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Flashing Headlights

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I thought of this thread this morning..


One of my morning duties is checking some outlying facilities about 10 miles from the main park, the only way to get there is driving along a narrow, twisting canyon road with a rock cliff on one side and steep bank on the other..The speed limit on most sections is 45-50 mph..(Too high, IMHO) Anyway as I was driving along a driver traveling in the opposite direction flashes his lights as we pass each other..I slowed down, as I knew it could be anything from an elk in the road to a fallen tree or rockslide..A short distance further I round a blind curve and here comes "Socks".. :o


"Socks" is the nickname the staff here has given to an elderly bicyclist who rides the road daily, the name comes from the knee high black socks he always wears..Nobody knows if he's stupid, too arrogant for his own good, or has a death wish, but he insists on riding his bike very slowly right in the middle of the road seemingly oblivious to the traffic around him..The road has signs posted directing cyclists to ride close to the shoulder, but he ignores the law and stays in the center, even in the blind curves and making everyone cross the yellow line in order to pass him.. :wacko:


It was fortunate both for Socks and myself that the other driver had flashed his lights, as upon encountering him there was another driver two thirds over in my lane trying to get around him..Judging by the time elapsed in my mind I figger there's a durn good chance I would have met the other driver head on, with no place to go except over the bank, and no time to get out of the way had I not slowed down..The other driver's option would have been to swerve into the rock cliff on his side, probably running over 'ol Socks in the process..The light-flashing driver most likely averted a potentially deadly situation by doing what he did.

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