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A highly contagious malady that has infected many Americans from the White House to the most lowly common people.


Beware of it and look out for the symptoms:


Calls to raise taxes.  

Defunding or doing away with military a police agencies.

Attempts to disarm citizens and other efforts to ignore or do way with the Bill Of Rights.

Ignoring the Constitution and other laws to further their agendas.

Opening our borders to criminals, terrorists and anyone else.

Giving benefits who almost everyone except honest, hard working citizens.

Deliberately causing gender confusions.

Creating racial and other problems.

Taking over schools, news media, and product ads to attack our children.

Lying about practically everything.

Belittling our history, traditions and in general, our entire way of life. 

Allowing alien agencies to attack our economy, health, products without interference.

Giving, aid, comfort, arms, and technology to our real and potential enemies.

Turning our backs on our allies and supporting their enemies.

Interfering with our free election processes.

Filing false charges against their political opponents.


And the list goes on........and on!



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7 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

A highly contagious malady that has infected many Americans from the White House to the most lowly common people.


Beware of it and look out for the symptoms:


Calls to raise taxes.  

Defunding or doing away with military a police agencies.

Attempts to disarm citizens and other efforts to ignore or do way with the Bill Of Rights.

Ignoring the Constitution and other laws to further their agendas.

Opening our borders to criminals, terrorists and anyone else.

Giving benefits who almost everyone except honest, hard working citizens.

Deliberately causing gender confusions.

Creating racial and other problems.

Taking over schools, news media, and product ads to attack our children.

Lying about practically everything.

Belittling our history, traditions and in general, our entire way of life. 

Allowing alien agencies to attack our economy, health, products without interference.

Giving, aid, comfort, arms, and technology to our real and potential enemies.

Turning our backs on our allies and supporting their enemies.

Interfering with our free election processes.

Filing false charges against their political opponents.


And the list goes on........and on!



You nailed it!

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Forty Rod


I'll heartily echo Rye's statement.


You nailed it.

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1 hour ago, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

There are no blue pills for this form of ED.  There are pills but they are a bitter pill to swallow.


It's the Blue Pill that causes it.

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What scares me the most, are the poll results.

This tells me a huge number of voters do not yet have a belly full of inflation, crime, drugs, illegals, bums, corruption, fascism and boys pretending to be girls.

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21 minutes ago, bgavin said:

What scares me the most, are the poll results.

This tells me a huge number of voters do not yet have a belly full of inflation, crime, drugs, illegals, bums, corruption, fascism and boys pretending to be girls.

These people are sometimes called low information voters.


Just stickin their heads in the proverbial sand never makes things better.

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11 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

A highly contagious malady that has infected many Americans from the White House to the most lowly common people.


Beware of it and look out for the symptoms:


Calls to raise taxes.  

Defunding or doing away with military a police agencies.

Attempts to disarm citizens and other efforts to ignore or do way with the Bill Of Rights.

Ignoring the Constitution and other laws to further their agendas.

Opening our borders to criminals, terrorists and anyone else.

Giving benefits who almost everyone except honest, hard working citizens.

Deliberately causing gender confusions.

Creating racial and other problems.

Taking over schools, news media, and product ads to attack our children.

Lying about practically everything.

Belittling our history, traditions and in general, our entire way of life. 

Allowing alien agencies to attack our economy, health, products without interference.

Giving, aid, comfort, arms, and technology to our real and potential enemies.

Turning our backs on our allies and supporting their enemies.

Interfering with our free election processes.

Filing false charges against their political opponents.


And the list goes on........and on!




Tell the truth Forty! You took that from the list of objectives of the Canadian Liberal Party and just paraphrased it!

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Enclosed is what I call the Zero Liability Voter...

These are the button sellers, etc, one finds on Telegraph Ave in Berkeley and other liberal bastions of self-serving voters.

The Founding Fathers had it right... only property owners could vote, because only property owners were taxed.



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3 hours ago, bgavin said:

What scares me the most, are the poll results.

This tells me a huge number of voters do not yet have a belly full of inflation, crime, drugs, illegals, bums, corruption, fascism and boys pretending to be girls.


3 hours ago, Dantankerous said:

These people are sometimes called low information voters.


Just stickin their heads in the proverbial sand never makes things better.


They don't care.  Oh, they pay lip service to it, and are all for it as long as they can delude themselves that it's not coming out of their own pockets.


But as long as they think that the bread and circuses will continue nothing will change with them



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14 hours ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

A highly contagious malady that has infected many Americans from the White House to the most lowly common people.


Beware of it and look out for the symptoms:


Calls to raise taxes.  

Defunding or doing away with military a police agencies.

Attempts to disarm citizens and other efforts to ignore or do way with the Bill Of Rights.

Ignoring the Constitution and other laws to further their agendas.

Opening our borders to criminals, terrorists and anyone else.

Giving benefits who almost everyone except honest, hard working citizens.

Deliberately causing gender confusions.

Creating racial and other problems.

Taking over schools, news media, and product ads to attack our children.

Lying about practically everything.

Belittling our history, traditions and in general, our entire way of life. 

Allowing alien agencies to attack our economy, health, products without interference.

Giving, aid, comfort, arms, and technology to our real and potential enemies.

Turning our backs on our allies and supporting their enemies.

Interfering with our free election processes.

Filing false charges against their political opponents.


And the list goes on........and on!





           ........... ya knoe Uncle Forty, if you keep holding back like that yer gonna bust yer pfooofle valve .....  ;)

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7 hours ago, bgavin said:

What scares me the most, are the poll results.

This tells me a huge number of voters do not yet have a belly full of inflation, crime, drugs, illegals, bums, corruption, fascism and boys pretending to be girls.

Because they're constantly told it's DJT's fault.

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6 hours ago, bgavin said:

Enclosed is what I call the Zero Liability Voter...

These are the button sellers, etc, one finds on Telegraph Ave in Berkeley and other liberal bastions of self-serving voters.

The Founding Fathers had it right... only property owners could vote, because only property owners were taxed.



One more really good example of why I support retroactive birth control.

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i was expecting a discussion of the upcoming election and potential for fraud , 


my wife is an election judge here , there are no protections for preventing non-citizens from voting in our election here [not sure how it may be where you are] puts a whole new light on our boarder inversion doesn't it ? 

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"It is enough that the people know there was an election.
The people who cast the votes decide nothing.
The people who count the votes decide everything."
--Joe Stalin

"If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves."
--Joe Stalin

"We don't let them have ideas.
Why would we let them have guns?"
--Joe Stalin

"Show me the man and I'll show you the crime."
--Lavrently Beria, Chief of Stalin's Secret Police

Sound familiar?


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9 hours ago, watab kid said:

i was expecting a discussion of the upcoming election and potential for fraud , 


my wife is an election judge here , there are no protections for preventing non-citizens from voting in our election here [not sure how it may be where you are] puts a whole new light on our boarder inversion doesn't it ? 

My wife and I are election officials here. If you aren't a town resident on the voting list, you don't get a ballot. I also count and assure you that our counts are accurate. But being in a blue state, the lefts lies always seem to be believed.:angry:

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23 hours ago, bgavin said:

What scares me the most, are the poll results.

This tells me a huge number of voters do not yet have a belly full of inflation, crime, drugs, illegals, bums, corruption, fascism and boys pretending to be girls.


Are these the same Pollsters that had Hillary winning the Presidency? 

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No, they are the huge number of voters who vote for Democrats in Local, State and National elections.
Time and time and time and time and time again.

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18 minutes ago, bgavin said:

No, they are the huge number of voters who vote for Democrats in Local, State and National elections.
Time and time and time and time and time again.

Many of these people will tell you that they agree with us on many issues, but they're Democrats. Their parents are Democrats. Their grandparents are Democrats. They've always voted Democrat, it's just what they are. I've even had one person compare it to being Catholic. :blink:

I've even heard local Republican candidates tell of giving speeches and having local Democrat leaders tell them how much they like their ideas and they're glad to see somebody want to change things, only to back up when they find out that the guy isn't a Democrat.  :wacko:

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12 hours ago, Eyesa Horg said:

My wife and I are election officials here. If you aren't a town resident on the voting list, you don't get a ballot. I also count and assure you that our counts are accurate. But being in a blue state, the lefts lies always seem to be believed.:angry:

yes , my wife does all of that as well , but you may not have all the immigrants there that we have , we have 20k somalis first and foremost under obama , then everything that has come to our blue state since biden , there are things they are not allowed to question or ask , our state is issuing drivers licenses to illegal's and we have DL voter registrations , it will be near impossible to stop it with our absentee and early voting that only requires an interpreter to vouch then assist in the actual ballot 

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I find people are democrats for one or more of four reasons:  sex, drugs, socialism or Orange Man Bad.


I ask Catholics why they vote for the abortion party..  why the Jews vote for the spendthrift party, and get the same answer you did:  mom and dad did, so do we.

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1 hour ago, watab kid said:

yes , my wife does all of that as well , but you may not have all the immigrants there that we have , we have 20k somalis first and foremost under obama , then everything that has come to our blue state since biden , there are things they are not allowed to question or ask , our state is issuing drivers licenses to illegal's and we have DL voter registrations , it will be near impossible to stop it with our absentee and early voting that only requires an interpreter to vouch then assist in the actual ballot 

Holy crap Pard! To the best of my knowledge, we have none in my town! A small number in some of the larger cities. We have a lot of legal immigrants doing agriculture work. 

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On 2/24/2024 at 8:30 PM, Eyesa Horg said:

Holy crap Pard! To the best of my knowledge, we have none in my town! A small number in some of the larger cities. We have a lot of legal immigrants doing agriculture work. 

yup , thats why we intend to exit this state in the next couple years , just waiting on grandkids to mature , oh , and they tax SS here too - another reason to leave as soon as we can , 

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What I have trouble understanding is, after over 150 years of  the left wingers promising so much and continuously failing to carry out those promises which have forced their supporters into poverty...and keeping them there...doing nothing to give them true reform of any kind and blaming the conservatives for everything bad in our society, WHY these stupid SOBs keep on voting them back into office.

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1 minute ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

What I have trouble understanding is, after over 150 years of  the left wingers promising so much and continuously failing to carry out those promises which have forced their supporters into poverty...and keeping them there...doing nothing to give them true reform of any kins and blaming the conservatives for everything bad in our society, WHY these stupid SOBs keep on voting them back into office.

As I said before:

On 2/24/2024 at 4:52 PM, Sgt. C.J. Sabre, SASS #46770 said:

Many of these people will tell you that they agree with us on many issues, but they're Democrats. Their parents are Democrats. Their grandparents are Democrats. They've always voted Democrat, it's just what they are. I've even had one person compare it to being Catholic. :blink:


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1 hour ago, Forty Rod SASS 3935 said:

What I have trouble understanding is, after over 150 years of  the left wingers promising so much and continuously failing to carry out those promises which have forced their supporters into poverty...and keeping them there...doing nothing to give them true reform of any kins and blaming the conservatives for everything bad in our society, WHY these stupid SOBs keep on voting them back into office.

that is a mystery save the free handouts and promise of more - even tho nothing changes for them they seem to just settle back and accept thats how it is , ive never understood that mentality but then thats why we vote as we do hoping for better for all rather than as they do looking for that ice creme cone today 

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9 hours ago, watab kid said:

yup , thats why we intend to exit this state in the next couple years , just waiting on grandkids to mature , oh , and they tax SS here too - another reason to leave as soon as we can , 

They tax SS here too! :angry:

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Taxes here are getting quite out of hand.:angry: Ed tax for us went up $3500 last year and they expect another 20% this year.:angry: Sucks, we never had kids and now we're gonna be paying off college loans too! Socialism is getting stronger.:angry:

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I have a spread sheet of various cities categorized by population, vote party, crime, air and water quality, cost of housing and taxes.

So far, I have 344 cities entered, and SO very few that meet my qualifications.


Air quality and Climate are big factors, so I was amused to find out I own a property in San Diego which has mighty fine air quality and climate.
SD get an "F" for all the other factors, such as firearms, bums, illegals, politics, taxes, crowding, cost of living, traffic, etc.

A new addition to my data source is property tax rates and taxes paid.
Very useful for anybody seriously considering a relocation.

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