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Knee surgery

Rye Miles #13621

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Well here I go, Monday Feb 28 is the arthoscopic knee surgery date. Gotta be there at 12:00 (HIGH NOON) surgery is at 2:00.


I'll let ya know how it came out as soon as I can hobble to this here "puter. :lol: Rye

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Best of luck Pard. If yours goes like mine you'll love it!


We'll set aside a little time for a special prayer.

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Ryes, you need to get a nurse to post for you so we know what is going on.. :)

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Whatever other advice or counsel you get....DO YOUR REHAB!

you will be better than new if you do.

You will hate life if you dont!


Sheriff (been there, done that, got the t-shirt) Oso

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Thanks to all my saloon pards for your support and advice. Yer the best! Rye

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Well that's done! Man that's some "cocktail" they give ya. Before I knew what hit me I was in the recovery room wakin up! Awesome! I'm hobbling around today on crutches, actually one crutch around the house. Keeping it elevated most of the time and iced. Ya'll were right it was a peice of cake. The worse part was not eating from 10:00 pm to around 3:00 pm the next day. Talk about being hungry. Thursday I get to take the bandage off and put little bandaids on the 3 holes he drilled. Gotta start the excercising then too until then I'm chillin out. B)


Thanks for all your words of encouragement and advice, see ya'll down the road sometime. Rye, with a repaired knee, Miles :lol:

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Don't expect too much too soon. I did.

Take your time.

I waited 2 days before I went back to work.

Could have waited a bit more. :blush:

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Good! What Noz said!!

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what Noz said, X2.

Then, again, rehab, rehab, rehab!

Do the whole regimen.

you will THINK you are "good as new", but that last week or 2 of rehab "seels the deal".


Best wishes, and I KNOW, while you are not a "happy camper" now, you soon will be!


(At least you didnt have an eyeball removed and replaced with a rubber ball! THAT was some miserable days!. But, like all thing, that, too, passed!)


All the best


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Well that's done! Man that's some "cocktail" they give ya. Before I knew what hit me I was in the recovery room wakin up! Awesome! I'm hobbling around today on crutches, actually one crutch around the house. Keeping it elevated most of the time and iced. Ya'll were right it was a peice of cake. The worse part was not eating from 10:00 pm to around 3:00 pm the next day. Talk about being hungry. Thursday I get to take the bandage off and put little bandaids on the 3 holes he drilled. Gotta start the excercising then too until then I'm chillin out. B)


Thanks for all your words of encouragement and advice, see ya'll down the road sometime. Rye, with a repaired knee, Miles :lol:



Gosh, Ryes are you bionic now? lol

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Good for ya , Rye! I kinda pushed the envelope with mine, but got away with it. It was a pretty good weather predicter for a year or two, then quit. The bus wreck set'er back some, and it'll complain occassionally.......Buck :rolleyes::blush:

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Gosh, Ryes are you bionic now? lol



:lol: Not exactly.:lol: I discovered that I was feeling no pain after the surgery Monday eve. Guess I posted too soon about no pain! Yesterday was awful!! I guess the drugs wore off and I had alot of pain. Today is much better but I still need crutches. Probably for a couple more days. Tommorow I get to take the bandage off and start excercising the knee. I'm taking Vicadin, which helps but makes me kinda sleepy, watching lots of westerns and elevating the knee and lots of ice and frozen peas!!!!

Thanks for your concern all you pards. Rye B)

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Why do you say that?


Okie, is this true?


Far too many variables to make a blanket statement. It depends on the severity of the joint at the time of surgery, the age of the patient, how much the patient abuses the joint, obesity, etc., etc.

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I've been following this post cause I know what the doctors got in store for me when he checks my knee out. Years of motorcycles, baseball, construction, and several injuries. What's this stuff about 5 or 6 years? RM hope this surgery goes well and you're moving around pain free for many years. I'm really tired of waking up every night with knee pain. However it's going to have to wait until next fall cause I aint missing any shoots due to a little pain.




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:lol: Not exactly.:lol: I discovered that I was feeling no pain after the surgery Monday eve. Guess I posted too soon about no pain! Yesterday was awful!! I guess the drugs wore off and I had alot of pain. Today is much better but I still need crutches. Probably for a couple more days. Tommorow I get to take the bandage off and start excercising the knee. I'm taking Vicadin, which helps but makes me kinda sleepy, watching lots of westerns and elevating the knee and lots of ice and frozen peas!!!!

Thanks for your concern all you pards. Rye B)



Ryes, just sit back and take it easy a few days and don't over do it.. course you can visit the Saloon cuz you can do that sitting down and on Vicadin.. lol.. It might be funny reading those posts.. lol

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Far too many variables to make a blanket statement. It depends on the severity of the joint at the time of surgery, the age of the patient, how much the patient abuses the joint, obesity, etc., etc.



Thanks Okies, I sort of wondered.. I would think it would depend on how bad it is how careful you are etc.. just like you said.. thanks..

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My problem was no pain. It didn't hurt so I went to work. Mine is better than before the surgery but I think I would be better if I had laid out for a week or so.

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Just like the song, "What a difference a day makes, twenty four little hours" I can feel the healing everyday. This is day 3 and I'm using a cane to walk and sometimes just walkin slowly with no cane. I did some excercises today and talked to the sawbones , he was encouraging. Thanks again all you saloonatics, you have no idea what a big help ya'll have been. Rye

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Far too many variables to make a blanket statement. It depends on the severity of the joint at the time of surgery, the age of the patient, how much the patient abuses the joint, obesity, etc., etc.

Hi Okie,


Thanks! That makes sense, unlike Seldom Seen's blanket doom and gloom proclamation.




Allie Mo

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Why do you say that?


Okie, is this true?


I had a knee done in 2004. Going back under the knife again as soon as I get time off from work arranged. Doc says it is wear and tear and getting older. However I do stay physically active riding horses and working outdoors a lot so a couch potato will probably get better mileage.


p.s. Growing old ain't for sissies. :P


p.p.s. The good news is my shoulder repair from 2006 is holding up fine. :)

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Hi Okie,


Thanks! That makes sense, unlike Seldom Seen's blanket doom and gloom proclamation.




Allie Mo


Yer absolutley right Allie, everyone's different and each surgery is different. I've talked to people who said they were up and around in 2-3 days, some said a week or 2. It varies widely. In my surgery he also removed some bone fragments or chips from arthritis. It's day 5 and I'm walkin around the house without a crutch or cane but limping pretty bad still. It hurts in places it didn't before!:lol: The 3 little holes look like I got 3 little .22 or .177 wounds. :) I'm doin the excersises twice a day and hoping for the best. Rye

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My Doc lifited some of the restrictions after a month, again at 6 weeks and turned me loose after 2 months. Unfortunately I slipped and fell on some ice in Jan and it has hurt since then. Going back to see him Thursday. Have had to curtail my workouts for about a week. Hope it isn't anything that requires more surgery, need to get gack to my excersize program. Got to get ready for my Elk hunt in September...lost 25# so I'm doing good.....except for the damn Knee :wacko:

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Glad to hear your gettin' better RM. After 14 years and 8 'scopes, arthritis finally made it practical to get the right knee replaced in '04, then the left in '09. Very glad I did. Unfortunately I have it in my shoulder now. Going to the doc next week, but I think I'm bone on bone when I move my arm forward at shoulder level. Oh well, sucks getting old. :blink:

Keep up with the exercises and I pray you won"t have to repeat the process.



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Glad to hear your gettin' better RM. After 14 years and 8 'scopes, arthritis finally made it practical to get the right knee replaced in '04, then the left in '09. Very glad I did. Unfortunately I have it in my shoulder now. Going to the doc next week, but I think I'm bone on bone when I move my arm forward at shoulder level. Oh well, sucks getting old. :blink:

Keep up with the exercises and I pray you won"t have to repeat the process.




Clay wish ya lotta luck with that shoulder, a friend of mine is dealin with that now it's not fun. At least yer suffering in nice weather. I assume where you are in Cal. it's pretty mild. I hafta go out in this crappy weather but I wanted to get it done before "cowboy season". B) Rye

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Mine's still holding up, Rye, but running it into the seat back in front of me during the bus wreck didn't help it none :rolleyes: It'll kick up every once in a while, but it may be due more to the low circ. problem than the actual knee problem. Glad you're starting to see improvement. Going to Tusco today wouldn't have been very good for it either, the chill and damp would've really told on it..........Buck :blush:

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