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not as happy with tonights perry mason

watab kid

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it was about rescueing a young girl - trading a scientist grandfather in east/west berlin in the 60s , i remember all that BS , i recall the trades , i recall the shootings at the boarder when someone wanted to leave - yes i phrased that in a nice way - none of it made much since except comunism  was bad , --so im not sure why qalkl our young are thinking on that except they have been 6taught it in school - please tell me im wrong , 


so the reason i was unhappy with the episode was that it isa not on main stream TV today - the young are not seeing this - socialism at its best 

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I don't think that it would in any way demonstrate how bad socialism is. They simply would think, or be told, that it was just an example of how people were taught back then. And they would be told that by their teachers who don't think that socialism is all that bad, it's just never been done the right way. With them in charge.

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4 hours ago, watab kid said:

it was about rescueing a young girl - trading a scientist grandfather in east/west berlin in the 60s , i remember all that BS , i recall the trades , i recall the shootings at the boarder when someone wanted to leave - yes i phrased that in a nice way - none of it made much since except comunism  was bad , --so im not sure why qalkl our young are thinking on that except they have been 6taught it in school - please tell me im wrong , 


so the reason i was unhappy with the episode was that it isa not on main stream TV today - the young are not seeing this - socialism at its best 

As one that lived his early life in East Germany and what it was like. My father and mother along with me and my younger sister escaped during the night, hid during the daylight. It wasn't just the Wall in Berlin. Were we lived farther North the Border was defined with Towers, trip wires, soldiers and dogs set every 500 yards. My father and mother gave up everything so us kids could grow up in freedom. I know what it was like and remember the indoctrinating we were taught in school, and seems that is happening here.

We were lucky through the Catholic Church after being refugees in West Germany to get sponsors for United States. I still remember the night were our sponsors picked us up, drove us to the country home. Upon entering the house, they turned on all the lights and when they did, I ran to pull the drapes down, my father, and I can still to this day hear and remember his words, "you don't have to do that son, we're in America" ( of course he said it to me in German).

One never appreciates freedom till they have a taste of lost, and then there are those that take advantage of Freedom that will lead to its downfall and loss..

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I watch PM all the time, mornings at 9:00 and nights at 11:30 on ME TV.


That particular episode is the WORSE PM they ever show.   It runs about once every 6 months either in the mornings or at

night and I totally hate the actors and the parts they are playing.   I get sick of hearing..."Heir Mason".


I think its a stupid episode with bad actors playing bad parts.   Just my opinion.


When I saw it was playing last night, I turned it off and went to bed.




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It is hateful to me to think that just three generations removed from The Greatest Generation, we have “children” who are so ill informed and so completely indoctrinated in socialistic ideology by the subversive elite in our education system that they are willing to forget the sacrifices of their grandparents and even the sacrifices of their own parents who, in some cases, gave up everything to beat back the socialist revolutions of the last century!!


I have seen that episode and my thoughts were that in communist East Germany, such a court proceeding would have never happened!!  The government there would have never allowed it! And it is certain that they would have never allowed any of those people to leave the country!!  Furthermore, Mason and his people would never have been allowed to enter the country!!


At the time, it was probably considered good propaganda, imaginary or not!!

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2 hours ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

Communism, fascism, the holocaust will all be denied.

When Gen. Dwight Eisenhower visited the scenes of the holocaust, he directed that every detail of what was found be photographed and documented in explicit detail!  My uncle was involved in rescue and the documentation!


Eisenhower said, ON THE RECORD, that the time would come when all of it would be denied and that people would refuse to acknowledge that it ever happened!!


Officials from many countries were taken and shown the incontrovertible evidence that it did happen and that was an absolute fact!!


Eisenhower was clairvoyant!!


It took less than half a century for mainstream sources and whole governments to prove him right!! :angry:



Edited by Blackwater 53393
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TV show I saw some years ago. This camp guard was arrested in the '60s because he was proud of what he did. It was not so much, "this was necessary because the Jews are destroying my country so we need to kill all the Jews", as it was, "boy oh boy it sure is fun killing these hebes". 


And he heard people denying the Holocaust existed, and he jumped right in there saying that he knew it existed because he was part of it. That he personally had killed several thousand of those untermenshen. 


Not too surprisingly, he was arrested and tried for war crimes. And as they were leading him off to his cell to wait for execution, his main complaint was not that he was going to be killed. Jewish revenge. He expected that. It was still there were people that believed it didn't happen.  


His lawyer had been an officer at the camp. And the last time they get to talk before he's taken to his cell, he's pleading. "Herr oberst, TELL THEM it's true!" 


And his lawyer tells him, "You damn fool. If they believe it didn't happen, we can try again!"

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20 minutes ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

When Gen. Dwight Eisenhower visited the scenes of the holocaust, he directed that every detail of what was found be photographed and documented in explicit detail!  My uncle was involved in rescue and the documentation!


Eisenhower said, ON THE RECORD, that the time would come when all of it would be denied and that people would refuse to acknowledge that it ever happened!!


Officials from many countries were taken and shown the incontrovertible evidence that it did happen and that was an absolute fact!!


Eisenhower was clairvoyant!!


It took less than half a century for mainstream sources and whole governments to prove him right!! :angry:



We have short memories and History isn't taught as it should be anymore. Over time all the "Remembers" are lost or forgotten by many. Remember the Alamo, Remember the Maine, Remember Pearl Harbor, and Remember 9-11. Even 9-11 was forgotten by many.  Many who are New Yorkers were asked what 9-11 was about and many young people couldn't give correct answers.

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Not only the above historical events, but the fact that American Government/civics aren't being taught in highschools and college.  If those topics were taught, any presidential candidate who promises "to lower/raise taxes" is gaslighting. Congress must pass such legislation, although a president can "jawbone" Congress to get laws passed, which he/she may sign or veto. 


Abraham Lincoln is purported to have said, "You can fool all the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all of the time."  OTOH, Maverick's Ol' Pappy is supposed to have said, "You kin fool some of the people all the time, and all the people some of the time, an' those are might good odds!":rolleyes:

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Too many teachers that I can recall turned kids off with their history lessons in my day. Why? Because the teachers focused more on the dates and time lines of when things occurred than they did what happened and what we could or should have learned from each incident. 
I can recall numerous “C” grades on my papers / tests because I couldn’t remember an actual date but I could recount the events that occurred on those dates accurately. I had teachers that were baffled by my knowledge of events but I could never recall the dates that they occurred. 
I think that method of teaching soured future teachers over time and these teachers got tenure or went off to work in government and at some point there was a consensus that history wasn’t important. 

Was it a conspiracy started 70 years ago by communists that infiltrated our schools of higher learning? God only knows. We imported enough Europeans after WW2. I’m sure there were a few in the wood pile. 
OR was it just bad teaching policy?

Either way, we are not better off as a society or a country. 

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".....Was it a conspiracy started 70 years ago by communists that infiltrated our schools of higher learning? God only knows. We imported enough Europeans after WW2. I’m sure there were a few in the wood pile. 
OR was it just bad teaching policy?

Either way, we are not better off as a society or a country. ........" 


great point , ill not say it started there although i know it was alive and well then , we had communists among us in the 20s we just didnt yytollerate them well , joe mccarthy in the 50s didsnt really help things although im inclined to employ his tactics today [not really ] it just seems we need a proactive response thatturns the tables on them , 

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Good people have to be pushed really far before they will do the bad things that need to be done to bad people!!


This is the thing that bad people are only too happy to exploit!!


Commies, Nazis, others of their ilk. You know the ones that I refer to…



Edited by Blackwater 53393
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1 hour ago, Chicken Rustler, SASS #26680 said:

It's interesting that some people can see the problem with not teaching this but still want to ban teaching anything that can be labeled "critical race theory".


That's because history lessons, taught in school, are supposed to be non-fictional events.

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1 hour ago, Chicken Rustler, SASS #26680 said:

It's interesting that some people can see the problem with not teaching this but still want to ban teaching anything that can be labeled "critical race theory".

WELL, YA’SEE!  History is the description and chronicling of events for posterity.  There are LESSONS to be learned from history and taking those lessons and putting them to use can prevent the tragedies and travesties of history from being repeated!  

Your “critical race theory” is ONLY a theory.  It is conjecture thought up by people who want to rewrite or erase history to suit their idea of how things ought to be or their ideology or agenda!!





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Thanks for two comments proving my point.

Or maybe you didn't notice anybody trying to use critical race theory as an excuse to ban teaching certain parts of history?

Or maybe you think schools are no place to teach theories like "critical race theory" or Marxism or natural rights or dark matter?

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Dark matter is science, probably physical science.  It has little or nothing to do with HISTORY!!


Marxism is a part of history. The historical context and results of practices associated with Marxism should be taught in history. The political science of Marxism should be studied as such!!


Critical Race Theory is just that! THEORY!! It should be studied in places of higher education as part of political science.  I repeat, STUDIED!!  It should NOT  be use as a tool for the indoctrination of students, particularly children who are impressionable.  Again! STUDIED!!  NOT TAUGHT AS FACT the way that our current crop of “cancel culture” educators and administrators has chosen to teach!!




Edited by Blackwater 53393
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On 10/30/2024 at 8:22 AM, Blackwater 53393 said:

WELL, YA’SEE!  History is the description and chronicling of events for posterity.  There are LESSONS to be learned from history and taking those lessons and putting them to use can prevent the tragedies and travesties of history from being repeated!  

Your “critical race theory” is ONLY a theory.  It is conjecture thought up by people who want to rewrite or erase history to suit their idea of how things ought to be or their ideology or agenda!!





well put , used to blame another group for all of the things that some experienced over history - no one seems to want to take personal responsibility these days - you have an obligation to evaluate your choices and make good ones , 

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59 minutes ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

Dark matter is science, probably physical science.  It has little or nothing to do with HISTORY!!


Marxism is a part of history. The historical context and results of practices associated with Marxism should be taught in history. The political science of Marxism should be studied as such!!


Critical Race Theory is just that! THEORY!! It should be studied in places of higher education as part of political science.  I repeat, STUDIED!!  It should NOT  be use as a tool for the indoctrination of students, particularly children who are impressionable.  Again! STUDIED!!  NOT TAUGHT AS FACT the way that our current crop of “cancel culture” educators and administrators has chosen to teach!!




again - right on point , 


ill add that marxism should be looked at along side the other poly sci philosophies and always presented in the context that it was attempted in ,  

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2 hours ago, Dilli GaHoot Galoot said:

And here I thought this was going be about that one episode that they filmed in color!  :blush:

i havent seen that one yet , not sure id like it because i like the B&W versions so much , 

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1 hour ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

Critical Race Theory is just that! THEORY!! It should be studied in places of higher education as part of political science.  I repeat, STUDIED!!  It should NOT  be use as a tool for the indoctrination of students, particularly children who are impressionable.  Again! STUDIED!!  NOT TAUGHT AS FACT the way that our current crop of “cancel culture” educators and administrators has chosen to teach!!

For once I must disagree with you, Blackwater. Critical Race is NOT a theory, it's a political agenda. They only call it a theory to try to mask the agenda.  

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38 minutes ago, watab kid said:

i havent seen that one yet , not sure id like it because i like the B&W versions so much , 


I've seen a few explanations as to why they did it, but my uneducated guess is that they figured that most of their fans didn't have a color TV yet so it wasn't worth the extra cost.  

One of my favorite episodes didn't even have Mason in it!  That would be Season 6, Episode 16 The Case of the Constant Doyle with Betty Davis  She may have ade her name on The Big Screen but she had the skill to totally own the small screen as well 

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38 minutes ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

For once I must disagree with you, Blackwater. Critical Race is NOT a theory, it's a political agenda. They only call it a theory to try to mask the agenda.  

I, personally, can’t disagree!!  

CRT is definitely the product of agenda driven rationalization, presented as theory in order to justify using it in educational settings so that the indoctrination of children/students can be hidden in plain sight!!


I don’t believe that CRT is productive.  It may be fine to consider the “What Ifs” of history’s mistakes and misdeeds in order to illustrate how we should move forward and avoid the pitfalls of allowing history to repeat itself!!

BUT!!! To rewrite or erase history in order to vilify any group of people or to marginalize those who weren’t born yet because of race or ethnicity in order to place blame or to sanction them is worse than ignoring that history!!


My opinion, of course.  It’s worth exactly what you’ve paid for it!!

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2 minutes ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

I, personally, can’t disagree!!  

CRT is definitely the product of agenda driven rationalization, presented as theory in order to justify using it in educational settings so that the indoctrination of children/students can be hidden in plain sight!!


I don’t believe that CRT is productive.  It may be fine to consider the “What Ifs” of history’s mistakes and misdeeds in order to illustrate how we should move forward and avoid the pitfalls of allowing history to repeat itself!!

BUT!!! To rewrite or erase history in order to vilify any group of people or to marginalize those who weren’t born yet because of race or ethnicity in order to place blame or to sanction them is worse than ignoring that history!!


My opinion, of course.  It’s worth exactly what you’ve paid for it!!

"presented as theory in order to justify using it in educational settings" My point exactly. And your opinion is worth more to me than just about anybody elses facts.

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11 hours ago, Dilli GaHoot Galoot said:


I've seen a few explanations as to why they did it, but my uneducated guess is that they figured that most of their fans didn't have a color TV yet so it wasn't worth the extra cost.  

One of my favorite episodes didn't even have Mason in it!  That would be Season 6, Episode 16 The Case of the Constant Doyle with Betty Davis  She may have ade her name on The Big Screen but she had the skill to totally own the small screen as well 

i remember that one and i agree , we didnt get color tv till about 1965 in our house , my grandfather gat it a little bit earlier , i remember watching and being very underwhelmed - the color was terrible and you had to constantly adjust to keep it in tune , what i do recall in detail was the racial unrest , funny how most of that had gone away till obamma gat elected , some things stick in your head , 

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19 hours ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

Critical Race Theory is just that! THEORY!! It should be studied in places of higher education as part of political science.  I repeat, STUDIED!!  It should NOT  be use as a tool for the indoctrination of students, particularly children who are impressionable.


Exactly! I can't think of any good reason to have anything like this in the kids' curriculum.


16 hours ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

BUT!!! To rewrite or erase history in order to vilify any group of people or to marginalize those who weren’t born yet because of race or ethnicity in order to place blame or to sanction them is worse than ignoring that history!!


Maybe sometimes it just sounds like vilifying to you, and it shouldn't, cause we're not the same people they were.


16 hours ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

My opinion, of course.  It’s worth exactly what you’ve paid for it!!


Don't sell yourself short. It doesn't matter how often I agree or disagree with you, your opinion is one of the ones here that promotes discussion and critical thinking. I still think some of the things people propose are using critical race theory as justification to change which parts of history can be taught.


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10 hours ago, watab kid said:

i remember that one and i agree , we didnt get color tv till about 1965 in our house , my grandfather gat it a little bit earlier , i remember watching and being very underwhelmed - the color was terrible and you had to constantly adjust to keep it in tune , what i do recall in detail was the racial unrest , funny how most of that had gone away till obamma gat elected , some things stick in your head , 

Well, there was that whole Rodney King affair………..

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9 minutes ago, Steel-eye Steve SASS #40674 said:

Well, there was that whole Rodney King affair………..

 Yeah… The Rodney King thing was closer to the end of that round!  That was 1992.  We had a near two decade lull in major racial incidents before all the BLM crap started.


(I’d better quit righ here! I’m likely to say some things that would get me excommunicated!)


I had to drive right through the Rodney King riots in L.A.!  It wasn’t pretty and it didn’t make sense back then either!!




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56 minutes ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

 Yeah… The Rodney King thing was closer to the end of that round!  That was 1992.  We had a near two decade lull in major racial incidents before all the BLM crap started.


(I’d better quit righ here! I’m likely to say some things that would get me excommunicated!)


I had to drive right through the Rodney King riots in L.A.!  It wasn’t pretty and it didn’t make sense back then either!!





So did Reginald Denny. Didn't make any sense to him either.

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12 hours ago, Steel-eye Steve SASS #40674 said:

Well, there was that whole Rodney King affair………..

yes there was that - events that occur in blue urban areas , that inspire outrage on behalf of the public that ignores the every day events that should inspire their rage , it always takes that really big event to get people up in arms --- yet those same neighborhoods allow all the drug dealing and such to go on daily without criticism , sorry im not buying any of it ,  i know george floyd was a criminal and a druggie - he died from that , there are innocent men in prison for his stupidity , 


i also know there is a criminal cop thats trying to get out or out , who shot an innocent woman in the same city , she gets very little recognition and that POS floyd gets a memorial ? 

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