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Adirondack Jack, SASS #53440

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    Circle K Regulators

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Adirondack Jack, SASS #53440's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. is the Magma Master Caster available Thanks, Keokotah

  2. I got wind that you have made a hillbilly Airstream. Just have a few questions for you if you are interested. I'm looking at getting an enclosed trailer and want to keep it for hauling purposes. But to modify it "slightly" for weekend shoots. If you have any does or don't id appreciate it.

  3. I have a follow up question o two about loading the C45 on a Dillon Square Deal B. I have a SDB set up for 45ACP.. If I change out the shell plate so it will hold the C45 cases will all the ACP dies work? There are 4 proprietary dies: sizer/deprimer, powder/bell, bullet seat and crimp dies. I want to get my SDB set up for C45 but I would like to do it as inexpensively as possible.

  4. Sure did. You did a great job. I need to get back to the marlins pretty soon. Gonna need a little TIG work on the one.....

  5. Howdy AJ.

    did you see my video of the M'AJ'ik and Matic?

    Hope you enjoyed them.

    Keep in touch.


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