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Real Colt SAA

Rye Miles #13621

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I shot my one and only Colt yesterday. A 3rd gen .44-40 with a 5 1/2" barrel that's been slicked up. It's really now just a backup but every time I shoot it I say to myself, "Wow there's nothing like a real COLT!!!" I have Smoke Wagons that are great, a pair of Cimmarons with lowered hammers and 2 Uberti's all in .44-40. They're all fine and they shoot great but I have to repeat:






Rye :)

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I shot a couple of 2nd generation .38's in Silver Senior Sunday. I hadn't had them out for a couple of years. My Rugers all work well but are kind of like an appliance-Colts have soul.

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I have a 1st gen that my Great Grandfather carried 1880. He gave it to his grandsons (my dad and uncle) who wore it out. I would

like to get Turnbull to rebuild it and use it once a year at a cowboy match.

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You are 100% correct. There is nothing like a Colt!!! Mine is not a back up I carry and shoot it all the time. My clones are back ups.



I have a 7 1/2" and a 5 1/2", both in 38WCF.

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Here's my real Colt 45. It was a hand-me-down from my late brother-in-law. He traded a black powder framed 7-1/2" for it. This one had been used for quick draw shooting before he got it. Note the modified hammer. I used it to shoot my first match last year and then put it back in the safe.

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Amen brothers!!

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I've got two Colt SAA's with Bob Munden action jobs and they are the sweetest shooting .45's you'll ever see. They pretty much stay in the safe now because I have two pairs of Old model Vaquero Bisleys in 44-40 that I use now. The Colts get fondled quite a bit and if my nephew shoots with me he gets to use the Colts. Yer right though there's nothin like a Colt.

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I'd like to know who did the fast draw mod on my brother-in-laws Colt. The serial number puts its manufacturer date of 58 or 59. The hammer spur is obviously raised and checkering removed. The grips are odd too as they have no checkering. It doesn't look like it had checkering and then worn or somehow removed. The appear to be factory original as the number inside matches the last three digits of the serial number.

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Interesting topic. Like most, I use clones for regular shooting, but I have a few old first generation SAA'a that do get to "play" with me occasionally. Usually with weak cowboy loads. There is nothing like a Colt.

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I have a 1st gen that my Great Grandfather carried 1880. He gave it to his grandsons (my dad and uncle) who wore it out. I would

like to get Turnbull to rebuild it and use it once a year at a cowboy match.


Hi Kid , try Alan Hartman in Texas. I like his SAA rebuilds better than Turnbulls. I really like Turnbulls Winchesters though!!


Train Robber

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I shoot a pair of 3rd Gen's in 44WCF with the 4 3/4" barrels. They also have factory fitted 44 Special Cylinders. The Special cylinders get the nod for Smokeless and the 44WCF's for black powder.

They are my every day match shooters.

And Yes, there is nothing like a C-O-L-T !

Both are identical with consecutive Serial Numbers.

My only regret is, I did not order Black powder frames when I had them Special ordered for the Custom Shop.

I can shoot 44 Russian, 44 Colt, 44 Special & 44WCF. And I have Brass for all.

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If you've got 'em, shoot 'em. Don't treat them like safe queens, they were designed to be shot. This pair of 2nd Gens are my usual Main Match pistols.



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I shoot a pair of SS NM Vaqueros .357mag with SBH Hammers and I do love my guns.

Well, a friend of mine, Silverado Jack, bought a brace of 3rd Generation Colts in .45lc about a year ago, they are nickle finish with 51/2" barrels, these guns were like new. So this year I'll be shooting Classic Cowboy , with his Colts, now that's a friend!



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If a Colt is properly tuned you can shoot it for years without anything but normal cleaning. Jim Martin has tuned all of the Colts I have other than the last two I acquired, one a 1st Gen and the other a 3rd Gen from the Custom Shop which I took delivery on about a year ago, but I plan on taking these other to to Jim in a couple of months and pick them up on the way back home.


I have had Clones including USFA's which were the closest thing to a real Colt, but not quite. I haven't owned a AWA but I have heard they were close copies. And then your original Great Westerns were good copies and some of the early ones had Colt parts.


I agree Colt's have a soul the clones just don't, and feel like no copy can reproduce.

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