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UPDATE ON LAST PAGE!! My turn to seek out the Prayer Posse

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That's absolutely friggin wonderful Blackwater :). Let's hope you get back on both feet soon! Sounds like your new medical team is on top of it this time. Thanks for the great update. Hope Schoolmarm is all back to normal as well. You both stay in our thoughts.

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Schoolmarm had another round of blood tests this morning.  These were for her kidney doctor.


Tomorrow, I see the foot doctor and I’m hoping to be able to get back to walking.  There IS an outside chance!

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Just got caught up on all the good news! Still praying for you guys.

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Posted (edited)

Saw the foot doc this morning. She said that the trip to the Kentucky State Match was good medicine!!! It looks like the skin has closed up to the size of a pinhead.  Her take on it is that I should be able to walk a little next week.


Went from there to my PCP for the quarterly checkup and he was just as happy with the rest of my health!!


I have some followup tests in three weeks for the infection doctor and my new footwear should be here soon too!!


THANKS AGAIN to everyone that played “mom” to me at Ponderosa Pines last weekend! The doctors say you folks are GREAT!!


And thanks to the prayer posse too!!




Edited by Blackwater 53393
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Great news, glad to hear that you’re on the mend in a positive direction!

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Both thumbs up! Excellent new Blackwater, nice to keep hearing good things.

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By golly now you've just made my entire WEEK!!
Delighted to hear your most recent!

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Great news! 

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I just got back from the foot doctor this morning!




I can walk with a cane and wearing the walking boot for the next week. I visit the doctor again at that point and, if all goes well, I will be able to then go to soft shoes until my new prescription footwear arrives.


As of now, I can do short stints on my stationary bike and move around on my feet, carefully!

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  • Blackwater 53393 changed the title to UPDATE ON LAST PAGE!! My turn to seek out the Prayer Posse

Great news Blackwater, keep up the healing. It'll be good to be back on your feet! Thanks for the update Pard.

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1 hour ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

I just got back from the foot doctor this morning!




I can walk with a cane and wearing the walking boot for the next week. I visit the doctor again at that point and, if all goes well, I will be able to then go to soft shoes until my new prescription footwear arrives.


As of now, I can do short stints on my stationary bike and move around on my feet, carefully!


Gotta admit, the "Walking Papers" statement made my day, made me laugh out loud too.:)

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Fantastic news!

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3 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

How long now until you can tackle a marathon?

Ain’t likely to EVER run a marathon!  

The Good Lord let man invent the wheel so’s he didn’t have to wear out his feet!!


I will be working on getting back into some semblance of shape.  I have my stationary bicycle and the shop is full of stuff to work on!!!

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39 minutes ago, Painted Mohawk SASS 77785 said:

Hard to keep a good man down & best wishes to Schoolmarm.

Thanks, Brother!!

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On 4/7/2024 at 9:31 PM, Blackwater 53393 said:



Schoolmarm’s kidney doctor told her to NEVER take another Metformin pill!! 

My diabetes specialist told me that she wouldn’t prescribe it to anyone, EVER!


I know a dozen others who have had trouble with the drug and quit taking it in favor of another medication.


Metformin is inexpensive! That is the only reason I can think of for using it and my health is worth a lot more than a few bucks!


Disclaimer!!:  To the best of my knowledge, all diabetic medications are hard on the kidneys.  My doctors have me checked REGULARLY for kidney function!!  I go and get checked every three months, RELIGIOUSLY!!


Pat, I highly recommend that you do the same!!!  That goes for all the rest of you diabetics and pre-diabetics!!

I don’t know how I missed this. Thank you Blackwater. 
I intend to drop Metformin. 

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By golly now you've brought a broad grin to my grandfatherly visage!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This should be the last post from me on this thread.


Schoolmarm has almost completely recovered from her episode and is doing well.  All of her numbers are about back to normal and most of her doctors have put her on a three month returns and or released her.


As for me. I’m walking now and doing most of the things I was doing before the most recent bout with infection and surgery.  I’m still waiting on footwear and there’s a tiny place just behind what is now my little toe that has a tear in the skin. The doctor is not concerned about it and says it will go away as soon as we get the new shoes.


I went today for lab work to check on the antibiotics, the level of infection in my blood, and for my regular quarterly diabetic numbers. All is good and my new A1c percentage is 5.8! A full percentage point below what it has been in the last fifteen years!!


You folks have pulled both of us through a really rough time!!  We will forever be in your debt!!  Thank you all!!

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Yup, God still hears and answers prayer!

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That's great news BW. So glad the prayer posse worked as well for you and Schoolmarm as it did for myself and Ellie. A special bunch of folks we hang with!:FlagAm:

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