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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2024 in all areas

  1. Cowtown Scout and Witchy Woman! Congratulations!! We want to thank everyone that submitted a nomination this year, we really appreciate your support. Thank you! The Magnificent 7 Ruby Red Rider, Hot Tamale, Dutch Coroner, GW Ryder, Major Art Tillery, Pony Soldier and Sixgun Seamus
    9 points
  2. His hat bands do not disappoint. On my D Bar J Panama. JB
    6 points
  3. I know food coloring lasts quite a while. I dyed my daughter’s hair for Halloween. My wife was ticked off. The school was ticked off. Everyone was ticked off except for me and my daughter. She got to go to school for weeks with red, orange, green and blue hair. The school didn’t allow dyed hair. She thought she was pretty cool to be able to get away with it and blame dear ol’ Dad.
    6 points
  4. 23 years after the attacks and the murders. “They” are worried about how to proceed because he and his minions were torchered?!… So a plea deal was ordered?… I’m not saying what I want to say as I fear it would get me expelled.
    6 points
  5. We’ve decided to once again have Bayou Blast, the Up the Creek Gang’s annual match. This is in Lake Charles, La. The dates scheduled are April 4-6. We don’t have applications ready yet, but they will be available soon. I will post again when they are ready. Possum
    4 points
  6. In the first movies his hand becomes possessed and he cuts it off, it chases him and is kinda a character for a bit. after he is transported to the middle ages he meets a weaponsmith that makes a prosthetic attachment for his stump and the chainsaw it kinda twist latches on there. He breaks the gun and holds it under his arm and uses his good hand to stuff shells
    4 points
  7. You guys spell funny
    4 points
  8. I had to had look it up. Rolled over an ad that would fly you from St Louis to Miami Florida to get a BBL for $3700. What's a BBL? Brazilian Butt Lift! They take fat from somewhere and put it in your butt.
    3 points
  9. My close friend just retired after 50 years in the vehicle service business. When I was shopping for my 2023 Tacoma, I asked about the Nissan. He strenuously said NO to the Nissan.... nothing but trouble. The 2023 Tacoma is the last of the Gen 3 model line. The 2024 year is Gen 4.. all new everything... and all new bugs. 2024 Tacoma automatic transmissions are falling out at an alarming rate. The only fix is a complete replacement, and trannies are out of stock and back-ordered to Japan. My service friend says all the manufacturers of the new 8, 10 speed trannies are seeing similar problems. Apparently this is due to the complexity of all the additional clutch packs, etc required. The 2024 Tacoma has dropped the 3.5l V6 in favor of smaller displacement turbo charged engines. No doubt to meet gov't mandated mileage requirements. This means more demand on a smaller engine, and to my ears means "less reliability" My son-in-law has already had to replace two factory turbos on his F-150 truck, at a cost over $4,000. Most folks don't know how to drive a turbo, meaning you give them 60 to 90 seconds idle before shutdown to cool the oil. Otherwise, the oil in the turbo burns into varnish... and bye bye turbo. Any vehicle that shuts off at a stop light is a deal breaker for me. The 2024 Tacomas are now offered with batteries, and all the problems that go along with batteries. Everything in 2024 is new: bigger, taller, wider, heavier, engines, trannies. In short, the 2024 Tacoma is a version 1.0 product. And like ALL v1.0 products, it will be fraught with bugs and engineering design changes to fix those bugs. Toyota's long engine history shows proof of this. Those that live on the sharp bleeding edge of technology are often sacrificed to that bleeding edge.
    3 points
  10. If you can believe he has a chainsaw as a right hand, a three-shot double-barrel shotgun isn't much more a leap of faith.
    3 points
  11. Where's Hillary when you need her?
    3 points
  12. Missouri has a crowded field of candidates vying for statewide offices from the Governor on down. Please do NOT delude yourself into thinking that the (R) after a name is a guaranteed Second Amendment supporter. Equally dangerous is thinking that since you live in a "red" state you can sit out the primary. (Thought by many who now live in a purple state) The Missouri Firearms Coalition has made a series of videos vetting these candidates. I posted some here in TEAM SASS. I went to the Missouri Clubs listing on the SASS website and sent copies of those videos to each Missouri SASS club that had a social media presence and asked them to post for their members. If your club did not get the videos, PM me with a good email address and I will send them. Thanks.
    3 points
  13. That’s how the Army taught us to shoot the 1911 in the sixties. Weak hand in pocket or on hip. Double handed stuff came in later. In the seventies at the police academy it was two hand hold at any distance over 1 1/2yards
    3 points
  14. 3 points
  15. I was on a company fishing trip to Canada years back. The guide in our boat used the can to relieve himself. Rinsed it, but I skipped the coffee on lunch break.
    3 points
  16. This got me to thinking . Neighbor of mine. Got a whole bunch of stuff sitting out at the street. Throwing it away. A lot of it is little kid stuff. I guess he decided his kid is bigger, and has outgrown this. But among the toys is a pair of crutches. That's a bad idea - throwing away crutches. Because just as soon as the garbage truck picks them up, you're going to slip on a banana peel and bust your butt. I have a pair of crutches in the closet. I have not needed them for close to 30 years. But I am not going to get rid of them. I am not going to jinx myself.
    3 points
  17. I had both eyes done about 5 years ago, a couple of weeks apart. For those two weeks I constantly closed one eye then switched , just so I could see how much better it would be when they were both done. Since I have worn glasses for almost 70 years I had progressive bi-focals made with no correction for distance. Im loving it Imis
    3 points
  18. With the way things are with components the last couple of years my advice to new shooters is to see what you can find and learn to load with stuff that you can get reliably. One new shooter happened to have a friend that gave him an 8 pound can of 231. I taught him to load with that and 231 has been available pretty often so it's a load he can continue to find components for. He bought a thousand primers the first time and between practice and a couple of matches figured out he went through them pretty quick so the next time he bought 2k and just recently waded in to a 5k when the supplier had a free hazmat special. Same with bullets, he ordered 1k on his first order and 5k on his next. I have started several new shooters into reloading the last couple of years and it seems like the best advice I give is to be flexible to the components you can find. Some people get married to a load and act like they just can't change. I prefer to shoot clays in my rifle/pistol rounds and I have stockpiled a pretty good amount of it. But I also have a stockpile of other powders that I can load with and do load with for practice rounds to save my Clays for shooting in competition. Red dot, 700x, 231, competition, promo, clean shot and titegroup all will load cowboy loads in 38 and all but the 231 can be used in light 12 ga also. In this day of scrounging components you got to shoot/load what you can find and there are lots of options out there that work. So versatility is my recommendation to new shooters/reloaders. As far as how much, with the current pricing it's probably as much as they can afford.
    3 points
  19. Shooting many rounds does help, one will have more light strikes, hiccups, kicked out rounds, etc. And, that'll help one deal with the stoooopid little glitches that happen. Learning fundamentals is crucial. There are different types of shooting too, stand and deliver gives no margin for error. Here at the home of Hell On Wheels and plenty of movement, we can take advantage of the movement and pull that sticky shell or get the pistol holstered on the move. Some ranges set up all the targets at the same height, or shoot all shotgun from one position. Others set up split shotgun targets and have varying target heights. Many things to learn and process. Learning to find the free time on a stage is paramount, good stage writers will put it out there, the good shooters will take advantage of it. One and two shot drills and transitions as stated by Widder. Mental game is more important than speed, adrenalin will kick your ass if you allow it. Just because someone wins a speed sidematch doesn't mean they can put it all together for an overall win. Scarlett says it takes about 200,000 rounds annually to get fast!
    3 points
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