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Incident at WalMart

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I'm sure the people taking your abandoned cart and putting everything back on the shelves appreciate you using them to teach their manager a lesson. I bet they agree with however you justify behavior like that. And it's interesting how many people split their time between whining about raising minimum wage after only fifteen years and whining about inflation.

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1 hour ago, Chicken Rustler, SASS #26680 said:

I'm sure the people taking your abandoned cart and putting everything back on the shelves appreciate you using them to teach their manager a lesson. I bet they agree with however you justify behavior like that.


I used to work with this guy years ago. We did some work one time, and the boss had screwed up the instructions, so the job had to be done again. And he grabbed (GRIPED, otto, not GRABBED, you flippin' moron)and complained and bitched for an hour or so before I got tired of it.


"Larry, you got paid to do this the first time, didn't you?" And he agreed that he did. "And you are getting paid to do it this time, aren't you?" And he agreed that he was. "So what is your damn problem? I don't care how many times we have to do this job over, as long as I get paid for each time."


That poor little funky at Walmart that has to put my stuff back on the shelf - he's getting paid to put my stuff back on the shelf. This isn't a case of MY SHIFT IS OVER AND I HAVE CLOCKED OUT AND I'M READY TO GO HOME BUT OH WOE IS ME I HAVE TO PUT THIS STUFF BACK ON THE SHELF BEFORE I CAN LEAVE, ON MY OWN TIME. THAT DAMN JERK ALPO!!

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1 hour ago, Alpo said:


I agree with Alpo that the guy that has to put my abandoned shopping cart away doesn't care. The Manager, if he has to have his people do this often enough, will.

There are certain tasks that must be done. It's the Manager's job to see that they are done. If they are not, eventually he will have to explain why. It would take him, or the guy who he would eventually have put my stuff back on the shelves, a LOT less time and effort to just run the d**m register in the first place. 

My daughter used to work at Walmart. Her Dept. Manager had a friend that wanted my daughter's job. She gave my daughter enough work that there were a few times that she had to finish 5 minutes of work after she was off the clock. She ended up getting my daughter FIRED for working off shift.

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2 hours ago, Father Kit Cool Gun Garth said:


The experience haunts me still.  Was in Wally-World and going down an isle.  Hefty woman in sweat pants was squatted down looking at something.  Oh gowd! Plumber's crack. But there were lightning bolts tattooed in a chevron pattern coming out of her butt crack! I figure drugs or alcohol had to be involved.  

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If I am at Home Depot, and everything I have has a bar code, I'll self check-out. But Safeway, forget it, I'm not looking up every dang fruit and vegetable, takes forever.

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Sorry to tell you but there’s not enough of you Anti-Self serve folks to make the stores change. You’re fighting a losing battle, I believe we’re going to see more and more of them!

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9 minutes ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

Sorry to tell you but there’s not enough of you Anti-Self serve folks to make the stores change. You’re fighting a losing battle, I believe we’re going to see more and more of them!

That may be, but I'll still tilt at the windmill as long as I am able.

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22 minutes ago, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

That may be, but I'll still tilt at the windmill as long as I am able.

Be careful that windmill might come down!:P

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3 hours ago, Rye Miles #13621 said:

Sorry to tell you but there’s not enough of you Anti-Self serve folks to make the stores change. You’re fighting a losing battle, I believe we’re going to see more and more of them!


I don't know about that. I keep hearing and reading stories about how stores are taking the self serves out and going back to human (some of them anyway) cashiers because of huge losses from theft.


I have gotten where I prefer the self-serve checkouts for speed, I get to bag them the way I want to and I don't have to look at the receipt to make sure I was charged right. I put the bags in my cart and bag the items at my car. Once, I had an argument with one of the employees that stand there with the cell phone in their hand when he told me that I took too many bags. I made it known that I was doing his damn job and since I was doing his job, I'll bag my items any damn way I want to.

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3 hours ago, Cypress Sun said:


I don't know about that. I keep hearing and reading stories about how stores are taking the self serves out and going back to human (some of them anyway) cashiers because of huge losses from theft.


I have gotten where I prefer the self-serve checkouts for speed, I get to bag them the way I want to and I don't have to look at the receipt to make sure I was charged right. I put the bags in my cart and bag the items at my car. Once, I had an argument with one of the employees that stand there with the cell phone in their hand when he told me that I took too many bags. I made it known that I was doing his damn job and since I was doing his job, I'll bag my items any damn way I want to.

I see just the opposite here, more and more self serves and less human cashiers. 

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19 hours ago, Alpo said:

That poor little funky at Walmart that has to put my stuff back on the shelf - he's getting paid to put my stuff back on the shelf.


And where do you think Walmart gets the money to pay for the restocking? It gets rolled into price calculations. In other words -- the customer foots the bill, not Walmart.


What isn't getting done because the clerk has to spend time trucking the basket around putting stuff back after someone's pitched a fit and walked out?


How many man-hours get wasted, how many additional workers are required? What about the quality of the merchandise that has been handled, and re-handled, dumped into a basket, then shoved back on the shelf?


Was some of that merchandise frozen/refrigerated goods that partially warmed before they got back into temp-controlled displays?



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You're attempting, extremely hard, to make it my fault. But it's not my fault. It's the fault of the jerks that decided that I needed to do their work for them.


And the way to make all those problems go away is to put some cashiers back in the stores.

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20 minutes ago, Alpo said:

You're attempting, extremely hard, to make it my fault. But it's not my fault. It's the fault of the jerks that decided that I needed to do their work for them.


And the way to make all those problems go away is to put some cashiers back in the stores.

Good luck with that, like the stores are really going to listen. There's many more that prefer the self serve than don't. It's obviously a cost saving measure or the stores wouldn't be switching to self serve machines. It's kinda like the old horse and buggy vs the automobile days!:P:lol:

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At our local Home Depot, they encourage self check out by only having a couple regular registers open. However, I don't see the savings as they now have an employee at each self check register as there is almost always some sort of issue to be resolved, especially with bar codes. The employees could do a much better job running a register instead of having to deal with all the customer issues and just pissing us off.

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55 minutes ago, Alpo said:

You're attempting, extremely hard, to make it my fault.

ETC: If the shoe fits . . . .


What I DID do, mainly, was point out your ignoring of the retail retail corollary of the economists’, ‘No free lunch,’ rule — when it comes to providing a service, nothing happens for free. 


55 minutes ago, Alpo said:

It's the fault of the jerks that decided that I needed to do their work for them.

Or maybe, the jerks who were trying to find a way to slow the rising cost of groceries, and save customers some money? 


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30 minutes ago, Eyesa Horg said:

At our local Home Depot, they encourage self check out by only having a couple regular registers open. However, I don't see the savings as they now have an employee at each self check register as there is almost always some sort of issue to be resolved, especially with bar codes. The employees could do a much better job running a register instead of having to deal with all the customer issues and just pissing us off.

My Home Depot has a couple cashiers and only one person dealing with the self serve customers. Seems to go pretty smooth.

On busy weekends they have a few more cashiers and maybe two self serve employees.

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