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Pat Riot

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i think they know and are willing participants really , it gives them their platform without going on tiktok and such , 


i generally dont subscribe to any that have no facts to support but i generally wont subscribe if i cant corroborate those 'facts' either , sometimes i like to look into these only to confirm that i can ignore them , when bigfoot falls dead in my backyard ill start paying a lot more attention , OR if on my once in a lifetime trip to the homeland scotland i get to see nessy - then ill start looking seriously into any of this BS 

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All I know is when I left CONUS , America was not a crap hole , I was overseas for 7 years and you all let America turn into a offended weak crap hole.


As far as conspiracies LOL well I must be psychic because much of what I said has been proven true, If you are having the same ideas and values as the approved lines on Fakebook  well you need to did deeper before you fly that other countries or groups flag 

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9 minutes ago, PowderRiverCowboy said:

All I know is when I left CONUS , America was not a crap hole , I was overseas for 7 years and you all let America turn into a offended weak crap hole.


As far as conspiracies LOL well I must be psychic because much of what I said has been proven true, If you are having the same ideas and values as the approved lines on Fakebook  well you need to did deeper before you fly that other countries or groups flag 

Yeah, if you wouldn’t have left everything would be fine now. Obviously, it’s your fault. :D

I forgot the smiley. :lol:

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1 minute ago, Pat Riot said:

Yeah, if you wouldn’t have left everything would be fine now. Obviously, it’s your fault. 



Wasn't me that sat back and laughed and fell for the news you fell for .  Hate to tell you this but there are many Iraq/Afghan Vets that feel the same way .  Conservative America will do Nothing we have proven that time and again . The police wont save you  and we wont do anything because we are "law abiding" so we will get on that train and do as we are told .


  We have Americans that ohh my state is messed up I will just run and move to another state rather than protecting your own damn home .


 We have Americans Flying foreign flags at home because its the approved CNN agenda to support the money wash.


  How many got the Covid jab because they were asked too ? Wore that mask without argument because well I need to go to this store  ? How many will blindly think Trump will save America? He had 4 years  and he followed and backed  Fauci, installed Gen Milley, banned Bump stocks and praised red flag laws , supported lockdowns , empowered the FBI and sided with Bud light  because they back him.
 There is no one that is coming to save America expect to Self Rescue 

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1 hour ago, PowderRiverCowboy said:

Wasn't me that sat back and laughed and fell for the news you fell for

First of all, you don’t know much about me except for what you read on here.

I would address the rest of your rant, but it would just pizz you off more.


Life’s too short to dwell on what can’t be fixed. 

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2 hours ago, Pat Riot said:

First of all, you don’t know much about me except for what you read on here.

I would address the rest of your rant, but it would just pizz you off more.


Life’s too short to dwell on what can’t be fixed. 


first never said I did know you and I was speaking in general IF you took that personal thats not my fault , nor my problem


Address all you want because you don't know a single thing about me , First I don't take things personal and well I have zero feelings so never think you will piss me off .  Example  last month My dad died My response was " Thats nice thanks for letting me know " I turned off emotions long ago  I feel nothing therefore I am not like many that preach free speech and get offended  when some says something I dont agree with .
  Just like the Pro Palestine protests hey if American's can raise a Ukraine flag at home , so can they I dont like it and most that are pro Palestine have never spent a day in the middle east but ohh well , same as worshiping Islam , satan and so oh  the freedom of religion goes for them too .

All good If 2024 dont bring to USA to full civil war I will be surprised . 

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14 minutes ago, PowderRiverCowboy said:


first never said I did know you and I was speaking in general IF you took that personal thats not my fault , nor my problem


Address all you want because you don't know a single thing about me , First I don't take things personal and well I have zero feelings so never think you will piss me off .  Example  last month My dad died My response was " Thats nice thanks for letting me know " I turned off emotions long ago  I feel nothing therefore I am not like many that preach free speech and get offended  when some says something I dont agree with .
  Just like the Pro Palestine protests hey if American's can raise a Ukraine flag at home , so can they I dont like it and most that are pro Palestine have never spent a day in the middle east but ohh well , same as worshiping Islam , satan and so oh  the freedom of religion goes for them too .

All good If 2024 dont bring to USA to full civil war I will be surprised . 

So, we’re good then, as far as I am concerned. 

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i didnt think to apply this thread to current politics really nor to the bad acting and offensive behaviors of those that are protesting these days - i really hate the protestors but im not going to start locking and loading toll they get closer , i will protect my home tho if its threatened , oh and ill move wherever i damn well please - always have , 


4 hours ago, Cypress Sun said:

I never noticed this before...


Cons Piracy.

Coincidence? I don't think so.;)

i think your right - not a coincidence 

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ya know , this is a lot like the climate change doomsayers that have formed a consensus , we all know the climate is changing - it has been since the dawn of time and will in spite of anything we might try to do , i just dont need to be taxed for it and we dont need to do without because of it while john kerry [who served in VN] can ignore all of the restrictions he wants to impose on us , 

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On 1/17/2024 at 11:05 AM, PowderRiverCowboy said:



Wasn't me that sat back and laughed and fell for the news you fell for .  Hate to tell you this but there are many Iraq/Afghan Vets that feel the same way .  Conservative America will do Nothing we have proven that time and again . The police wont save you  and we wont do anything because we are "law abiding" so we will get on that train and do as we are told .


  We have Americans that ohh my state is messed up I will just run and move to another state rather than protecting your own damn home .


 We have Americans Flying foreign flags at home because its the approved CNN agenda to support the money wash.


  How many got the Covid jab because they were asked too ? Wore that mask without argument because well I need to go to this store  ? How many will blindly think Trump will save America? He had 4 years  and he followed and backed  Fauci, installed Gen Milley, banned Bump stocks and praised red flag laws , supported lockdowns , empowered the FBI and sided with Bud light  because they back him.
 There is no one that is coming to save America expect to Self Rescue 

And, your solution?

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2 hours ago, Marshal Dan Troop 70448 said:

And, your solution?


Well, We need to start doing more than sit back and hope someone does it for us. But probably to late for that because the LEO community for many parts is weaponized against us , You have been labeled a threat and well LEO's will treat you like that because "Just doing my job and what I am told " same with military .

 Gee where just where have we heard that before  1943 era ??


 Historically  Democracies (I know we are suppose to be a Republic but feel we have lost that ) only stand for appx 250 years before failing for much of the same reasons we are at the point we are know . 


Solution well not a good one because we are on the door step of another full out Civil War , Burn it all down and rebuild . 




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3 minutes ago, PowderRiverCowboy said:


Well, We need to start doing more than sit back and hope someone does it for us. But probably to late for that because the LEO community for many parts is weaponized against us , You have been labeled a threat and well LEO's will treat you like that because "Just doing my job and what I am told " same with military .

 Gee where just where have we heard that before  1943 era ??


 Historically  Democracies (I know we are suppose to be a Republic but feel we have lost that ) only stand for appx 250 years before failing for much of the same reasons we are at the point we are know . 


Solution well not a good one because we are on the door step of another full out Civil War , Burn it all down and rebuild . 




You have to start changes somewhere if you want to live here and be part of the solution. You either accept what and who is in charge now, or use your vote for a change. Today we are swamped with news that are lies, half truth, and propaganda. Subdue the subject, and you control the future and avoid an uprising. 

We have people today that probable never worked or toiled at a job, worried about food on the table, and cloths on their back. They are the professional politicians who's one job seems to keep us as subjects. No term limits, yet we, not they, keep them in their positions because we are to lazy to listen to their every 4 years of lies of promises. We allow them to keep spending our hard earned dollars which they keep taking more and more of with no limits.



Your last paragraph is not a solution, rather a hindrance and pathway to becoming the Serfs of old. I'm still waiting for a reasonable solution from you. If you noted the problem(s), you also have to show reasonable solutions for changes.  

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16 minutes ago, Marshal Dan Troop 70448 said:

You have to start changes somewhere if you want to live here and be part of the solution. You either accept what and who is in charge now, or use your vote for a change. Today we are swamped with news that are lies, half truth, and propaganda. Subdue the subject, and you control the future and avoid an uprising. 

We have people today that probable never worked or toiled at a job, worried about food on the table, and cloths on their back. They are the professional politicians who's one job seems to keep us as subjects. No term limits, yet we, not they, keep them in their positions because we are to lazy to listen to their every 4 years of lies of promises. We allow them to keep spending our hard earned dollars which they keep taking more and more of with no limits.





Did you just say Vote for Politicians ? That wont represent you , how does that "change "anything will they vote to term limits and themselves out of power , Hardly . So what changes anyone that stands up wont be elected .

16 minutes ago, Marshal Dan Troop 70448 said:



Your last paragraph is not a solution, rather a hindrance and pathway to becoming the Serfs of old. I'm still waiting for a reasonable solution from you. If you noted the problem(s), you also have to show reasonable solutions for changes.  


That is the change.  When Tyranny becomes law , rebellion becomes Duty . Much of our Government / LEO has taken to do as I say or we will put you in jail . 1st amendment only if you dont offend that official and go against the agenda  . 
  You cant solution your way out of tyranny. Evil prevails when good men do nothing. exactly where we are right now .



As far as Trust the Government and LEO umm the things I did for this country would throw you in jail for years .

Ever see 3.2 Billion fresh made dollars in a Blackhawk .

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1 hour ago, PowderRiverCowboy said:



Did you just say Vote for Politicians ? That wont represent you , how does that "change "anything will they vote to term limits and themselves out of power , Hardly . So what changes anyone that stands up wont be elected .


That is the change.  When Tyranny becomes law , rebellion becomes Duty . Much of our Government / LEO has taken to do as I say or we will put you in jail . 1st amendment only if you dont offend that official and go against the agenda  . 
  You cant solution your way out of tyranny. Evil prevails when good men do nothing. exactly where we are right now .



As far as Trust the Government and LEO umm the things I did for this country would throw you in jail for years .

Ever see 3.2 Billion fresh made dollars in a Blackhawk .

Apparently you read more into it then there was. YOU, You, are the Term Limits by your votes. Crazy to think a politician would give up his position. But you as a Voter can.

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15 minutes ago, Marshal Dan Troop 70448 said:

Apparently you read more into it then there was. YOU, You, are the Term Limits by your votes. Crazy to think a politician would give up his position. But you as a Voter can.

let me know when you get to vote for term limits , and lets add that 40 year elected Sheriff into that also .

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18 minutes ago, PowderRiverCowboy said:

let me know when you get to vote for term limits , and lets add that 40 year elected Sheriff into that also .

I'm done with this and you seriously need to understand how people have the power to limit a politician term in office.  Simple, so you understand it better, you don't vote for him and his "Term" is ended.

Its stupid voters that continue voting the same old same old politician into office and expecting changes.  


So, again, come up with a peaceful, meaningful solution and I might listen. Its your playground, set up the perimeters, and play ball. 


No need to answer me, I won't be back on this post. Just answer to yourself. You lost my interest.


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Let me know how you expect term limits when you admit same old voting , And I respond as I see fit . I don't obey blindly because that's what someone wants  . You want change but run and hide from a discussion . yep that will work out 


11 minutes ago, Marshal Dan Troop 70448 said:

I'm done with this and you seriously need to understand how people have the power to limit a politician term in office.  Simple, so you understand it better, you don't vote for him and his "Term" is ended.

Its stupid voters that continue voting the same old same old politician into office and expecting changes.  


So, again, come up with a peaceful, meaningful solution and I might listen. Its your playground, set up the perimeters, and play ball. 


No need to answer me, I won't be back on this post. Just answer to yourself. You lost my interest.


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I believe that we were doing better as a nation when we had a challenge or enemy that was not us, like a Great Depression, Axis nations or the USSR.

After getting past all of these, we now just fight internally and turn the greatest nation into a circus.

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Tom is right on point.


Greatest conditional cycle in any democracy:


Hard times = hard men, hard men = soft times, soft times = soft men, soft men= hard times........rinse and repeat. 

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On 1/19/2024 at 7:30 AM, PowderRiverCowboy said:

Ever see 3.2 Billion fresh made dollars in a Blackhawk .


And at 10 tons per billion (if in 100 dollar bills) neither have you.


3.2 billion in the largest denomination bill printed = 32 tons = 64,000 pounds.

The 20,000 pound capacity (including fuel and crew) of a Blackhawk is a teensy bit under that.


So, in the future, when trying to convince us that you have secret knowledge the rest of us are not privy to.

Make up stuff that is a little more difficult to research.

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2 hours ago, Creeker, SASS #43022 said:


And at 10 tons per billion (if in 100 dollar bills) neither have you.


3.2 billion in the largest denomination bill printed = 32 tons = 64,000 pounds.

The 20,000 pound capacity (including fuel and crew) of a Blackhawk is a teensy bit under that.


So, in the future, when trying to convince us that you have secret knowledge the rest of us are not privy to.

Make up stuff that is a little more difficult to research.

Yeah I know buttercup we had multiple   as well as a Chinook  But thanks Capt Obvious .

 So in the future when you try to call someone a liar .  There just may be people that have done more than playing tubby  cowboy in white tennis shoes 
Do you need to see more proof ? Maybe dirt nap Tangos ? The Hummer and ammo in the other ?


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36 minutes ago, PowderRiverCowboy said:

Yeah I know buttercup we had multiple   as well as a Chinook  But thanks Capt Obvious .

 So in the future when you try to call someone a liar .  There just may be people that have done more than playing cowboy 


I'm sure that's true.

But I aint convinced its you.



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33 minutes ago, Creeker, SASS #43022 said:

I'm sure that's true.

But I aint convinced its you.



You could not know How little I care what you think. :D  Last I checked I never asked for your approval 
 And your response is exactly why you prove my point in previous statement as why many OIF/OEF Vets have lost caring about those we fought for . We arent here for you to believe or not nor do we care what you think . 
 Thank You for proving that correct 

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