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What's the big deal with "white meat chicken"?


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In the Billy Wilder movie The Apartment, the Jewish lady next door brings over, "a little noodle soup with white meat chicken".


I have canned chicken in the pantry. Says it's chicken breast.


I bought some chicken salad at Sam's. Just now as I was making a sandwich I noticed it specified that it was "all white meat chicken".


My local grocery store sells fried chicken out of the deli. They have the eight piece, which includes two breasts and two wings (white meat), but they also have a 10-piece dark, which is just legs and thighs. Same price. But if there's no white meat you get more.


I don't get it. Personally I prefer chicken thighs. They have more flavor.


Is the white meat supposed to be healthier? Is white meat like white bread - if you can afford that you're prosperous?

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31 minutes ago, Alpo said:

They have the eight piece, which includes two breasts and two wings (white meat), but they also have a 10-piece dark, which is just legs and thighs. Same price. But if there's no white meat you get more.


More pieces, but less weight of meat.


If you look up boneless and skinless parts, and allowing 2 oz. edible for the wings, and depending on just which chart you use, the mixed bucket gives you about 28 ounces of meat compared to about 22 ounces in the all dark meat bucket.


I find the breast the most satisfying to eat, thigh a little more flavorful.  Wings are fun to eat, and drumsticks make good soup, although since we're getting a lot of them from the food bank, I'm finding that skinning them, then butterfly, marinate, and air fry, they can be tasty.

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56 minutes ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

It seems that white meat is preferred, I think more lean.

Yep, less fat.



I love chicken wings, legs and thighs. Not a big fan of chicken breast meat. Especially if it’s dry. 

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I recall this story about Winston Churchill. I believe the woman was Mrs. Astor, although don't quote me on who she was.


He's at a dinner party and when the chicken was served he asked for a breast. His hostess chastised him slightly, and told him it was not polite to  say breast. He should say white meat.


The next day of corsage arrived at her house with a note from Winston.


"Please pin this to your white meat."

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31 minutes ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

It's USUALLY dry. Unless it's processed into nuggets or strips. Then it's okay. 

Chicken breast meat is not processed into nuggets, or poultry hot dogs or sausage.  Just like we don't get ground up filet mignon or tenderloins in beef or pork ground products.  The expensive choice cuts are sold as more expensive products.  I worked in Federal meat inspection for over 11 years.  We don't eat ground poultry.  It's not unhealthy or dangerous, it's safe to eat.   Just doesn't contain the kind of meat I want to eat.

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2 minutes ago, J-BAR #18287 said:

Chicken breast meat is not processed into nuggets, or poultry hot dogs or sausage.  Just like we don't get ground up filet mignon or tenderloins in beef or pork ground products.  The expensive choice cuts are sold as more expensive products.  I worked in Federal meat inspection for over 11 years.  We don't eat ground poultry.  

I hate to ask then, what's in the nuggets if it's not poultry?:ph34r:

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5 minutes ago, Eyesa Horg said:

I hate to ask then, what's in the nuggets if it's not poultry?:ph34r:

I edited while you were typing.  It's all poultry, but ground products contain trimmings and cartilage from the "frame"  or skeleton, bruises, etc.  If you want ground breast meat, buy a whole chicken and grind it yourself.

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16 minutes ago, Eyesa Horg said:

I hate to ask then, what's in the nuggets if it's not poultry?:ph34r:


Google McDonald's pink slime McNuggets (or something along that line)...you'll never eat another one I'll bet.:blink::o

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19 minutes ago, Cypress Sun said:


Google McDonald's pink slime McNuggets (or something along that line)...you'll never eat another one I'll bet.:blink::o

McDonald's claims they are no longer using the pink slime.  I retired from Inspection in 2013, so things may have changed.  Before I retired that stuff was being labeled as baby food.  I fought it but got overruled by some superiors in Washington.  I tried.

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24 minutes ago, Cypress Sun said:


Google McDonald's pink slime McNuggets (or something along that line)...you'll never eat another one I'll bet.:blink::o

Gee, thanks:lol:. That's a rabbit hole that should be avoided! You win! ;)

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11 hours ago, Alpo said:

I recall this story about Winston Churchill. I believe the woman was Mrs. Astor, although don't quote me on who she was.


He's at a dinner party and when the chicken was served he asked for a breast. His hostess chastised him slightly, and told him it was not polite to  say breast. He should say white meat.


The next day of corsage arrived at her house with a note from Winston.


"Please pin this to your white meat."


  I think, Uncle Alpo, that she was Lady Astor .........  :unsure: ...


   ........ she might also have said to Sir Winston ... "... if you were my husband I'd give you poison .... !"

     ... to which he replied "Madam, if I were your husband I'd take it !!!" ...   -_-



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6 hours ago, Wallaby Jack, SASS #44062 said:


  I think, Uncle Alpo, that she was Lady Astor .........  :unsure: ...


   ........ she might also have said to Sir Winston ... "... if you were my husband I'd give you poison .... !"

     ... to which he replied "Madam, if I were your husband I'd take it !!!" ...   -_-



Isn't she also the one who told him, "Sir, you are drunk." 

To which he replied, "And you Madam are ugly. In the morning, however I will be sober."

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Churchill on breasts

While being served a cold chicken lunch in America, Churchill asked the hostess: "May I have some breast?"

"Mr Churchill," she replied, "In this country we ask for white meat or dark meat."

The next day Churchill had an orchid delivered to her, along with the message: "I would be obliged if you would pin this on your white meat."

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I’ve never cared for chicken thighs or legs! Always seem too greasy!


I don’t care for wings either!  Too much work for too little meat!


Not long ago, Schoolmarm contracted a severe allergy to most meats including beef, pork, lamb, and many other animal meat.  Fortunately, she was able to eat poultry and seafood.  Fortunately for me, she loves “dark meat” chicken, so I got my choice and she got hers!!  We adapted lots of recipes to use poultry and we also bought extra groceries to allow me to have a steak while she had chicken or turkey!  She also brought home a lot more seafood!  She even developed a taste for shrimp!

The illness that causes the allergy is a tick borne disease called Alpha Gal that effects people differently. Some can’t even have ANY kind of animal based foods, including eggs, milk, and cheese!  In some cases, it is permanent.


For Schoolmarm, the allergy to pork and beef has passed. However, she still can’t tolerate lamb and we’re not certain about venison and other game meats.


The allergic reaction is severe in many cases, up to and including anaphylaxis. She carries an Epi-pen all the time!


Tick season is pretty much over in some places, but in others it’s still active!  Be aware of this danger and use good insect repellents and check yourself over thoroughly!!


I’ll have a couple of fried chicken breasts, biscuits, and some of that chicken gravy, please!!




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I love fried chicken! Don't matter if it's white meat or dark meat. I prefer the breast but I eat all of it!

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