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VA Death toll

Utah Bob #35998

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Over 300,000 vets died awaiting VA care.

That's more than the deaths from Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq, and Afghanistan COMBINED! :angry:



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So ... Of that number, how many passed from natural causes. Old Age, Advanced Heart disease. Etc. Etc. Etc. How many simply weren't eligible for VA care. This bit of propaganda is missing some very important details. Admittedly, the VA system has ben slow in the past, but

it does help if you apply at the time of separation from AD and not when you 65+ and your looking for free Meds.



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CC no argument with what you imply. However, I know a veteran of Viet-Nam that was seriously wounded multiple times and was discharged Honorably with a 60% disability rating all combat related. He has been signed up with the VA a long time although he rarely used the VA because he had health insurance, at retirement he decided to use them to supplement his Medicare. After all that was the agreement all veterans had with Uncle Sam. This Veteran went to the VA with serious shoulder and neck pain after he had been in the system several years. The x-ray's and MRI's were taken although the pain from the MRI was considerable you see he has a steel Chinese AK round lodged in his chest and the magnets heat it up and wiggle it around. He figured a little pain now a lot less later but that was not to be. The VA stalled him for more than three years each year the pain got worse and he lost some function of his left arm until his hand started to numb. He kept all his appointments informed the Doctors of his deteriorating condition from the get go they said that he would be on the surgery schedule but he never was. One excuse followed another until it got too much to bear. He inquired with a physical therapist with whom he knew and trusted which surgeons patients recovered the quickest and made an appointment. He brought the VA's IMR's and x-ray's to the appointment the Doctor a shooter himself couldn't believe it, two weeks latter he was in surgery the pain is not all gone and he will never regain all the feeling back in his arm, but he's happy with the results. This was at the Salt Lake City VA run by the guy that replaced the Phoenix guy that started it all. Now that vet is 65+ and he does enjoy the free meds although he does carry insurance for it now just incase but he will never use the VA again for anything important. If any veteran deserves good timely medical care guy's like this do.


Semper Fi

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VA has got to get its act together.


I'm fortunate as a US military retiree. I have Medicare, supplemented with Tricare, which is available to military retirees. I don't have to go to the VA.

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The biggest problem is how do fix it and where do start....The things congress is trying or telling them what to do....Is call the veteran, ask him when he would to come in for therapy...If they can't answer letters what make them think a for call will work...My wife worked at a VA for 40 years....She was an RPT....She sent letters with all the information needed...Phone numbers highlighted, dates highlighted and her name....Some vets just did not call or come in...Sometimes they would call in and ask for a different time...And they still would not make in...PT is a very strong money maker for VA's...But when the bean counters get involved, thinking they call make it run better....All my wife would say is, we tried that 20 years ago, it did not work, we tried 10 years ago it did not work...Now they want to try something new and congress plus there experts know best what will...She retired a year ago...Now watches 14 month grand daughter...Her boss calls asking if would come back part time...I don't think she will...



Texas Lizard

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The VA is very much like the SASS and the Wire. Lots of quiet people happy with their care and a few vocal whiners. I'm happy with my care and happy with SASS.

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Well at least the "local whiners" in SASS don't die.

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I could write a book about my dealings with the VA. When I got out of the Army in 1965, I received a card to mail to the VA for an appointment to file my claim as I had a service connected injury/disability. Filed the claim, took a physical & was rated at 0%. Situation got worse in about 5 years, back to VA & rated at 0% again. Another 5 years and finally got a rating change to 10% . This went on for another 10 years or so and I finally got the DAV to represent me and after a 2 year battle and a Federal Court victory, my rating was changed to 40%, retroactive to my discharge. Bottom line...get one of the veterans organizations to represent you as your advocate, they will make a difference.


I am a DAV Life Member now.

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The physicians I have felt with in the VA system have all been very good, it's the administrative people that are the problem. I've been trying for 3 years to get an MRI for a "growth" on my spine. Last time, they sent me a notice I had an appointment, I got the letter 2 days after the scheduled date.

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35 years after discharge filed for service connected disability, had it in 6 months. I have never been treated by doctors and nurses so well in my entire life. A friend also got in and needed eye surgery. System was full so they authorized out side VA care for him. He went to the best doctor, had the surgery, and all is well. Same for me. Specialists wants a certain test for me and the other attending doctor never heard of it. He checked and checked till he found out the VA does not have the equipment for this test. So, I have also been authorized, got the call the other day and they are looking for where this wierd test is done. Every vet around where I live are beyond satisfied with the VA health care system. And yes, sometimes it don't go right. But then again who makes the news?

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Ive been going to the VA here in Amarillo for the last 15 years. I have gotten better service than my wife does from her private doctor! Everyone I had dealt with at the Amarillo VA has acted professionally, with courtesy, and took care of all my medical problems. I get my prescriptions on time and couldn't ask for a better medical facility.

Is everyone happy with the Amarillo VA? Heck no, some people just like to complain.

Is the Amarillo VA perfect? No but then none of us are perfect.

I can't speak for the other VA facilities around the country but here in Amarillo I think we have a first rate facility.

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The VA is very much like the SASS and the Wire. Lots of quiet people happy with their care and a few vocal whiners. I'm happy with my care and happy with SASS.

I had cat scans and MRIs done at the VA and they told me I had herniated disks but would not do anything about it. I went to a surgery clinic in Scottsdale and they tried to get the MRIs from the VA. I went to the VA twice and filled out the necessary paperwork for transfer of them. The VA did not send the medical records. My part of the cost was &17,000. You call that whining? It took me 2 years to pay that medical bill. The VA is supposed to be my health care provider. They won't even provide prescriptions for cholesterol medication that works. I am purchasing it out of my own pocket. You call that whining? kR
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I speak from my experience! Obviously some of the vets reporting above share my views.

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I and my wife are both Disabled Vets. We have both been in the VA system for 20 years. 20 years of exemplary care for both of us.


I'm with Noz.


The original post, and the original released information both sensationalize the numbers. Neither breaks it down to reality.



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I am a 100% disabled veteran, and haveI received all my medical care, including meds, from the VA for many years, at hospitals all over the U.S. from Tampa FL to Denver CO to Cheyenne WY to Minneapolis MN to Sheridan WY and a few I've forgotten. In all of them the staffs from the MDs down have been just great. But they are all humans and sometimes err. But they were all courteous, even friendly ,concerned with my condition, and knew what they were doing. But the bigger hospitals can be swamped by the sheer number of patients and applications. that has led to the VA scandals of shredding needed paperwork ignoring some patients for months and even years, This shit is inexcusable and those who knowingly do it should be first fired and then shot.

But that's administration, not medicine, and I stand by what I said about medical staff. I was a medic in the Army for a long time and i sort of know how things work, and how they should be done. No major complaints (, There are a few smaller ones, like the guy that put IVs in both arms and stuck me full of holes because he couldn't find the veins, and the nurse who.....never mind)


The Minneapolis VA hospital has got to be one of the best hospitals in the U.S.


The O'Meara Himself

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I'm sure you have all heard about the contaminated water problem at Camp Lejeune NC. I'm one of the ones affected, and back in January I submitted my claim, with all the required paperwork, to the VA center in Louisville KY. Since then I've got monthly letters basically saying "we have your claim, don't call us we'll call you". Yesterday I got a letter from the same place saying "all claims for contaminated water at Camp Lejeune are going to be consolidated at the Louisville KY office, therefore your claim has been forwarded there". So Louisville sent my claim to the Louisville office?

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1975 - relieved from service for 2 months already - head injury - oilfield related - unconscious. Transported to VA Hospital, Big Spring, TX - after regaining conscious again - discovered they had taken x-rays of everything....except my head.


Haven't been back to one since.......



There are good ones...........there are bad ones..........then there are ones that need to be torn down.

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