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Null N. Void

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First shot on stage with SG.   Squib.  However, the shot rolls out of the barrel.   Picture attached.


 Does the shooter get a clean restart if he/she desires one?


Null N. Void



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I'm thinking no, the shot was fired, squib or not. Target was engaged.

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Something left the barrel - technically no restart.


BUT - if I were the TO; because I saw shot leave the barrel by "rolling" - I would be concerned about the wad remaining in the barrel and posing an obstruction (by the picture - the wad remained in the shell).


I would likely stop the shooter from shooting any more shotgun rounds (having the strong belief they have a squib situation - OP does not specify shotgun type).


Shooter would then complete the stage to the best of their abilities.

At the conclusion of the stage - the SG would be checked for barrel obstruction; finding none.

The shooter would THEN get a clean reshoot - ultimately it ends up the same call.


Yes, IF the SG is a SxS - the shooter has a clear barrel to continue with; BUT depending on their experience, my ability to communicate the need to check for obstruction and their ability to overcome muscle memory to only load one barrel at a time - I would likely do the same call for the SxS shooter as well.


I am always going to err on the side of safety and risk awarding an "undeserved" restart over risk an obstruction taking a barrel apart or injuring a shooter (or me).

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A squib is a squib is a squib.   Was it a squib?


What if it were a pistol round and the first bullet got lodged at the very end of the barrel?


Down Range means.....'down range'.


I say... RESHOOT.    Heck, the occurrence could be defined as a RESTART, maybe.




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For those saying "something went downrange", ok. It poured out and either hit the ground within 5 feet of the shooter, and/or hit the table (prop).


Great. Now he has a Match DQ. From a squib. Kinda harsh.




Me personally, it malfunctioned/failed-to-fire. Have him clear it, check the bore, and start over.



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Depends on whether this was the very first shot of the stage or if it happened mid-stage...(difference between a restart and a reshoot)

What (if anything) did the Timer Operator say or do?

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6 hours ago, Null N. Void said:

First shot on stage with SG.   Squib.  However, the shot rolls out of the barrel.   Picture attached.


 Does the shooter get a clean restart if he/she desires one?


Null N. Void



Clarify, was this the first shot of the stage?


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A decent call by the TO would have been "squib"  and "cease fire" since no shot had been fired and no shot from shotgun went DOWN RANGE.    Then upon examination the wad would have been found stuck in the shell.  Could have easily been one inch further and stuck in barrel.    Then, since a squib on first attempted shot of stage, restart the shooter without penalty.  THAT would be the call I would hope I made. 


Any later in stage (after one or more rounds fired down range), and the call would be "Squib, if you want to continue with shotgun, you may if you check that barrel or avoid that barrel.  Or declare malfunction and continue with next gun"


good luck, GJ

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Sure it's tough to see wad leave barrel.  Benefit of any doubt to the shooter, so in this case of a VERY weak sounding report, unless you saw impact of shot someplace down range, you have to call a squib and have barrel checked for clear. 


No possible way for a match official to "call based on the velocity" of the shot or wad.


good luck, GJ



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17 minutes ago, Phantom, SASS #54973 said:

So there is a velocity element to the call????






NO...but having to stop and verify whether the WAD (part of the "payload" of a SHOTGUN round) failed to exit the barrel or not justifies a RESTART.


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