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Guess who was here first?

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That was from WWII..Right?


I remember an old movie from the '60's on the Sunday night Walt Disney show about a guy named Kilroy..I guess he was supposed to be the original Kilroy..Don't remember much about the movie though..


Good times back then..Seems there was more worth watching on TV on the three channels we could pick up back then than there is on the hundreds we get on satellite now..

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That was WWII. But did you know that Kilroy was real. He was an inspector on the ships that would ferry soldiers off to the ETO. After he would inspect a panel he would have to initial it but his initials would be destroyed so he started drawing that guy and writing "Kilroy was here". Some of his signatures would survive and soldiers going oversees in the new ships would see that someone named Kilroy had already been there. Stories grew of this amazing Kilroy and soon soldiers would place "Kilroy was here" on the places they'd been. He became a legend just because of a little picture.

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Spillover to post WWII kids..we were still writing it on most everything even up to the early sixties.



+1 ...musta been an Oklahoma kid thing... <_<

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Spillover to post WWII kids..we were still writing it on most everything even up to the early sixties.


Yep. Our high school in Logan, Utah had Kilroy all over the place. Haven't seen him in a long time. Maybe he retired. :lol:/>

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I found it humorous, and appropriate, that "Kilroy was here" is engraved at two location on the WWII Memorial in Washington DC.

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Had a little "trailer vs. car" trouble on the right rear of the PT Cruiser. Kilroy appeared on the repair. Temporary repair done with the "Handymans Secret Weapon" dontcha know? Temporary is anything under 2 years; right?! Took Kilroy over a year to show up. Geezer must be gettin' old. :ph34r:

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Had Kilroy in Tennessee too. My dad, a WWII vet explain him in part to me.


Before I retired I did a lot of custom fabrication, welding and metal work mostly, out of my dad's shop and as part of my regular job as well. There are vehicles out there right now with Kilroy riding around on them. My dad was amused and suprised when he would find the li'l feller stareing back at him when he checked out my work.

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Little Guy made it to Missouri! :D Oh that brought back memories :rolleyes:

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My dad had an ink pen back in the '50's that had a gravity operated sliding sleeve inside a clear tube. When the pen was held one way the cover said "Kilroy was here." Turn it over and the sleeve dropped exposing a pregnant woman inside. I didn't get the joke back then, but I think I understand it now! :lol:

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My dad had an ink pen back in the '50's that had a gravity operated sliding sleeve inside a clear tube. When the pen was held one way the cover said "Kilroy was here." Turn it over and the sleeve dropped exposing a pregnant woman inside. I didn't get the joke back then, but I think I understand it now! :lol:/>/>


Ya think? :lol:/> Stuff like that is highly collectable these days.

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Guest Tennessee Stud, SASS# 43634 Life

Quail Bird...


"Here" is not a place. "This forum"... is not a place. This place is an electronic telephone call... where misunderstandin's can be easily had.... good wimmen can be lost... feelin's hurt accidentally... misheard stuff blown out of proportion... and conjured-up crap.


A "place" is where you can grab holt of another man's hand.


A "place" is where you can look a man in the eye.


A "place' where you can gleam the look in a pretty woman's eye... the blush of her face... the elegance of her curves...


This... is not a "place"...


Kilroy was never here.... and never will be.



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How is it that a man of your stature, sagaciousness, and superior intellect can be so hornswoggled so as not to extrapolate that Kilroy was here? I suspect you've been hangin' around those women of ill repute again. They've been corruptin' and poisonin' your mind!




Kilroy was here!

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My dad had an ink pen back in the '50's that had a gravity operated sliding sleeve inside a clear tube. When the pen was held one way the cover said "Kilroy was here." Turn it over and the sleeve dropped exposing a pregnant woman inside. I didn't get the joke back then, but I think I understand it now! :lol:/>





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