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Texas Rangers

Rye Miles #13621

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Yea, I'm now backin the Rangers, what an awesome team! They blew away the Tigers last night. When I saw GW and Laura in the stands the other night along with Nolan Ryan I decided to switch from the Tigers to the Rangers.


I mean, c'mon....the TEXAS RANGERS :FlagAm:


Go Rangers!!!



The Cards should put away the Brewers soon and will have the birds against the Rangers in the WS. B)


Rye, a hopeless baseball fan!:D

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What kind of league is it that will not allow a pitcher to hit.

Doesn't seem quite AMERICAN to me.



Yeah, we need a humorous moment or two every few innings...... :lol:



I am in debt to those fabulous Tigers for ridding us of the Yankees, but I think they're realizing that the Rangers can club you to death.....if they pitch well, too, well, it gets lopsided.


I wouldn't count the Brewers out yet. Last nights game certainly wasn't a blow-out, and the Brewers can hit too. I have to admit, though, the Cards are certainly hot.


Chick(whoain'trootin',butis watchin')ahominy

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Yeah, we need a humorous moment or two every few innings...... :lol:


I am in debt to those fabulous Tigers for ridding us of the Yankees, but I think they're realizing that the Rangers can club you to death.....if they pitch well, too, well, it gets lopsided.


I wouldn't count the Brewers out yet. Last nights game certainly wasn't a blow-out, and the Brewers can hit too. I have to admit, though, the Cards are certainly hot.


Chick(whoain'trootin',butis watchin')ahominy


And it adverages out the batting adverages for the rest of the team. :lol:



And no, Tom, I do not want to buy the Dodgers. I didn't like them when they were in Brooklyn.

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The thing I love is that the National Media is dying over the possibility of a Texas-Missouri series.

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Yankees Lose! Da Yan-keeeeeeeeees Lose!!!



After my Doggies hit rock bottom and kept digging, rooting against the Yanks is my only solace.

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The Rangers have been FUN to watch this year.

Team is a great bunch. That seems to really all get along great.


And with Nolan as owner and running things. Team has a great future ahead of it.



P.S. You know Bush use to be a owner of the Rangers.

Not uncommon to see he at games now and then.

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Yea, I'm now backin the Rangers, what an awesome team! They blew away the Tigers last night. When I saw GW and Laura in the stands the other night along with Nolan Ryan I decided to switch from the Tigers to the Rangers.


I mean, c'mon....the TEXAS RANGERS :FlagAm:


Go Rangers!!!



The Cards should put away the Brewers soon and will have the birds against the Rangers in the WS. B)


Rye, a hopeless baseball fan!:D


Uh.. ryes,,. have a scotch.. a cigar.. and calm down.. lol.. It is foot ball season now.. lol

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He is gonna mess it up for them Tigers. I just know he is. You can't trust Rye around a ball team.

All he will do is eat the hot dogs, drink the beer and put a curse on your team.



I think it is the catsup.... you know it is plumb evill putting that on a great beef dog.. lol.. And beer is okay.. but cigars and scotch now that is a night.. lol

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Charlie... isn't Badger Mountain in Wisconsin? Anyhow, for me it's the Brewers and Rangers with the Brewers winning the whole thing.


It's interesting to hear the chatter here in Wisconsin... "it's our year, Packers, Badgers, and now Brewers!!" And I have to admit, there have been a lot of reasons for smiles amongst the cheeseheads.


Personally, I'm rooting for the Brewers because I like the team. They can churn out a lot of runs in a hurry and have an electricity you can feel. And they have some serious karma/revenge thing with St. Louis from 1982 when they were World Series foes. Also, I have always disliked Pujols and Berkman.


I'm at work now and the rabid Brewer fans here are wearing t-shirts that say "Mission October"... but some marketing dummy put the World Series logo on the shirts which is a severe baseball jinx, geez. I have to go knock on wood six times with my left hand now, chew three packs of bubble gum and then cross my legs for five minutes... don't these people know anything about baseball superstitions??


Cassidy :P

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Charlie... isn't Badger Mountain in Wisconsin? Anyhow, for me it's the Brewers and Rangers with the Brewers winning the whole thing.


It's interesting to hear the chatter here in Wisconsin... "it's our year, Packers, Badgers, and now Brewers!!" And I have to admit, there have been a lot of reasons for smiles amongst the cheeseheads.


Personally, I'm rooting for the Brewers because I like the team. They can churn out a lot of runs in a hurry and have an electricity you can feel. And they have some serious karma/revenge thing with St. Louis from 1982 when they were World Series foes. Also, I have always disliked Pujols and Berkman.


I'm at work now and the rabid Brewer fans here are wearing t-shirts that say "Mission October"... but some marketing dummy put the World Series logo on the shirts which is a severe baseball jinx, geez. I have to go knock on wood six times with my left hand now, chew three packs of bubble gum and then cross my legs for five minutes... don't these people know anything about baseball superstitions??


Cassidy :P



Well Jack, if it isn't, it probably should be. But we got one here in Warshington State, over by Silent Sam and his crowd in Wenatchee. :lol:


Ya know, I have family in Wisconsin, and I always liked that state, but when we are talking about my Cards, well, friends and family just have to deal with it.


But you are correct, looks like the Sports gods are smiling on the pastures and fields of Wisconsin.

The Badgers should have an easy time on the gridiron this week end. I hope the same issue is not true for the Brewers. :lol:

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I have watched two baseball games to speak of all summer and those have been the last two the Brew Crew played. I'm rooting for the Brewers. At least they are making a game of it. Gallardo really stunk the other night. He finally pulled himself together but not until 4 runs were scored making the rest of the team responsible for making up for his weakness. Not his best game. Last night the Brewers played like they knew how. I think it is a toss up as to who will take the NL but if the Brewers aren't in it I doubt that I will watch much.

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I have watched two baseball games to speak of all summer and those have been the last two the Brew Crew played. I'm rooting for the Brewers. At least they are making a game of it. Gallardo really stunk the other night. He finally pulled himself together but not until 4 runs were scored making the rest of the team responsible for making up for his weakness. Not his best game. Last night the Brewers played like they knew how. I think it is a toss up as to who will take the NL but if the Brewers aren't in it I doubt that I will watch much.

And why is this a bad thing, Finagler? Folks in Milwaukee have to realize that drinking more beer and eating more hot dogs will not get the job done. Although it is a good idea.


Either way, the town that wins the National League Pennant will be known as a good BEER TOWN.

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And why is this a bad thing, Finagler? Folks in Milwaukee have to realize that drinking more beer and eating more hot dogs will not get the job done. Although it is a good idea.


Either way, the town that wins the National League Pennant will be known as a good BEER TOWN.



You're just jealous. You know why they don't have a pro baseball team in Portland? Because then they'd want one in Seattle. Bwahahahahahah. :D I think the Brew Crew is doing pretty good for a small market team. Any past time that involves drinking beer and eating german sausages (brats for the unedumacated), well that is alright with me. As long as it isn't rice beer. I can't drink rice beer. Geschmecks schrecklich. Won't pass the german purity law either :P


Here is to beer town! Prost!

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I'll give you this much, Finagler, they make good cheese and good beer in Wisconsin.

Them brats with saurkraut ain't gonna make me angry either. But I think the flag would

look much better in St. Louis. Besides all my Missouri friends would appreciate it too.


Hmmm Wisconsin cheese on some dark rye with a cold brewski..... Time for lunch.....

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Back in the day the Rangers used to kill the Indians , well this year the Rangers killed the Indians!!!


I promise I won't jinx the Rangers. :lol:

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Sheesh, remember when the Cards had a 3-2 lead in the World Series in 1987 and the Twins won the last two games?





Are you trying to discourage me, Cassidy? :unsure:


All I have to do is drink enough beer, and that strategy will not work.


In fact, if I drink enough beer, I probably won't care who won. I am a happy drunk. :lol:

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