrees available where no employment will ever be available in the field.

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2 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

My dad, a college professor, agreed and referred to many as "educated beyond their intelligence".


I learned early on that many people have an "advanced degree" simply because they or their family could afford it.....and there are way to hell and gone too many degrees available where no employment will ever be available in the field.

Quite true. My best friend has a brother who has a nursing degree, (it took him 12 years to get the 4 year degree, but nevermind). He has never worked in the field, and has been on the State Dole his entire adult life. For him, getting the Degree WAS the goal. 

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7 hours ago, DocWard said:

I'm guessing she wrote what she wanted to say in Notes on her phone, instead of having it for some sort of information


That's also my thoughts about it.  No different than having written it out on 3x5 cards.


Oh....he made an untrue statement, too.  At least about the savage Indians.   He said that it's not in the Founding Documents.   It is in the Declaration of Independence, but not in the Constitution.  




"He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions."

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On 9/16/2023 at 9:52 AM, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

While I hope that you are correct, unfortunately the uneducated will continue to vote for more people like themselves. The uneducated will continue to get their "information" in 30 second sound bites from the Left Wing Media, (but I repeat myself). In doing so, they will base their opinions and votes on them, not even realizing that there is another side of the story to consider.

The best that we can do is hope that more of us than them show up to vote, and that ALL the votes get counted. 

amen to all you said , there is a lot to make us worry , i think the 'silent majority' has remained silent so long that they are no longer the majority , so i fear your hopes and mine might fall short - woe to those that get what these idiots are working toward , they will not like it and there are many of them that will not survive it - history has already told us that , communism does not work - its simple dictatorship , there is nothing else in it ,


and you are correct they will never hear the other side - they will shout it down , pass laws to prevent its speech , and silence those that dare to say such things , 


remember [i do] communists shot people crossing their boarders TO LEAVE , we seem to put ours on welfare 

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On 9/16/2023 at 12:54 PM, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

My dad, a college professor, agreed and referred to many as "educated beyond their intelligence".


I learned early on that many people have an "advanced degree" simply because they or their family could afford it.....and there are way to hell and gone too many degrees available where no employment will ever be available in the field.

your father was wise , mine always pointed out those folks as people that rose to their highest inability , degrees beyond the usefulness to the business world and egos that made them think they knew more than anyone else - they tend to think they have to think for everyone else and know better than anyone else so they believe they should be in charge 


now - one might almost think they believe themselves manifested to be the leaders - rulers - controllers of all other lives , yet as i recall manifest destiny was folks believing we were destined to greatness ,  not necessarily to guaranteed by any means , bit rather if we took the initiative we could be great , seems to me these folks think that greatness comes from dominating others - i dont recall that being part of the program , it was going out on your own and accomplishing things as an individual , i might have misinterpreted it but thats how i was raised - 

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16 minutes ago, watab kid said:

amen to all you said , there is a lot to make us worry , i think the 'silent majority' has remained silent so long that they are no longer the majority , so i fear your hopes and mine might fall short - woe to those that get what these idiots are working toward , they will not like it and there are many of them that will not survive it - history has already told us that , communism does not work - its simple dictatorship , there is nothing else in it ,


and you are correct they will never hear the other side - they will shout it down , pass laws to prevent its speech , and silence those that dare to say such things , 


remember [i do] communists shot people crossing their boarders TO LEAVE , we seem to put ours on welfare 

I believe that the silent majority is still there. They proved it during the 2016 election. I personally think that they did so again in 2020, but that the other side was ready for them that time, and, for lack of a better term, cheated. 

If our side can, and is WILLING, to stop them this time, I think that we'll be okay.

I also think that the latest election here in Arizona was also cheated upon. I just hope that we can bring some semblance of responsibility to the next one.

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On 9/18/2023 at 11:41 PM, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

I believe that the silent majority is still there. They proved it during the 2016 election. I personally think that they did so again in 2020, but that the other side was ready for them that time, and, for lack of a better term, cheated. 

If our side can, and is WILLING, to stop them this time, I think that we'll be okay.

I also think that the latest election here in Arizona was also cheated upon. I just hope that we can bring some semblance of responsibility to the next one.

i hope you are right and i will hang on to that hope till the bullets fly then ill trust those with good aim - circle the wagons 

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On 9/16/2023 at 9:21 AM, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

Realize that these videos are made solely to get content for YouTube. It’s all acting, bad acting.




It's not acting at all! These are real gatherings, Charlie Kirk does this all the time.

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On 9/16/2023 at 8:14 AM, Alpo said:

What exactly does that mean? Schooled?


Back when I went to school, school was a noun. You went to school to get educated. You did not get school.


Horse trainers did School a horse, but that verb does not appear to fit in this instance.


Regardless of what school means:


The girl got up and made a statement. Whether her statement is correct or not is irrelevant - she made a statement. The guy asked her a question. She answered his question, then he made a statement. His statement contradicted her statement. She offered no proof of her statement, but he offered no proof of his statement. But when he made his statement everyone applauded and they were all excited because he schooled her.


Girl: the Glock is the greatest automatic pistol in the history of the world


Guy: no it isn't


Yay, yay, yay! Boy he schooled her!!

"I'm not entirely sure" albeit is an answer, is also somewhat more akin to a diversion. 

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