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20 minutes ago, Sedalia Dave said:


Ain’t that the truth. 

People are so….peoplish :D

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6 minutes ago, Alpo said:


humor police.jpg

Well, they would probably sing to you "Knocking on Heaven's Door".

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2 hours ago, Pat Riot said:


I thought it looked more like this…but we all know they both say the same thing. :lol:


The sun is riz, the sun iz set, and here I iz in Texas yet. Done that trip the other way.

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This picture is so odd but yet so cool. It’s like an optical illusion of beauty. 


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10 hours ago, Sedalia Dave said:


I've seen that twice :P, once with a truck and once with a station wagon!

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3 hours ago, Eyesa Horg said:

I've seen that twice :P, once with a truck and once with a station wagon!

When I lived in NC I frequently went to Lake Norman to fish and go boating. Twice at Blythe Landing, a favorite place to launch boats, I arrived to see a truck, trailer and boat fully in the water. 
Once the scene looking like the picture @Sedalia Daveposted. Another time not only did the guy forget to un strap the boat from the trailer, he parked on the ramp and went to the restroom. A very big No-No at that landing. He didn’t set the brake or he set it lightly and left the stick in neutral. Regardless, he returned as I was pulling up to the ramps to launch my bass boat. 
The brand new red Dodge was submerged and only the front of the cab roof and a hood ornament (Ram) stuck up out of the water. The stern of the boat was out of the water, still attached to the trailer and the bow was submerged. It was one of those ski / board boats with all the “chick magnet / low IQ high testosterone” trappings. 
He asked if I could tow his truck truck trailer and boat out of the water. I told him “No way. My Chevy’s good, but not that good. I am calling the Lake Patrol. They can get a big wrecker down here to get you out.”

”NO! Don’t do that. I have warrants. That truck and boat are brand spanking new.”

What one had to do with the other, I have no idea. 
He got a new look in his eye when I flipped open my cell phone. It was a look I have seen many times before. It was a look I got in many bars from many guys. It was a look that ended up with me being told to leave before the cops got there. 
Others had arrived to launch boats. Then I saw a patrol car. 

In short order the dipstick was arrested. 
I launched my boat and went fishing. 
3 or 4 hours later when I returned to trailer my boat and go home that guy’s truck and boat were still in the same place. Submerged. There was a cable wrapped around a bollard and it looked like it was attached to the truck bumper. 
I saw the normal police officer that spent her weekends dealing with “boat people” at the landing. 
I asked about the guy. He was arrested for have dozens and dozens of parking tickets in NC and SC. 
Oooh Joey Toughguy was a bad, bad man…:lol:

The officer was having a semi truck wrecker come to yank the truck, boat and trailer out. 
She did say the guy had great insurance on all of it but the boat and truck are totaled. 

I never heard much about it after that. 

I could spend all day writing stories of dumbassery at Blythe Landing. :lol:

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Funniest thing I saw at a lake boat launch...

2 black guys show up towing a brand new boat with a Cadillac. Took them forever and a day to get it backed down the ramp zig zaging and trying and trying! Finally to the water and manage to unload the boat which started to float away! Didn't have a line on the bow. One guy managed to hold on to it, the other started unloading the water ski equipment which was still in the packages. Finally moved the car and trailer, I should've gone and watched him park it!

Then he walks back and unpacks the ski equipment and puts it on right there at the ramp! The other guy managed to hook up the tow rope and gets the boat started and sorta backed into the ramp area. Here's the hysterical part... Rope is quite slack, guy on skis has the handle sorta wrapped around his arms/hands. The guy in the boat says " Is you ready skiah?". At which point he slams the throttle forward, yanking the guy right out of the skis and out onto the lake bouncing his tangled buddy off of the moorings etc and didn't look back for a hundred yards!!! :D

That was back in the late 70s, I still pee myself to this day in remembrance!!

I'll never forget "Is you ready skiah" :lol:

Edited by Eyesa Horg
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I've seen at least two vehicles in the same position as the one in the picture, while humorous, they weren't the best I've witnessed. There used to be a launch site that had a website to view all of the stupid stuff people would do.


These are my favorites even though they took place before or after launching.


#1 - A guy sitting on an old, wooden dock that deck level was about 4" above the water. Put his skies on, sat on the dock and told the driver to "go for it"...he did. He didn't make it far and when he got out of the water, the wood slivers that stuck out of his buttocks were plain to see.


#2 - Didn't even happen at a dock, happened at a small apartment complex I lived at. He had one of those high-top, custom vans, owned a Checkmark speed boat and would park where ever he wanted to regardless of assigned spaces. On occasional weekends, he would hook up the boat trailer to his van at night and park behind a group of cars until morning.


One morning I went out to witness him taking off with his boat. Trailer immediately came off the hitch because it wasn't locked down, lower assembly/prop slams the ground. He hears it...stomps the brake....BLAM goes the trailer hitch into the custom painted rear door....he nails the gas....boat motor hits the ground again, SMASH....he stomps the brake again...BLAM goes the trailer hitch into the other custom painted rear door. At this point he stopped and got out cussing up a storm


At this point, I was laughing so hard that I went back inside before a fight started.

He moved out shortly after but I remember that vividly even though it was 1982 and the entire episode only took about 15 seconds or so.

Edited by Cypress Sun
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On 4/6/2024 at 4:47 PM, Mad Dog Jack, SASS #77862 said:

Can I do this? Nope.

And you'd look crappy and foolish in that dress....but you wear what you want when you want.  I won't judge you sweety.  :P

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