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Reduced Custom .36 Cal ROA

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For Sale

Custom built Ruger Old Navy. Pistol started life as a blued 7 1/2" adjustable sight model. The Idea was to slim the whole gun down and create a small navy looking revolver that looks 100 years old but shoots better than it came out of the factory.

Pistol was re barreled with a 3 1/2" .375 groove barrel and cylinders sleeved to .375. Gun shoots awesome with .380 round balls. The cylinder was fluted and a rebated to look similar to a colt army. The brass grip frame is a older aftermarket one with the bottom cut off to approximate the smaller single six frames and Altamont slim grips fitted. As can be seen the brass frame does have some pitting. The frame was re profiled with a skinny top strap and new sight groove. The lower frame is curved to make it look more colt like and aid reholstering. The hammer has been lowered and original nipple have been replaced with Treso. The internals have been smoothed and polished and feature new wolf main and trigger springs. The pistol has an antiqued cold blue finish with an authentic patina. The pistol comes with the original loading lever and a modified plunger with brass extension. Reduced to $ 650 including shipping.







Please note that this is a Black Powder Pistol and may be shipped directly to you. Please know the laws in your State.

Thanks for looking,


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Thanks Outrider he is a true gentleman and a good friend


Hey Catguts. How are you? I have made one pair already for Blue Mesa as a matter of fact. If you'd like to commission a pair I'm sure we could work something out. The hard part is getting the grip frames. Something to think about though.


Best regards



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Chili puts his heart and soul into these creations. Have handled this work of art and it is beyond cool. Have seen "custom" ROAs with a quarter of the work this one has go for my much more.

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Beautiful, innovative work. Great Price. BTT

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

Good Morning Pete:

I'll take it.

Be a nice addition to my cap gun collection.



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Would look just aces in a shoulder holster......................eh Wolfgang.


Thinkin' that .36 EPP-UG boolits might be just the ticket!


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EPP UG - 36 boolits WILL be Muey PERFECTO!! Yer resolve slid right off the cliff :)




PS: Yer gonna need a mate!! Gunfighters shot wid one in each hand!!

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Chilli when you want to do a brace of bisley old army's let me know I'll furnish the base guns and pay for your magic if we can work it out first.

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Chilli when you want to do a brace of bisley old army's let me know I'll furnish the base guns and pay for your magic if we can work it out first.

Alan Harton over in Houston made this one for me.


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