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Why polar bears do not attack igloos

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Stolen from the internet and I have no idea if there is any truth…


It’s long forgotten, and a lot of people just don't know why polar bears are afraid to go near igloos.

Well igloos were designed many thousands of years ago to resemble a sleeping giant polar bear with its huge belly.

If you actually look at the igloo now you will immediately see the resemblance and any roaming polar bear can hear people inside the fake polar bear and believe they have been consumed by the gaint bear.

This resemblance puts the fear of the polar bear god into any polar bear who comes near an igloo and obviously keeps the dwellers inside safe.


See I thought it was the opposite. They start with the cold crunchy outside only to be rewarded with a gooey, chewy warm center. 


We tried to build an igloo once in a really tough winter in Northern Utah.  I have a lot of respect for those who can make one without a lot of time or fuss, because eleven frat guys sure as hell couldn't make one stay up.

9 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

We tried to build an igloo once in a really tough winter in Northern Utah.  I have a lot of respect for those who can make one without a lot of time or fuss, because eleven frat guys sure as hell couldn't make one stay up.

Was alcohol involved?


Old story:  There was an old guy in our neighborhood of coincidence the same age as my mom.  I only seen Bill a few time so hardly knew him but he was legendary for his bone head stunts he pulled throughout his life. One story was back in grade school there came a deep wet snow. The kids divided up and had a grand snowball fight. Each side built snow forts.  Next morning arriving at school, Bill decided it would be the best fun to knock down the opposing side's fort. So he made a great run and smashed into it head first.  He was carried off the field of battle a little worse for wear.  It had gotten very cold overnight and froze the fort into a solid chunk of ice.


When I was 10  or 11 me and my brothers and all our friends decided to build an igloo. We started off making blocks but that eventually turned into stacking snow and packing it. 
When we were curving the walls to make the roof we had an inside crew and an outside crew and things were going great until we got to the center of the dome. 
I think we had a completed igloo for about 4 or 5 minutes. We all crawled inside and were sitting there admiring our work when “Thud”! The roof fell in on top of us. 
The igloo became a fort!

23 minutes ago, Warden Callaway said:

The only igloo type structure I've made or been involved in was hollowing out great mounds of snow.  

Same here. We loved it when a parking lot nearby was scraped. 

1 hour ago, Warden Callaway said:

The only igloo type structure I've made or been involved in was hollowing out great mounds of snow.  

Same here


Y'all got it all wrong.


Ya don't build an Igloo from the ground up.

You start by building a round wall with a bottom to it....... kinda like a big bowl.


Then when its the size ya want, you flip it upside down and there ya go....... an Igloo.


Polar Bears know that.......... they just don't like to bowl.





33 minutes ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:



Polar Bears know that.......... they just don't like to bowl.






They just don't know when to strike with the slick lanes and all, then they have to run away without a moment to spare.

46 minutes ago, Widder, SASS #59054 said:

Polar Bears know that.......... they just don't like to bowl.






Ya sure about that?:rolleyes:


image.png.f5090b7b320a3ec6c24e18d0a865b8b0.png image.png.8366e64fe3bd5f30a02262fa8a0da917.png 



13 hours ago, Dawg Hair, SASS #29557 said:

Was alcohol involved?

im going to say - ALWAYS , partly from experience 


I figure it's because polar bears have learned that sometimes  people in igloos have chopped a hole through the ice so they can do a little fishing.


Even polar bears know enough to stay away from ice holes.


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