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Massive Heat Wave Predicted for Christmas and Boxing Day Week in OZ

Buckshot Bear

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3 hours ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

45°C that’s 113 in real degrees



4 hours ago, Buckshot Bear said:

Massive Heat Wave Predicted for Christmas and Boxing Day Week in OZ with temps up to 45° coming in.




    ....... and possible thunderstorms ...........   :(

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Well, Mate, cool down with a Foster’s Lager and throw a shrimp on the barbie! :lol:

Or just stare at this and imagine…



Outside my place at 06:30 with a brisk 20 mph (32 kph) breeze. 



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-20 and lower windchills here and yes, I'm out working in it. 


I'm thinking I'm tired of being cold.

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7 hours ago, Pat Riot, SASS #13748 said:

Well, Mate, cool down with a Foster’s Lager and throw a shrimp on the barbie! :lol:

Or just stare at this and imagine…



Outside my place at 06:30 with a brisk 20 mph (32 kph) breeze. 




 ...... geeeeez Pat, ... this is supposed to be the season of GOOD will .........   :mellow:

               .......... why would you tell us to have a fosters lager .......  :o


                         ...... whatinhell did we do to you ??? ....... :huh:

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