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Magnetic charging cable. Apparently - and this is just a guess based on the picture - you can charge at least three different things using this cable, and the ends attached magnetically to the cable. So - Android phones and Apple phones and something that takes USB?




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I have lights with magnetic cables. Pretty neat. 


On 9/27/2023 at 9:56 PM, Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 said:

EU is requiring USB-C charging for everything in 2024.

Where do they think old cables go? Landfills! That’s where. Nice move EU! Your people aren’t smart enough to buy the right cables so you muck up the planet! Smooth move, Ex-Lax….



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Already flat.  Kinda dumb though, make a new cable to replace yer old cable that replaced the prior cable.  Old cables still go to the land fill.  Still need a cable for each device.  New devices are already shipping with USB-C.  So we already have cables for our old devices, new device comes with USB-C.  So the flash NEW cable solves a problem that doesn’t exist.

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Never looked for 'em, but every time I fire up my computer there are pop-up screens for Temu.  Annoying as hell; can't figure out how to stop it.  And no, I have never ordered anything from 'em, and not likely to.  <_<

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1 hour ago, Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967 said:

And no, I have never ordered anything from 'em, and not likely to.

Their stuff is so cheap that I just can't help thinking it's cheap.

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On 9/28/2023 at 6:27 PM, Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967 said:



Never looked for 'em, but every time I fire up my computer there are pop-up screens for Temu.  Annoying as hell; can't figure out how to stop it.  And no, I have never ordered anything from 'em, and not likely to.  <_<

I bought a couple of wallets from them.  Getting on one of their mailing lists is as close to immortality I will ever get.

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I have an iPhone 13 Pro Max with both magnetic and standard wall charging units.

Heat is the enemy of electronics.
Sad to say, the magnetic induction charging system induces the most heat in the phone.

The standard Apple wall/usb charger is next.

The lowly USB port in your computer produces the slowest charge and least amount of heat in the phone.
I never charge above 80%, nor drop lower than 20%.
This ensures a much longer battery life.


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