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Redleg Reilly, SASS #46372

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    Shortgrass Rangers, Oklahoma Territory

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    Iowa Park, TX
  • Interests
    CAS, gunstock carving, motorcycles, military history, photography

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  1. I'll quit when I can't hold the rifle up any more. I'm not the same man I was physically when I started over 20 years ago, but I still enjoy all aspects of Cowboy Shooting. Just have to pace myself a bit different. Besides, I am still chasing the club founder, who is still shooting at 87. I can see me doing that if still on the planet.
  2. I'm pretty much most concerned about the shotgun. Maybe hip shots are in order..
  3. I've just hit three weeks after having C5-C6-C7 fusion surgery. My surgeon has given me the green light to begin shooting again, which I find unique as most of the guidance I see recommends waiting for months. If anyone else on the site has had this or a similar surgery, I would be interested in hearing about their rehab procedures and what was recommended. Thanks!
  4. Would you believe that I own a M1909 in .45acp? Looks like it was changed to .45acp for WWI while the M1917s were ramping up but I can't find any information on 1909s that were converted.
  5. Just love to stir up Marines about living in the Department of the Navy,,,,,
  6. A portion of the flag that flew over Fort McHenry during the War of 1812.
  7. Haven't watched the NFL since they started disrespecting my country. Don't miss it either as it had become more of some kind of constant clown show instead of football.
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