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About Dorado

  • Birthday 06/24/1985

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  • SASS #
  • SASS Affiliated Club
    Shortgrass Rangers

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Wichita Falls, Texas
  • Interests
    CAS, Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Sailing, Archery, Reloading, casting bullets, Old cars, and a few other things but I'm running out of room.

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Dorado's Achievements

SASS Wire Vet

SASS Wire Vet (1/1)



  1. I'll have to mention that one next I see him.
  2. Y'all got one that works with osage? We got a new shooter from Osage country and he'd like to come up with something incorporating that. I'm not too good at naming things.
  3. Watched! I think I went to school with the hat creasing girl's sister.....
  4. Ha! I was hoping you uploaded a new video. I've watched them all. And I really like your format. Been subscribed for a while. I'll remain subbed for a while longer.
  5. Hey Dorado,


    I would like to buy a half dozen of the pistolero pins for some pards in our local club.


    Can you email me a price and how I can send funds. Paypal OK or I can send you a check.




  6. I'm not real good at computer stuff. Sorry! but could you let me know the paypal account so I can send money for 2 pins?   Thank you so much, Iron Maiden

  7. Howdy ;

    I will be happy to help as I said , I Shoot in  Alberta, Sask. And B. C.  I have Shot every SASS Canadian National since they started ...


    Let Me know


    Jabez Cowboy

    1. Dorado


      I did a quick estimate on the USPS website. For a small package we'd be looking at around $15 shipping to some random town in Alberta. I'd like to keep the $5 each price. With that, 15 pins would be $75 and with shipping that'd be $90 U.S. roughly speaking.

      What I'd be sending is the pins, welcome cards, and bubble mailers if you need them.

      Since it looks like you're willing to purchase them up front then all you'd have to do is collect their payment for yourself at whatever $5 is in Canadian monopoly money.

      Y'all use paper money or beaver pelts? lol


      I've set up a Pistoleros gmail account that's also the paypal account the address is  PistolerosCAS@gmail.com

      I'll need your name, mailing address, PayPal (if you'd like me to send you an invoice), and number of pins desired.

  8. One question....What's the Coke for? I understand the whiskey but Coke? Y'all are butchering yer liquor, that or you need better liquor.
  9. Test fired. It still works! Thanks again OLG, that was a great tip. I'm gonna keep playing with this and see how good I can get it.
  10. I know! Right?! Kill you with cuteness! I view the bend as more of a slide. Perhaps I should stop cutting in line....
  11. Better! This one has a cute girl in it singing! Again from the delightfully weird Japan too!
  12. I don't know about wet tumbling. I use a brass polish mixed in with walnut shells in my tumbler. It doesn't get as shiny as new but it does stay that way for a long time.
  13. Just sharing the love. I've got another that'll kill you with cuteness! Wanna see it?
  14. When I talked to them they said that the competition springs are now standard on all models. OLG, I did have a 1911 hammer spring that I wasn't using. I got it cut down quite a bit but it works. It's still a bit stiff but it's better than what came on it. I'm planning on shooting it and maybe cutting another loop or two today. I'm making sure that the cut end pushes on the larger part of the guide rod. I nearly messed up big time. I was installing the new spring when it slipped and the smaller end of the guide rod shot off to parts unknown. I found it the hard way, I stepped on it. Luckily the nerves in that foot are dead so it didn't hurt. I just heard it scraping on the floor.
  15. Hmm.... I think I may have one to be honest. I'll have to check. Thanks OLG That'll give me something to do for a while.
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