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Bullseye shooting


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If you were shooting bullseye, with a fixed sight gun, and you were close enough to the target that you could see the bullet holes -


Would you continue to hold on the bullseye, regardless of where the holes were, so that you were making a nice tight group? Or


Would you start applying some Kentucky windage to attempt to move the bullet strikes to the bullseye?

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Actually I was wondering how you would instinctively react.


Many many years ago - 40 or more - I was in a range and this guy had a 38 M&P and he was all over the target. So he asked another guy at the range - a well-known (in our area) bullseye shooter - to try the gun. This way we would find out whether the gun couldn't shoot or whether the owner couldn't shoot.


I do not remember the results. As I said, it was 40 or more years ago. But the 38 M&P that was a prize at a bullseye match, in the hand ejector thread, got me to thinking of it.


I would have ignored where the bullet was hitting, and continue to aim at the bull. That's the way I was taught. You shoot it the same way every time, and later you mess with the sights or figure out what you need to do to move point of impact.


But my brother shot high power rifle. He would take two shots, then look through his spotting scope to see if they were in the bullseye. If they weren't he would adjust his hold to move the group. That was how he was taught.


So just a case of idle wonder.

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I'm a bullseye competitor. I would adjust my aim for a better score. After the match, I would either adjust the sights or dump the pistol.

I was taught to shoot for the highest score possible



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1 hour ago, Zeb Gray, #36839 said:

Am I shooting for high score or smallest group?


This is a must know, before I can properly answer the question.


If I am testing to see how well a firearm can shoot, I will continue to aim at the same spot on the target to find out how small a group the firearm is capable of shooting.

If I am shooting to hit a particular spot on the target, I will adjust my point of aim appropriately to put my shot where I want it.  (Or adjust the sights to put the POI to POA)


Sometimes you just have to ask a question before you can answer a question.



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Once upon a time I did a lot of indoor pistol bullseye shooting, and was pretty good if I do say so myself.


On a properly lit range I could see a 22 caliber hole at 50'.  If I was in a timed or rapid fire string and saw the first two shots grouping where they weren't supposed to, you bet I'd apply the Kentucky Windage to raise the score, and then figure out what went not-quite-right with that string. 


But I just re-read the original post and saw you defined it as a fixed sight gun.  That's a different situation.


First, I shoot for smallest group.  Find out where the gun is shooting.


Then I pull out a file, brass drift punch, or whatever tool is needed to get the gun shooting small groups at the same place the sights say the small groups should be hitting.


I can't fathom why someone would have a gun that didn't hit where it was pointed, except when you have to account for longer ranges.

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Trick question.  No "bullseye" shooter is going to use a fixed sight gun.


Now let's see how long it takes for someone to chime in "I do it all the time."

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Shoot for points. A cloverleaf shaped group low in the 7 ring ain't doing you any good in those circumstances.


If I'm checking out the gun for somebody or because it's new, then I shoot for group by aiming at the same spot.  In that case, I wanna know how accurate the gun is capable of shooting.  I can adjust POI to POA later if it's mine.


I treat load development the same way.  Don't care if the test rounds hit where I'm aiming.  I wanna see how it functions and groups.

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