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binary guns and trucks

Trigger Mike

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while some wonder and think themselves non-binary, my truck is a girl and i stroke her dashboard when she gets me around something in a hurry.  My hunting rifle is also a girl.  I've never heard them complain about being referred to as a girl.  


My bike is an “It”

My truck is an “It”

My guns are mostly “It” except for Brutus. He’s my S&W 327 Night Guard. 


I used to be more cognizant of how I thought of the qualities of things in regards to the masculine or the feminine. Not so much any more. 



Petunia looks like a "Stevens " maybe a Model 250

Nice looking Gal in any respect .... Short and deadly ....


Jabez Cowboy


Buck and Boom are Boys ,,,,,, Because they love to play with fire and get dirty and don't Know when to quit.....

Had a 1966 Ford Galaxy 500 that was a woman,,,, always coughing and sputtering and wanting to quit...

Had a 70 Ford (when they still made trucks) 1/2 ton 302 4 speed standard that was male ,,, didn't think there was anything he couldn't handle ....

Pulled a Semi loaded with Drywall out of the mud, with-out breaking a sweat ....


Jabez Cowboy


I have a Remington 870 “Police,” which I bought when I lived in Long Beach, years ago.  There were a lot of prowling burglars and thieves in the area near the beach where I lived. 

Early on, I installed an extended magazine and a black pistol grip, adjustable length-of-pull stock.   

I call it, “riot gun,” a rather binary name, I suppose.


I have the same, but fixed walnut and 20" deer barrel.
We were 6 weeks in Yellowstone when a bear got a taste for people.
They couldn't catch him.
We were notified by the ranger he was a mile away.. broke camp in 90 minutes flat.
Bought that 870 shortly thereafter.  Slugs and 000 in the extended magazine.'


I have never named any of my firearms! I’d probably forget which one is which anyway!!:P


The worst possible thing you could do is be fondling one of them, and call her by her sister's name...


All my guns are male. I know that for a fact because they never fight in the safe or get pissed off when I keep taking the same ones out and not them. None have ever complained that the new grips I put on made them look fat either.


My vehicles? I had one that was definitely female (broke down constantly), but she actually belonged to the wife anyway so that figured.


On 10/10/2019 at 5:55 PM, Jabez Cowboy,SASS # 50129 said:

Petunia looks like a "Stevens " maybe a Model 250

Nice looking Gal in any respect .... Short and deadly ....


Jabez Cowboy


It's a Pedersoli "Wyatt Earp" without the naming on the receiver.

I picked it up from Doc Rowland before he closed up. 


I look at my rifle of the day and say "Ready Darlin?"


I got .45s named Fire and Brimstone ,,,, they are boys ......

I have a Highwall in .40-65 that I call Trouble because  she likes to reach way out there and wack things .... She is a Lady ... classy and dependable like my Mrs.

I have a Low Wall in .38-40 and she is so sweet and easy to handle and doesn't hurt the ladies and kids I let shoot her but she is sure death on steel out to 300 yards ...

I call her Baby ....


Jabez Cowboy


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