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Voting for governor


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Will you vote for someone to be governor of your state, if they couldn't pronounce the name of the state.


Next to California there is a state that's full of gambling and hookers. Nevada.


Just about everybody in the country pronounces that Ne-vah-da.


But the people that live there say Ne-va-da, with that first A sounding like the A in hat.


I'm watching this TV show and this woman said she was officially throwing her hat into the ring. She was running for governor of Ne-vah-da.


Now I'm sure that the reason the actress pronounced it that way is because she's from California and don't know no better. But it just caused me to wonder.


If somebody said they were running for governor of Orry-gone, or Warshington, or maybe Idyhoe. Suppose the locals would vote for them? I owe

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31 minutes ago, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

Maybe she should come to Missouri or Iowa where it’s pronounced Ne-VAY-duh. :)

It is NOT pronounced that way anywhere and if you persist - we will have to start going with

Meh ZUR ah  (or Misery)

and I o WAY...




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7 minutes ago, Creeker, SASS #43022 said:

It is NOT pronounced that way anywhere and if you persist - we will have to start going with

Meh ZUR ah  (or Misery)

and I o WAY...




Knock yourself out. I live in Kansas, where there are places like El-dor-AY-doh and Ar-KAN-sas-city! :)

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19 minutes ago, Abilene Slim SASS 81783 said:

Knock yourself out. I live in Kansas, where there are places like El-dor-AY-doh and Ar-KAN-sas-city! :)

Ahh, the state of KAN saw.

Always figured if Arkansas was Ar KAN saw


Then Kansas must be pronounced the same.

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48 minutes ago, Creeker, SASS #43022 said:

Ahh, the state of KAN saw.

Always figured if Arkansas was Ar KAN saw


Then Kansas must be pronounced the same.



Blame the French for having several different spellings for Arkansas, as well as the silent S in French.  


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LBJ was in Dunlap after the Palm Sunday tornado’s had devastated the area.  He said he was in Goshen and pronounced it as “Gosheen”.   What twerp I thought, didn’t bother to ask where he was at or how to pronounce it.

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How bout Sniffy, he generally doesn't even know what state he's in! Mentally and geographically.:ph34r:

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If you move from Ne-VAH-da to Mizzoorah and settle just west of El Do-RAY-do Springs, you better call your new town Ne-VAY-da or you will be tagged as an EMMY-grunt.

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