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Something material for Veterans

Cheyenne Ranger, 48747L

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Learned two things yesterday:


1. I was buying 'stuff' at Home Depot and the cashier asked if I was a vet?  

Said yes,

She informs me Home Depot gives a 10% discount to all Veterans--not just a one time thing but each time I buy 'stuff' from them


2. Asks to see my driver's licence...???

turns out in Texas right above my name and address, in red, is printed VETERAN; didn't know that either.


I didn't join the Army so I would get 10% off at HD but it's nice to find out about this perk





Lowe's does the same even on sale items.


Howdy Cheyenne Ranger.


YEP, our local HD and LOWES gives 10% discount off EVERYTHING in their store, even a cold pepsi in the checkout line.


Its saved me a lot of money over the years because I buy nearly all my appliances at Lowes.


To bad they don't sell guns........ ;)


Oh yea....... Thanks for your service.


..........Widder (a deaf Vet)




Lowe's, Home Depot, and 5% at Sportsman's Warehouse are veteran's discount stores I frequent.


Ironic note: Lowe's and Home Depot will not accept a DD214 as proof of service, but, that is what I had to show the DMV to have veteran printed on my driver's licence, which they readily accept.


Heartbreaking story: Last time I went in Sportsman's and bought a pound of powder, I handed my driver's licence to the attractive young lady behind the counter and she said "I don't need your drivers licence, I'm sure your old enough to buy powder.". I explained I was handing her my licence to show I was a veteran. She was thoroughly embarrassed, but I was crushed. I only have a few gray hairs, how did she know I was old enough?


Thank You all for your service.



Thank you, Cheyenne Ranger, I did not know that about HD.


Cabela's also give a Veteran Discount of 5% and they give it for everything they sell, even if it's on sale. Not sure about on line sales though.


I had no idea about any of these companies. I frequent most of them, but have never received a discount. How does one go about proving it? It doesn't say veteran on my California license.


Sportsman's will accept most anything, even your word occasionally. ie: DD214(copy is fine), VA ID card, Drivers License with "Veteran", even had them accept my VFW member card once.


Home Depot and Lowe's want picture ID. You can go to your local VA office and they will make you an ID card.  My local one in Idaho is willing to do it even if your not eligible for, or of a mind(I know people who aren't) to use VA medical benefits. In CA you can get a form from your county veterans service officer, fill it out and take it to the Drivers License office and have it added to your license. Obviously an active or retired ID card will work to.


Good Luck and thanks for your service.



Around here they quit excepting a VFW or a American Legion membership card.Now they take Active duty or Reseve ID cards, VA or VA isueded Veterans ID card not sure about Driver liscence.Will not take DD 214


In Michigam, I paid $8 to get my veterans status on my Drivers license. One of my Pards paid $18 for the same thing. Go figure the DMV consistency ;)

It gets me 10% at Lowes on anything in the store, even items on sale. Same at Home Depot. Haven't tried Menards yet.



I was buying an entire kitchen worth of new appliances a few years ago at Lowes when the cashier asked if I was a veteran. I was floored by the savings. I happen to carry my last military  ID card all the time so no problem for proof. 


On a sad note, Gander Mtn doesn't seem to know what their policy is.


If I'm lucky, I sometimes get a cashier who gives me a 5% discount on my SG shells and at other times, I'm told that Vet status or Disabled Vet status doesn't get any discounts on guns or ammo.


I have no beef with them either way but I wish they would be more consistent.






20 hours ago, Widowmaker Hill SASS #59054 said:

Howdy Cheyenne Ranger.


YEP, our local HD and LOWES gives 10% discount off EVERYTHING in their store, even a cold pepsi in the checkout line.


Its saved me a lot of money over the years because I buy nearly all my appliances at Lowes.


To bad they don't sell guns........ ;)


Oh yea....... Thanks for your service.


..........Widder (a deaf Vet)



HD will not discount anything they consider "contractor material" things like lumber.


Thanks for that correction Chili.    I had never bought any 'Contractor material' from HD.





Lowes has accepted VA card for some time.

Home Depot has yet to accept it. (wonder if things have changed)


The VA card is not a medical card even though you needed it to get VA medical service.

It is a VA ID card with medical benefits after you apply for them and past their means testing.

VA ID with photo.


Some restaurants will give VA discounts.

Some give free lunch on Veteran's Day.


Suggestion, I ask when buying anywhere if they accept VA, senior or good guy discounts.

Always VA before senior. (I have found that some give either and the VA is usually a little more than the senior. 10% vs 5%)


These discounts is like dating. Most say no but then there are those who say yes!

Can find out if you don't ask.



All good info thanks folks. I never thought to ask at HD and I am there often. My Service connected VA card has been sufficient at other places, in Washington state.

Thank you all for your service. Semper Paratus.


Same goes for Bass Pro Shops. They also offer a 10% discount to veterans.

Semper Fi, Brothers!


I've made it a habit now to ask just about everywhere if they have a military/veterans discount just in case.


Arby's, Carl's Jr., Wendy's, and ljs all give a discount to military and retirees 


Did a Google search and found these very impressive lists of store chains and service companies that give Military discounts:


250 listings dated 2017



Here is one that lists discounts by category



Very cool :D :FlagAm:


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