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S.3589 anyone heard of this bill?

Dutch Coroner

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Apparently this bill would prevent any 3 or more people from training with firearms or any other type of self defense tactics which may cause bodily injury. 

This insanity is never going to stop is it?

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  • Dutch Coroner changed the title to S.3589 anyone heard of this bill?

Yes.  And just because a bill is proposed doesn't mean it is going to go anywhere.   This won't be the first congress critter to propose a bill just to prove he "did something".


There was one IL congress critter who proposed a bill banning handguns for years that never went anywhere.

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12 minutes ago, Chantry said:

Yes.  And just because a bill is proposed doesn't mean it is going to go anywhere.   This won't be the first congress critter to propose a bill just to prove he "did something".


There was one IL congress critter who proposed a bill banning handguns for years that never went anywhere.

I’m aware of that but I mean sheesh….

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Ohh It goes way farther than that . SASS will cease to exist  dont go hunting with buddies in another state either .


Circumstances.—The circumstances described in this subsection are that the conduct described in subsection (a)—

“(1) involves—

“(A) travel across a State line or national border; or

“(B) the use of the channels, facilities, or instrumentalities of interstate or foreign commerce;

“(2) involves a firearm, explosive or incendiary device, or dangerous weapon that has traveled in interstate or foreign commerce;

“(3) involves the use of ammunition or a large capacity ammunition feeding device that has traveled in interstate or foreign commerce;

“(4) obstructs, delays, or affects interstate or foreign commerce; or

“(5) occurs wholly within any commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States.



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Markey is and has always been an ass!

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Both these bills are an absolute affront to the Bill of Rights in general. I wonder how far they’ll get?


The backers and the people in politics that come up with these things time and time again have shown themselves to be very un-American yet they stay in power because of a number of things, but mostly because they have a blind, manipulated population of people that keep them there in power. 

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Saw on Yahoo news today, supposedly 23 Republicans plan to retire or resign. Wonderful :ph34r:

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1 minute ago, Deadshot Dan said:

This will also make it illegal for churches to have the right to have security. They will keep chipping away until they have us all defenseless. Why?

Power and greed.

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