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How far would you be willing to go to see that movie?


The closest place to me is 57 miles. Drive 120 miles to watch a movie?


That movie ain't that good.

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9 hours ago, Alpo said:

How far would you be willing to go to see that movie?


The closest place to me is 57 miles. Drive 120 miles to watch a movie?


That movie ain't that good.


Nope.  You're only driving 57 mile to see the movie.   


The rest of the miles are to get you home.   :D


(I think this may be my first true Alpoism! :lol:)

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1 hour ago, Imis Twohofon,SASS # 46646 said:

Is this a rerelease? It will be fun. Or a remake, how will it pass censorship by the woke crowd?



If I understood the trailer correctly, it's a re-release, but with more stuff. Like a director's cut. They picked up all the stuff off the editing room floor and added it back in.

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Actually, I'm wondering if this is supposed to be a type of "Rocky Horror Picture Show" kind of thing with the dress up as a character thing. 


Do they allow broad swords in movie theaters?


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It’s supposed to come to the Regal cinema near me. I can’t reserve tickets yet so I put a reminder in my iPhone calendar a few days ahead of Dec. 3rd to check again. 
I got to see it once in a theatre when I was in the Navy aboard ship. A theater near Norfolk was showing it. I had seen it on TV, a black and white TV I rented while in Gunnery school. 
There’s nothing like seeing it on the big screen. A bunch of us from my ship went to see it. After we saw it one could here lines and bits from the movie echoing in the passageways and the mess deck for many months. 
I think everyone on my ship was a Monty Python fan. 
Another favorite of ours was The Life of Brian. Both movies were shown on SITE TV often when we were at sea.


All one had to do was yell out “Wewease Wodewick” or “We are the knights who say nee!” and the whole place came alive. :D

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22 minutes ago, Pat Riot said:

It’s supposed to come to the Regal cinema near me. I can’t reserve tickets yet so I put a reminder in my iPhone calendar a few days ahead of Dec. 3rd to check again. 
I got to see it once in a theatre when I was in the Navy aboard ship. A theater near Norfolk was showing it. I had seen it on TV, a black and white TV I rented while in Gunnery school. 
There’s nothing like seeing it on the big screen. A bunch of us from my ship went to see it. After we saw it one could here lines and bits from the movie echoing in the passageways and the mess deck for many months. 
I think everyone on my ship was a Monty Python fan. 
Another favorite of ours was The Life of Brian. Both movies were shown on SITE TV often when we were at sea.


All one had to do was yell out “Wewease Wodewick” or “We are the knights who say nee!” and the whole place came alive. :D


After a group of us got together and went an saw it, the banter back and forth was a lot of lines out of the Grail. Especially "I fart in your general direction" "What is yer name?" and "But I'm not dead yet".:D


Ya know...it might not be such a good idea to take Mrs. Sun to see it...she'll figure out what some of these quotes that I've said to her over the years actually mean. :ph34r:


You're right about LOB, good Monty humor.:)

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4 minutes ago, Cypress Sun said:


After a group of us got together and went an saw it, the banter back and forth was a lot of lines out of the Grail. Especially "I fart in your general direction" "What is yer name?" and "But I'm not dead yet".:D


Ya know...it might not be such a good idea to take Mrs. Sun to see it...she'll figure out what some of these quotes that I've said to her over the years actually mean. :ph34r:


You're right about LOB, good Monty humor.:)

“It’s just a flesh wound!” :D

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