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It's chilly out

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A young friend is working audio for the football game in NY where they're asking for volunteers to shovel snow INSIDE the stadium.

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we are a long way from any records here yet but ......its a far cry from the balmy december we enjoyed , its damn cold out now and getting colder , i dont think  we are  below zero just yet but will be soon , 


got a minute amount of snow on the ground [it rained here all december] so things are going to start freezing up , i dont want snow but we need it when it gets this cold here , 


edit to note that i am ready for spring any time the global warming folks wamnt to instigate any climate change chit they want , 

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They moved the Buffalo game to

Monday because of the snow and cold.

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It is a balmy 21 here in Austin, TX. Coming from Colorado we have warm clothes but the poor locals here don't and they are all freezing. Suppose to hit low 50's today as a high with snow flurries coming tomorrow. Being from Colorado we can handle it but our neighbors are all suffering. Wonder what they would do up north where all you guys are hitting below zero. I spent a winter in Sioux Falls, SD one year and that was enough for me. Had to get into work early so I could get one of the plug ins that were all over the parking lot to keep the motor oil warm. They said to run into the building or you could get frostbite very quickly on your face. I feel for all you going through this artic weather right now. Stay warm and safe.



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It’s 19 degrees here now with a predicted high of 22.  S’posed to hit 9 tonight and the snow is due in about 5:00 and figured to last through tomorrow morning.


Rumors of minus 2 in the next couple of days and more snow by Friday!


The vehicles are all fueled and winterized, I have blankets in both of them, there’s stuff for getting out of trouble in both, and all have good tires.


With the exception of a trip to the foot doc on Wednesday morning, I ain’t got NO PLACE to go this week ‘til Friday when I meet the grandsons for dinner to celebrate mine and the youngest boy’s birthdays!!

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New update!!  Now predicting 3” to 5” of snow and snowfall lasting until Tuesday morning!


SO! The stores will do landrun business in milk and bread and it’ll likely amount to no accumulation!

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I plowed roads from Friday morning at 11:00 until 11:00 pm. All slushy. Got a couple hours sleep and then back at it for most of Saturday. Went in today to bust drifts. 

I offered to help. Ended up having my own route. Lol. 

-4 on my way in this morning. No more slush.

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Snowin’ now, here. I’m good with it, but Boobie Dog ain’t a damn bit happy!!

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