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Seeking Ammo Ban

Lawdog Dago Dom

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14 minutes ago, Doc McCoy, SASS #8381 said:

I see my ______ AG is on it too.  No surprise to me.  

Vermont??  Things have certainly changed there in the last couple of decades. 

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There is so much wrong with the letter, but at least some context comes from:




"Since the late 2000s, the plant has been required to maintain the capability to manufacture 1.6 billion rifle rounds per year. As provided in its US Army contract, they have done so by selling rounds commercially. As of 2023, commercial sales have numbered in the hundreds of millions of rounds per year since 2011. This total often outstripped the plant's military production by 2-to-1 margins. The New York Times has found that ammunition produced at Lake City was used in at least a dozen mass shootings across the US.[9]"

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3 hours ago, Lawdog Dago Dom said:

The usual suspects. I was surprised to see the Arizona AG on the letter.


lake-city-multistate-letter.pdf (news2a.com)

Kris Mayes came waltzing in with the 2022 election along with Katie Hobbs. AZ is now deep purple and so close to blue. Mayes and Hobbs are stepchildren of Biden and side with every UNConstitutional issue he dreams up along with Mark Kelly who can't remember all the times in his life he has sworn to uphold the Constitution. The legislature has a slim Republican majority but Katie vetoes everything they send her. AZ used to be a great state, but way too many kalifornicators and damnyankees have drifted into here. There's also some high tech thing in Phoenix that draws the younger stupidos. 



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No chance the letter will have any impact.  It was written in response to a NY Times hit piece on the lake City ammo plant. The ability of Winchester to sell excess production is what keeps the plant operating a peak efficiently and is directly responsible for keeping the cost of the ammo the government buys very low.


There have been a lot of rumors on social media about the plant shutting down. All of them are outright lies. 



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42 minutes ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

Vermont??  Things have certainly changed there in the last couple of decades. 

Unfortunately and quick once started. But, thank goodness, we now have the first gay woman in Congress. That'll make everything better.:ph34r:

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"In the short term, we ask your Office to investigate the contracting and manufacturing practices that led to so many billions of military-grade rounds being sold into our communities, ..."


So, in other words, an infinitesimal amount of the ammo was used for criminal purposes????

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  • 3 weeks later...

When will they get it through their thick skulls that laws only will be followed by law abiding citizens? To bring up a race inspired shooting by a nut case is ignorant and race baiting in it's own right! These AG's need to be stopped!

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No surprise the lead AG was from my home State of Despair....SB

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5 hours ago, Chickasaw Bill SASS #70001 said:

WHEN , are we gonna get someone with enough guts to charge em with a civil rights violation ? 



I hear ya Bill. But I think it's more bucks than guts. Court is not cheap.

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18 hours ago, Chickasaw Bill SASS #70001 said:

WHEN , are we gonna get someone with enough guts to charge em with a civil rights violation ? 




12 hours ago, Lawdog Dago Dom said:

I hear ya Bill. But I think it's more bucks than guts. Court is not cheap.

We first must regain control of the election process to insure that only real votes cast by legally registered, legal citizens are counted!


Then we must get our lazy asses out and vote! WAAAY too many pro gun people either aren’t registered or just don’t go to the polls!!  I, for one, HAVE NEVER MISSED THE OPPORTUNITY TO VOTE!!!  I’ve driven several hours in order to cast my ballot when I had moved to another state and the time limit to register at my new location had passed!


When we elect candidates that are loyal to the Constitution and are adamant about upholding it, we then can get people appointed to those positions that are willing to stand up and prosecute those who are determined to illegally deprive us of those Constitutionally guaranteed rights!!



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3 hours ago, Blackwater 53393 said:

When we elect candidates that are loyal to the Constitution and are adamant about upholding it, we then can get people appointed to those positions that are willing to stand up and prosecute those who are determined to illegally deprive us of those Constitutionally guaranteed rights!!


The REAL Constitution. I recently had a police officer saying that the Constitution allows you to have guns, just not too many. I brought up the 2nd amendment and he referred to that as the old interpretations, not the "modern" ones!!!

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5 hours ago, Itchy Trigger said:


The REAL Constitution. I recently had a police officer saying that the Constitution allows you to have guns, just not too many. I brought up the 2nd amendment and he referred to that as the old interpretations, not the "modern" ones!!!

Someone needs to tell that officer to read the Constitution and then study the rulings of the Supreme Court for the last twenty years or so!!


”MODERN”!! <_<



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