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New Toys: check em out

Widder, SASS #59054

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Check out these new mods (octagon barrels) on my Pistols, along with my favored hat band.


The pistols are the orginal style Ruger Vaq.


The hammer reprofiling and cylinder bevelling was done by LASSITER.


The Octagon barrels, ejector rod and housing, was done by SLICK McClade.


HINT for the guys: The piece of jewerly was a Christmas present from me to my Wife. After giving her this necklace, it was alot easier for me to get custom work done on my pistols..... ^_^




I know that Korupt Karl has some beautiful engraved pistols but he's gona wanta steal these from me so I best watch my back..... :o


Each pix has a brief description.


p.s. - the hat is also kept neat and correctly formed because I hang it on the 'Ultimate Hat Hanger'.


Hope you enjoy looking at these as much as I enjoyed shooting 'clean' on my first match with them. And I don't normally shoot clean.


Best regards




Check out these new mods (octagon barrels) on my Pistols, along with my favored hat band.


The pistols are the orginal style Ruger Vaq.




Very nice, WH.


Pray tell...are the barrels custom (and if so, by whom?) or are they available replacements (from where?)


Many thanks.






those barrels are custom by Slick McClade down in Louisiana.


They are available (Slick installs them) in any barrel length and I think Slick can do them in Stainless or Blue.





Cool folks seem to get the cool stuff :)


GG ~ :FlagAm:



Hey Gunner my friend:


maybe its the cool stuff that makes some of us dull folks seem 'cool'..... :lol:





All your new stuff sure are nice looking.


Really nice-looking set of pistolas, Widder. There is something to be said for a truly unique set of firearms, and those certainly are. Perhaps the best thing is that YOU like them and have proven you can shoot well with them.


Here's to many years and many thousands of rounds through a beautiful set of guns!


Regards, TJH


I'm jealous.


Hey Widder, I like that hat band! If I had a hat band like that I'm sure my luck with the cowgirls would take a change for the better! Oh, those pistols are mighty fine too, so fine, that if ya cracked on head with one I'd feel honored! :lol:




Hey Widder; Them sure are purdy....and if I buy my wife a necklace will you buy me a set of them barrels???? I did get to see the pair that Slick had and they sure are kewl.....


That hat band is most excellent....See you on Friday or Saturday of next week....I'll call you when I leave Florida.






local LEO's would like a warning when you leave Florida and head this way. It gives them time to get the Women, Children and small animals off the streets..... :lol:


Thanks fellers...glad you liked em.


I've always like the look of octagon on pistols and when Slick showed me his Blackhawks with 4" octagons, I knew right then it was time.


If you looked at the complete work, it is top grade gunsmithing work by two of the finest folks anywhere.....Lassiter in Ohio and Slick McClade in Louisiana. Everything was clean and quite honestly, I couldn't have ask for any better.


The 4" octagons seem to balance well for me. Mileage varies.


I can vouch for one thing.....they hold on target like a dream. That solid brass front blade is perfect.


See Y'all on the trail.





Hey Widder, can you shoot around corners with them purty 8 sided barrels?


Wider, nice hat band,that Bullet Splat lady :wub: sure does fine work. I look forward to trying those pistols out next month at setup ifn you are there.


Wider, nice hat band,that Bullet Splat lady :wub: sure does fine work. I look forward to trying those pistols out next month at setup ifn you are there.



You're welcome to use them anytime.


Hope it don't rain tomorrow and maybe we can get in a match with the Ocoee Rangers.





:FlagAm: :FlagAm: :FlagAm: :FlagAm: :FlagAm: :FlagAm: :FlagAm: :FlagAm: :FlagAm: :FlagAm:




Mustang Gregg

:FlagAm: Very Nice! :FlagAm:


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