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Flashing Headlights

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Does anyone still flash their headlights to warn oncoming drivers of a radar trap up ahead?

Coming back on I20 from Monroe,LA., had 2 Mustang drivers give me the warning of radar being run on down the road - sure enough - 3 LAHP units were sitting about 4 miles further on - with an unmarked black Dodge as the radar/laser car.

I wasn't speeding, but I appreciated the warning.

And realized I have become somewhat lax in my headlight flashing as of late. I shall do better.


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Nope. I figure if the law says 70, and the Highway Patrol usually gives folks 6-8 mph over anyway, you're on yer own if you exceed that. Might be me or my family you kill. There was a time when I was young and foolish enough to think of only myself and how much important my schedule was than the laws and saftey of others. After witnessing several deaths up close and personal over the years, I am happy to say I have outgrown the need for speed. It is better to get where I'm going without endangering myself or others along the way. Breaking the law is still breaking the law no matter if you drink & drive, smoke dope/do drugs, steal, murder, or drive too fast in posted speed zones.



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I remember in the 50's and 60's truckers would flash lights when passing and let you know it was safe to pull back in front of them.

Now in SoCal you don't flash lights cuz it might be some GANG Bangers wanting you to flash back, then they SHOOT at the car.

I want to go back to the 50's and 60's so bad. :( Just sayin'


Big Jake

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Used to do it when we first moved out rural. Then a drunk driver, with his lights off plowed us doing 60mph when we pulled out of the little diner after dark on to the main road. Totaled my truck and sent three of us to the ER. Sheriff told us later they had been looking for him for three days prior but he always managed to slip around them. Figured the "light flashers" tipped him off.


After thinking about I completely quit flashing my lights. If you're speeding or drinking, TS, take the consequences. I should add I have driven TT's too and did it then.


Safe trails,


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I figured out a sure way to avoid the ticket.

I don't speed. ;)


Old 666 here is two lane undivided 65mph. I can't for the life of me understand why you would want to exceed that.


I remember a case a few years ago when a guy flashed his lights at a car full of gang bangers. Being urban types and uneducated in the old custom, they thought he was disrespecting the. They turned around and shot up his car. Didn't hit him though. I bet he doesn't do that anymore. :lol:

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I have to agree 100% with Bodine. If the law says 60, drive 60, dummy. Your life, my life and my loved one's lives are worth it. If you have to be there on time, leave earlier. It is not that hard folks.

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I live on the outskirts of a small town. The Business loop of a major highway runs through the town with a posted but un-necessary speed limit. th reason for the speed limit is for city income.

You bet I flash my lights.

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We have so much traffic here that the roads are posted for mostly 35 or 40 mph. Why you have to go 5 mph slower in town than on the county roadway, I do not know. That said, during high traffice hours, most go only about 20 mph due to volume.


But the bottom line is that we vote these people into the councils and administration offices. Maybe if we would be a bit more selective that perhaps we could get some reason behind speed laws.

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Nope. I figure if the law says 70, and the Highway Patrol usually gives folks 6-8 mph over anyway, you're on yer own if you exceed that. Might be me or my family you kill....



I agree with this and live by those words too. 5-8 over is all I usually do (FYI, most vehicles I have driven or ridden in have their speedometer 1-3 mph fast anyways as verified with multiple GPS units)


Only times I flash my headlights;


1) is to let the Semi or pickup with large trailer in front of me know he is clear and and can pull into my lane in front of me.

2) if the on coming traffic is approaching stopped or really slow traffic ahead or there is a hazard ahead of them.

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Wish I could find a 65 mph road.


Speed enforecement is too lucrative.


Ya need wide open spaces fer that. :lol:

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I figured out a sure way to avoid the ticket.

I don't speed. ;)


Old 666 here is two lane undivided 65mph. I can't for the life of me understand why you would want to exceed that.


I remember a case a few years ago when a guy flashed his lights at a car full of gang bangers. Being urban types and uneducated in the old custom, they thought he was disrespecting the. They turned around and shot up his car. Didn't hit him though. I bet he doesn't do that anymore. :lol:

In all seriousness, a documented gang initiation in parts of the country is for a prospective gang member to drive at night with only their parking lights on, and the first vehicle to flash their lights is the car/driver to shoot. I would use caution in doing this.



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I personally appreciate the light flashing thing..I've seen folks flash their lights to warn of speed traps, but also to warn of deer, elk, cattle, wrecks, floods, downed trees or power lines, construction work, or large pieces of junk in the road ahead..The light flashing serves as a warning that SOMETHING is going on up ahead, and use caution.


I try my best not to speed, but all too often I'll be driving the speed limit, and I'll have some jacka** riding about 3 inches off my rear bumper, all the while throwing their hands up in the air, and working their jaw in a manner that suggests they're probably saying very bad things about me and my family..I'll pull off the road and let them by whenever I can.. <_<


It sometimes seems like it's actually safer to break the law and keep up with traffic rather than slow down and drive the speed limit- And have somebody run over the top of ya..and I didn't know about the gangbanger thing either..Too bad. :angry:

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Sometimes I git a bit ornery and flash my lights at a vehicle that I see greatly exceding the speed limit on one of "my" streets....


flash for trucks, of course, just polite for clearance, danger ahead, or to let someone turn in front of me (not many understand that tho)


for speed traps with unreasonable speed limits....yu betcha....on interstates with reasonable limits...no, i figure they'll give you 9, iffn yur over thit,,,,oh well, pay tha fine




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I remember in the 50's and 60's truckers would flash lights when passing and let you know it was safe to pull back in front of them.

Now in SoCal you don't flash lights cuz it might be some GANG Bangers wanting you to flash back, then they SHOOT at the car.

I want to go back to the 50's and 60's so bad. :( Just sayin'


Big Jake


Boy you hit the nail on the head! It's a gang ignition thing....or was. Truckers that are not from the good

old U.S. of A. do not know and the newer drivers are still on a learning curve. The closest you'll get to the

1950-1960 and even the early 70' next to a time machine will be in your dreams!!!! Dreams need to be cherished!

Happy trails


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If I am alone, when I encounter the speed-freaks tailgating me, I'll slow down even more. The roads here in the Ozarks are treacherous enough in good daylight conditions to warrant driving cautiously. I gave up riding motorcycles because of stupid speed freaks that like to pass in curves and come straight at you on short stretches of passing zones, forcing me to the edge of the road which often has no shoulder. One fellow found out just how strongly I feel about that sort of thing after I recovered from the trip throught the ditch and got back on the road. His company truck was well insured I have no doubt. His soiled undies, probably not. I'll leave that story as is for now. You can write your own conclusions.


Take your own life in your hands if you must, but endanger mine or my family's and you are closer to god than you ever dreamed.



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It's kind of funny that this thread came up now. Just a few weeks ago, a Florida man filed a class action lawsuit on this very subject. It seems that he warned oncoming drivers of a speed trap by flashing his lights, got pulled over and cited. Below is a link to the article on it. Interestingly enough, the Florida Highway Patrol issued a directive that "light flashers" will not be ticketed any longer.

Light flashing lawsuit


I will flash my lights to warn others of a speed trap, just common courtesy IMO. I like to be warned, I figure others do also. I also don't believe that speeders' (5 - 10 mph over) cause more accidents than anyone else. Red light/stop sign runners and distracted drivers are the major cause of crashes.....strictly my opinion of course.



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It's kind of funny that this thread came up now. Just a few weeks ago, a Florida man filed a class action lawsuit on this very subject. It seems that he warned oncoming drivers of a speed trap by flashing his lights, got pulled over and cited. Below is a link to the article on it. Interestingly enough, the Florida Highway Patrol issued a directive that "light flashers" will not be ticketed any longer.

Light flashing lawsuit


I will flash my lights to warn others of a speed trap, just common courtesy IMO. I like to be warned, I figure others do also. I also don't believe that speeders' (5 - 10 mph over) cause more accidents than anyone else. Red light/stop sign runners and distracted drivers are the major cause of crashes.....strictly my opinion of course.




I would have to ask why you would accept any cause of accident under any circumstance? Better put, what difference does it make how the act occurs. These are not even accidents because they can be prevented through common sense and obseving the laws. The real courtesy would be to obey the posted speed limits wouldn't it? Would you hold the same opinion if one of your family were lost to a speeding driver I wonder? Ever sat by the side of the road with a dying freind holding their hand when they took their last breath? It's a game changing experience I hope none of you will ever have to go through.



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I would have to ask why you would accept any cause of accident under any circumstance? Better put, what difference does it make how the act occurs. These are not even accidents because they can be prevented through common sense and obseving the laws. The real courtesy would be to obey the posted speed limits wouldn't it? Would you hold the same opinion if one of your family were lost to a speeding driver I wonder? Ever sat by the side of the road with a dying freind holding their hand when they took their last breath? It's a game changing experience I hope none of you will ever have to go through.




Bodine, Truth of the matter is that if everyone obeyed every law, there would be no need for law enforcement personel. I'm not going to attempt to argue that speeders have never caused a crash, because they have. I have lost friends due to auto and motorcycle crashes. I've held family members' hand as they died, I know the pain and anguish that you have felt. When I talk of speeding, I'm not referring to wreckless speed, 25 mph and over the speed limit. There is a big difference between wreckless driving and driving responsibly. Just because someone is driving over the speed limit does not mean they are being irresponsible. Are you going to tell me that you have never driven over the speed limit? You've never talked on a cell phone, adjusted the radio or ac while driving? There is a point where you have to accept responsibility for your own actions...........I do mine.




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First of all, yes speeding is irresponsible period. No excuses and no exceptions, no distinctions. Ask a LEO. Second, I do not use cell phones in a vehicle ever. FYI I am familiar enough with where the controls are located so that I need not use my eyesight for making adjustments. One of my research papers I did for my BSE was on distracted driving, so I know a thing or two about that. I stated there was a time in my youth when I did drive over the speed limit, and accepting responsibility for that I have also stated I grew out of that need for speed. Also, on September 22nd my mother was hit by a 19 yr. old speeding driver trying to cross an intersection at a light already turned red. She is OK, but her car was totalled and the impact pushed her car thirty seven feet sideways after the contact. This in a busy suburban area of Chandler,AZ. Posted speed limit was 35mph, estimated speed of the driver running the intersection was 45 mph. and turning left through red-light. I cannot accept any excuses for irresponsible acts including 5-10 mph over posted limits. There is no difference, I totally disagree with your opinion that there is some distinction. You are entitled to your opinion but it doesn't hold water.



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First of all, yes speeding is irresponsible period. No excuses and no exceptions, no distinctions. Ask a LEO. Second, I do not use cell phones in a vehicle ever. FYI I am familiar enough with where the controls are located so that I need not use my eyesight for making adjustments. One of my research papers I did for my BSE was on distracted driving, so I know a thing or two about that. I stated there was a time in my youth when I did drive over the speed limit, and accepting responsibility for that I have also stated I grew out of that need for speed. Also, on September 22nd my mother was hit by a 19 yr. old speeding driver trying to cross an intersection at a light already turned red. She is OK, but her car was totalled and the impact pushed her car thirty seven feet sideways after the contact. This in a busy suburban area of Chandler,AZ. Posted speed limit was 35mph, estimated speed of the driver running the intersection was 45 mph. and turning left through red-light. I cannot accept any excuses for irresponsible acts including 5-10 mph over posted limits. There is no difference, I totally disagree with your opinion that there is some distinction. You are entitled to your opinion but it doesn't hold water.




First of all I'm glad your mom was not injured in the crash.......it's bad enough that the car was destroyed. Second, I will not defend some idiot that ran a red light and tried to make a left hand turn at 45 mph. I can understand your staunch stand on speeding and/or wreckless driving. When I refer to speeding, I'm talking Interstate type highways, not rural roads with red lights and driveways. We will obviously not agree on the issue of driving over the speed limit. What do you say.........lets just agree that we disagree. Can we leave it at that?



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I agree with this and live by those words too. 5-8 over is all I usually do (FYI, most vehicles I have driven or ridden in have their speedometer 1-3 mph fast anyways as verified with multiple GPS units)


Only times I flash my headlights;


1) is to let the Semi or pickup with large trailer in front of me know he is clear and and can pull into my lane in front of me.

2) if the on coming traffic is approaching stopped or really slow traffic ahead or there is a hazard ahead of them.




Years ago a trucker saved my life by flashing his lights 3 times as a warning of danger ahead. Just ahead around, a double blind curve the road was blocked by an accident that had just happened. The damage was so bad that all the lights on both vehickles were out. Except for the warning, I would not have seen it until it was too late. I stopped, put my flashers on, put out flares, and rendered aid to the injured, as best I could until emergency vehickles arrived.

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I remember in the 50's and 60's truckers would flash lights when passing and let you know it was safe to pull back in front of them.

Now in SoCal you don't flash lights cuz it might be some GANG Bangers wanting you to flash back, then they SHOOT at the car.

I want to go back to the 50's and 60's so bad. :( Just sayin'


Big Jake




Big Jake......Please.......Oh Please take me wif ya !!! :wub: :wub:

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I was an old time trucker..........last of a dieing breed.


I flashed my lights to warn of speed traps in certain states. Certain states would bust you for 1 mile over the limit. It was a money thing, not a safety thing. IMHO.


I would and still do flash my lights when I see a speed trap and other causes of alarm on the highways.


This "New Breed" as us truckers call'em, don't have much driving skills in my opinion. Drive by a truckstop with a CB radio in you're car and at 3 pm, the drivers are shut down for the night and all you hear is "Wheres' the smoke/dope.... Who's gonna make a beer/whiskey run.....Where's the whores ?"


When I started thinking about retirement from trucking, truckers is what folks called us. We where know as "Knights of the Highway."


The night before retiremet from trucking, we are "drivers" and have fun runnin' four inch wheelers off the road.




I flash my lights to this day to warn of a speed trap...............and will continue to do so. :FlagAm:

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Being from West Monroe, La...just across the river from Monroe... its still a pretty common practice in this area. But then again, so is pulling to the shoulder when meeting a funeral procession, even if you are on the opposite side of the interstate. Seeing that makes me glad to be from this area.


Next time you traveling this way, check out the shooting in this area. If you had waited until this coming weekend, you could have shot with us.

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Big Jake......Please.......Oh Please take me wif ya !!! :wub: :wub:


Ifin' I find me a time machine, I take anybody that wants to go back to the way it was.

I got an Idea....have the U.S. Gov't give us (1) state for all who want to live there and live like it's the 50's-60's. Paper boys, Soda Shoppe's, 1969 and earlier cars only, Japanese Gardeners with pith helmets, no kids with their pants down on their asses.

Polite people living for the good of the community and not in a hurry all the time. Sunday picnics, tree forts, Cokes with real cane sugar that tastes sooooo good. Just sayin'


Big Jake

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