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Subdeacon Joe

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My favorites:


“I do desire we may be better strangers”



“Idol of idiot-worshippers!”


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

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My favorites,

Foot licker.

Not so much brain as earwax,

Lump of foul deformity!!:lol::lol:

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It would be nice if one understood Shakespearean English. I struggled trying to understand Othello in Plebe year lit at USNA. But it was not near as bad as Faust! I'm just glad I didn't try to attend a liberal arts college. I'm an engineer and mathematician. I do great with numbers and equations but am totally inadequate with words. 

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20 minutes ago, Phantom Falcon, SASS # 46139 said:

It would be nice if one understood Shakespearean English. I struggled trying to understand Othello in Plebe year lit at USNA. But it was not near as bad as Faust! I'm just glad I didn't try to attend a liberal arts college. I'm an engineer and mathematician. I do great with numbers and equations but am totally inadequate with words. 

Had a teacher in high school that sat there and paraphrased Romeo and Juliet into the modern vernacular- line by line in some scenes.


It helped a LOT- both in keeping folks interested and giving us a base so the plot made sense.


She did the same thing with Canterbury Tales.

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1 hour ago, Phantom Falcon, SASS # 46139 said:

It would be nice if one understood Shakespearean English is. I struggled trying to understand Othello in Plebe year lit at USNA. But it was not near as bad as Faust! I'm just glad I didn't try to attend a liberal arts college. I'm an engineer and mathematician. I do great with numbers and equations but am totally inadequate with words. 


A lot of that attitude I blame on English teachers.  They seem to go out of their way to both take the joy out of reading and to convince students that Shakespearean English is something odd, or an almost incomprehensible foreign language. And once that gets driven into a person's brain it creates a barrier.  That's why, in general, I don't care for poetry.  See the opening of Dead Poet's Society.

 Shakespearean English is modern English with some words that are now archaic, and written in blank verse.  I'll admit that if it's spoken rapidly I have trouble following some of the nuance, but I at least get the generality.




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4 hours ago, Smuteye John SASS#24774 said:

Had a teacher in high school that sat there and paraphrased Romeo and Juliet into the modern vernacular- line by line in some scenes.


It helped a LOT- both in keeping folks interested and giving us a base so the plot made sense.


She did the same thing with Canterbury Tales.

Our teacher wasn't that helpful.  He did tell us it is the same plot as The West Side Story, after finishing the final reading.  You could see the glaze start disappearing from some of our eyes that had seen it a few years prior.  

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my Dad had two:


"He (or she) is educated way beyond his (or her) intelligence."


"He (or she) is so busy being a good (insert your choice of religions) that he (or she) has no time to be a good person."


I came up with one on my own and was so pleased I stashed in my kit for future use: "You have to understand that you are NOT the most important person in the world.  You're not even the most important person in this town.  Hell, you aren'r even the most important person in this conversation!"


It nearly started a fight, but I'm mighty proud of that one.










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15 hours ago, Phantom Falcon, SASS # 46139 said:

It would be nice if one understood Shakespearean English. I struggled trying to understand Othello in Plebe year lit at USNA. But it was not near as bad as Faust! I'm just glad I didn't try to attend a liberal arts college. I'm an engineer and mathematician. I do great with numbers and equations but am totally inadequate with words. 

You're doing better than most people working government enclaves around this nation of ours.  You have no need to apologize nor backdown from any conversation.


Rave on, my friend.

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15 hours ago, Phantom Falcon, SASS # 46139 said:

It would be nice if one understood Shakespearean English.


Here's a thought that may help - if you can read and understand the Authorized King James Bible, you do understand Shakespearean English.

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8 hours ago, Subdeacon Joe said:


Here's a thought that may help - if you can read and understand the Authorized King James Bible, you do understand Shakespearean English.

It's hard; I do better with the Revised Standard version.



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8 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

You're doing better than most people working government enclaves around this nation of ours.  You have no need to apologize nor backdown from any conversation.


Rave on, my friend.




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2 minutes ago, Sawyer said:

"I recognize You, aren't you the poster boy for the condom company?"


That would be:


Thou misbegotten blot of nature, thou bungle of joy!

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